LOL@I want 2! It's very easy to get there once you are starting the job with Disney! Cruise Line is sooo cheap! Julia
haha Gary well thats cool u can fly!!! bt im sure me and lizzie could make the flight interesting xxx
that plane is amazing!! i want to go on it i agree with you kelly they should fly all disney cast members out on that plane,get us in the mood!! ;D
me neither,im not going ot be on one of those plane....well actually it looks least its not in pieces!
That plane still have that there? Wow, it crash there a while ago somewhere along the Florida coast lol Gary
i have an idea...lets NOT show planes crashing into water...or anyting for that matter..sheesh....what are u trying to do to us!
LOL I have to agree with you on that one. I can't see how those people can go on that beach when that plane is still there. I mean if I was a tourist there, I probably would be nervous looking at something like that on a beach. Gary
From what I've heard, nothing special inside the plane. Although I haven't seen any pictures of the inside, I'm currently trying to find one lol But if it was me, I would make all the inside look Disney too Gary Btw everyone, found another pic which is in the daytime lol