Looking for Disney Blogs

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Vallie, Jul 25, 2008.

  1. hen87hels

    hen87hels New Member

    Hey who's on LJ on here?
  2. TraceyBrown

    TraceyBrown New Member

    I'd go crazy without my laptop.
    I'm bringing my 360 and my laptop and everything.
    My electronics are my life.
  3. angeljenn3

    angeljenn3 New Member

    Hey! My blog is http://jenn-at-disney.blogspot.com/ I haven't updated it in a week (eek!) but I promise I will soon! I get off work at 9pm tonight, so maybe I'll do it then. There's lots to read and it will give you a good idea of what to expect when you come to Disney!
  4. kate003

    kate003 New Member

    hey! I'm just starting the process (had my phone interview today!) and I've been keeping a blog since i applied in june so it's http://kate-at-disneyworld.blogspot.com/ . Just thought I'd throw it in the mix:)

    and jenn yours is super good, i read it all the time haha. and tracys. okay i read pretty much all of them...i'm way to excited to go!
  5. *tinkerbell*08/09

    *tinkerbell*08/09 New Member

    i'll bring my laptop with me too... couldn't live without it. i've just reformat it. i'll buy a router and skype once i arrive.. hope it would work on my laptop.

    Jenn i've just read your blog and i'm becoming more and more excited. cant wait to go!
  6. ~Disney_Princess~

    ~Disney_Princess~ New Member

    yeah getting an ethernet cable would probably get you a better internet connection than wireless i'm guessing
  7. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    I have now started my blog. You will find it below this comment. i decided to go with freewebs!!
  8. BriarRose

    BriarRose New Member

    Definitely buy an ethernet cable!! I didn't have one because I thought it was just wireless, and its not! So I had to go buy one. It's really useful to get a longer one for a few more dollars, mine is only 2 metres and I cant go anywhere except the computer desk lol.
  9. *tinkerbell*08/09

    *tinkerbell*08/09 New Member

    But isn't it better to buy a wireless router than a cable??
  10. TinkTingeling

    TinkTingeling New Member

    It sure is easier, but if you do that you'll have to put a password on it. If not there'll be tons of people using your network and it'll be painfully slow to use...
  11. *tinkerbell*08/09

    *tinkerbell*08/09 New Member

    I dont really now how it works, but I thought it would be better to buy a router because if everyone wants to go online at the same time we'll have to wait most of the time and so we can go online whenever we want to!?
  12. angeljenn3

    angeljenn3 New Member

    Hey Everyone!

    Right now I'm living in an 8 person apartment. The router that comes with every apartment has room for 4 ethernet cables to plug into it. In the *almost* month that I've been here we've never had 5 of us want to use the internet at the same time, but I guess it's a possibility.

    Some people get ridiculously long cables and run them into their bedroom, the only problem with this is that your roomies can't really tell when you're on the computer, so they may accidentally unplug you! Personally, I'm fine with just using the internet at the table in our living room. It's more social and I can talk to my roommates while surfing the net or chatting on msn. If you plan to do any webcam or live chats this might not be the best for you.... but like I said, Walmart sells gigantic cables if you don't want to get a wireless router.
  13. *tinkerbell*08/09

    *tinkerbell*08/09 New Member

    Oh, ok!
    yeah, i guess that it's better to wait and see what happens and if i reeeeally need one, i could buy it.
    In an 8 Ap? Oh, that's a lot of people... do u really know them all, lol ?!
  14. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Do pay for the internet connection from the line? And is it a really big apartment?
  15. angeljenn3

    angeljenn3 New Member

    How much you get to know your roommates is based more on you and your roomies than the number of people. Some people do dinners together, some people go out together, and some just live together. My roomies and I will chat when we're all in the living room and I believe we're going out together tonight. The two Norwegians are teaching me a bit of Norsk each day! So all in all I'd say we're pretty close, but not best friends... sort of the perfect mix!

    The apartment itself is pretty big. There's a huge table in the living room, 4 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms (one is just a toilet/sink). Different apartments have different setups but they are all really nice and there shouldn't be any problems with space. We actually have 2 full fridges so there isn't a problem there either!
  16. TinkTingeling

    TinkTingeling New Member

    You don't pay for internet, it's included ;)
  17. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Oh well, that's good. That does sound like a big apartment. I think it must be great to share an apartment with so many people but then again does it get too crowded sometimes within the apartment?
  18. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    I think our apartment were all in on the same night once during our year there...and there was only 4 of us! I know you have to pay more for a two bed apartment...but it was so nice to have a bathroom to ourselves.
  19. *tinkerbell*08/09

    *tinkerbell*08/09 New Member

    I would like to live in an 2 bed ap, but it's not up to us... disney will put us wherever they want to, right?!
  20. hen87hels

    hen87hels New Member

    I just finished uni, and the smallest house/flat I lived in had 7 people and 2 bathrooms, and the biggest had 10 people and 2 bathrooms. It was never a huge issue to have to share bathrooms (even when most of my housemates were smelly boys! ;) ;D) As long as people treat each other with respect (do their share of cleaning etc., don't spend too long in the bathroom, wash up their dishes!) communal living is actually really fun and a fantastic way of making friends!

    In flats where you are just chucked with people you don't know (I had this in first (freshers) year of uni when I was in the 10 person flat, and none of us knew each other when we moved in) its often better to have more people because you are pretty much guaranteed to click with at least one person, and usually all the collective personalities make it so fun!

    Personally I will be asking to be put in a 8 person flat if I get in, because of the experience not the price!

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