london interviews march 21st

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by xxlora_182xx, Feb 22, 2007.

  1. hayleylovesorlando

    hayleylovesorlando New Member

    Hey guys,

    Just reading all your posts about how ridiculous the whole UCAS system is-I couldn't agree with you more, we are stopped from doing the degrees/jobs we truly want on the basis of grades-its insane! And the idea that at 17/18 we should know exactly what we want to do with our lives-does anybody else think that is mad?
    I applied to do English this year at university-I really wanted to go to cambridge...I had an interview, and was 'pooled' because of limited spaces-but i was rejected January-heartbroken. The only other uni I have an offer from is Nottingham but I don't really want to go there and now Im not even sure about doing an Englsih degree so hence, here I am, concentrating on Disney!!
    It will be so great to meet you all on the 20th/21st....truly cannot wait!
  2. bambi_mad

    bambi_mad New Member

    hey!! welcome to our group. glad you agree with the whole uni/ucas stuff, its good to know other people agree with you. although i can see why they do it, the selectors would have a nightmare going through it all, bless them (i can imagine a lil white haired man with bottle thick glasses locked in a room with transcripts all round him sat on a lil wooden stool and his feet not touching the floor----otherwise i'd probably be there kneecapping the lil pain!! lol)

    don't forget to vote for the meal the night b4 if you are around, it will be awesome to meet everyone before the day as people tend to get a lil worked up on the day. ;)
  3. hayleylovesorlando

    hayleylovesorlando New Member

  4. Emi

    Emi New Member

    I just read those reviews too...maybe it's gone downhill since I was there? I certainly don't want to be going somewhere thats going to ruin our night... :(

    I'm so sorry darlin. It does seem like a really weird way of doing things. You know what they say though 'When fate deals you a hand...' I know it might seem a little bit trite just now but maybe it just means better things are round the corner? :)
  5. bambi_mad

    bambi_mad New Member

    i'm a fairly look on the bright side of life person so i am bummed but it means i get to do disney for the year without having to worry about applying for a deferal!! I'm gonna have one more shot at med school for 2008 and then i'll do something with my degree if i don't get it then. i just wish my family were a lil bit more supportive.

    Anyway roll on disney!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D
  6. Rose

    Rose New Member

    Those Rainforest Cafe reviews aren't great are they? ??? And £11.50 for a SALAD?!?
    I haven't voted yet, I'm going to do it tonight though :)

    Aww no bambi mad, that really sucks, and what an odd system. Surely if you pass all sections you should qualify for an interview? Anyway just forget about it for a little while and concentrate on Disney. I'm sure you'll get it next time, now you know what to expect. Chin up!

    So hayley are you going to reapply for next year too? Maybe give Cambridge another shot? 8)
  7. Rose

    Rose New Member

    Laura I have added you on myspace :)
  8. hayleylovesorlando

    hayleylovesorlando New Member

    Yes I think I might reapply to Cambridge in 2008 as it is my dream to study there and i was so close to getting a place-so they said in my feedback letter-but its just the fear of failing to get in again that detrs me. All of my teachers think I should got to uni this year and that Disney is a waste of time-I totally disagree! I think Disney will be a brilliant experience!!! Stupid teachers-why do they think uni is the be all and end all of your life!! Arhh
    Hey guess what guys? I PASSED MY DRIVING TEST TODAY!!!
    I had a look at the poll-rainforest cafe is winning.....are we decided yet?
    Hayley xx
  9. Emi

    Emi New Member

    Ooooh honey congrats on passing your driving test! Thats awesome! :D
  10. Rose

    Rose New Member

    You should definitely reapply, its only 1 year, and it'll be so worth it if you get in.

    Where do you have offers from? The only problem with reapplying to Cambridge is you'd be in Florida when you need to go for interview. If you could get time off then great, go for it! I'm not *too* sure what the Disney procedure would be, but I'm sure its possible. :)

    Well done on your driving test!! I passed mine just before christmas - such a great feeling! I don't have a car though so I'm a bit worried about losing my driving skills. Haven't driven for months!

    Has everyone voted now on the poll? :)
  11. hayleylovesorlando

    hayleylovesorlando New Member

    Yes I was thinking about reapplying to Cambridge, and you are right about the interview problem-I thought I might write to them about it explaining, or as you say I could try and get time off at Disney-but a return flight would cost quite a lot I'd imagine-for an interview at Cambridge, plus, if I was rejected again, what a waste!!
    I dont know-its all a bit overwhelming,deciding where to study etc-big decisions...but I have to be honest with myself, my dream IS to go to Cambridge (after Disney!), and I think I should try and go for it!
    Dont worry about losing your driving skills..I don't plan to get a car any time soon-I don't think I could afford it, plus Disney is my priority at the moment...I need to save up money if I do get a place as it will be nice to have money to go out for dinner occasionally, or to one of Florida's lovely beaches!!
    I think everyone has voted on the poll, although I dont think anyone has decided where we're going on the 20th!
  12. Rose

    Rose New Member

    Cambridge might agree to do a phone interview with you! It'd be much easier than having to fly back and forth. :)

    So are you definitely not going to go to uni this year? I'm STILL waiting for LSE to get back to me, its so annoying having to wait all this time after applying in September! :( I don't know what I'd do if I got an offer to go there though. ???
  13. xxlora_182xx

    xxlora_182xx New Member

    aint been on here for a few daays,
    has all been decided where were going then...
    im coming alone now for sure soo i dont have that problem anymoree
    so what time and where are we going to go with polll results im going to be getting to the novotel early afternoon if anyone fancies maybe doing something then ??
  14. Rose

    Rose New Member

    Hard Rock and Rainforest are neck-and-neck on the poll at the mo, so I guess that means we've not got a final decision on the restaurant yet!

    What time will you be getting to the hotel Laura? :)
  15. xxlora_182xx

    xxlora_182xx New Member

    sounds good someones going to have to have the final say!
    im getting the train which arrives at waterloo at 2ish then im going to have to get a tube from there to hammersmith so prob at the hotel around 3 half 3 ish
  16. Rose

    Rose New Member

    Shall we leave the poll till tomorrow and see what everyone wants to do?

    I'll be at the hotel at about 4pm but I might have to pop out and have a quick look at some university accommodation, I don't go to London that often so I want to have a quick look whilst I'm there. Shouldn't take too long though. Emi will be there about 3.30pm too.

    Are we meeting at the restaurant or the hotel, then going to the restaurant together? :)
  17. xxlora_182xx

    xxlora_182xx New Member

    thats cool.. im sure i can always find some tv to watch till we meet up!..
    or some shopping!
    yeaah we shud meet in the hotel
    or il get lost in london alone!
    im not very wired up with the whole tube thing
  18. Emi

    Emi New Member

    Don't worry darlin its so easy to get about on the tube. :D But yeah its probably a good idea to swap mobile numbers just before we all go down then meet in the hotel. :)

    Or we could just forget about the mobile numbers thing and go with my original suggestion which was to just recognise each other by wearing massive sombreros. ;)
  19. Rose

    Rose New Member

    Yeah I'm ok on the tube, its fairly easy to do once you get used to it. I prefer to be with someone else though, just incase!

    So I presume some will want to meet at the hotel, and some at the restaurant? Or are all of us staying at the Novotel?

    I LOVE the sombreros idea Emi!!!! That would be amazing!!! It would definitely mean we wouldn't miss each other, although the hotel people might think we were a bit crazy!!
  20. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    Hey everyone ive bookesd myslef into the Novotel on the 20th-woo hoo.

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