london interviews march 21st

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by xxlora_182xx, Feb 22, 2007.

  1. Emi

    Emi New Member

    Yep you can get the Piccadilly line practically right there. Its underground if I remember correctly.

    Just wonder if it might be an idea to book it...? I dunno how busy it will be.

    Edit: LOL When I said it was underground I meant the Rainforest Cafe....not the underground cuz thats pretty self explanatory eh? :D
  2. Rose

    Rose New Member

    Its going to be a tuesday night, so I'm not sure how busy it will be! How many of us are going? i'm excited! ;D

    Whereabouts are you flying from and to? What time of day will you be arriving in london? I'll be getting there about 3.30pm.
  3. Emi

    Emi New Member

    I'm flying from Edinburgh. Bit of a trek but all worth it.

    And I'm going into Heathrow - will be there at about half two barring any delays. 8)
  4. Rose

    Rose New Member

    Ah cool I'm getting the train down to euston on the 20th and then will be flying home on the 21st from stansted. How many people do disney take each year? I really hope there's more than just a couple of places.
  5. Emi

    Emi New Member

    I'm not sure there's really a set number - not one we know about anyway.

    I think a lot of it might depend on how flexible you are with your dates and how long you can hold out for a place. :D
  6. stuarthulluk

    stuarthulluk New Member

    hello, im new ere, but hello people

    im going to this interview aswell peps, im really excited
  7. Clairey2302

    Clairey2302 New Member

    Hey guys if uve not booked ur hotel yet then go on to and search for hotels in London - when the search results come up choose the area (hammersmith obv) and the only one they have is the Novotel. I got it for one night B&B for £75. Its a great location aswell - straight across from the hammermith tube stn and also the disney offices.

    Claire x
  8. Emi

    Emi New Member

    You're an absolute star! Thanks so much for that. :D

    Thats my flight booked and my hotel booked. Eeeks. :D

    Edit: Hmm I think I might have got the last room from at the Novotel. When I went back to search again its not coming up with any hotels in Hammersmith now... :-\
  9. Clairey2302

    Clairey2302 New Member

    Lol! No problem - its a fab website, we got a great deal last year for a hotel in Florida too. Just thought I might as well share it!!

    Claire x
  10. Rose

    Rose New Member

    So it looks like I'll be all alone at the Holiday Inn then!!! I'm going to have to come over to the Novotel to visit!
  11. Emi

    Emi New Member

    Did you look and make sure that you couldn't get a room?

    Lora might still be able to fix you up with the discount darlin. :) Doncha worry. :)
  12. bambi_mad

    bambi_mad New Member

    If you guys decide to do dinner the night before give me a shout as I will travel in to meet you all. (Any excuse to get out of uni is a blessing)
    I can't wait until the interviews i'm really excited!!

    Anyway i've got uni work to do so I should get back to it.

    A xx
  13. Emi

    Emi New Member

    ^ You sound like me babe. I've done 10000 words of my dissertation - only 4000 to go! :D

    But we'll definately meet up the night before. I'll let you know. :)
  14. xxlora_182xx

    xxlora_182xx New Member

    hey everyone sorry iv been unable to be online for a few days
    instead of replying individualy il just tell u on her basically what u do is go on to
    an type in the search london hammersmith.
    the first hotel that comes up is a *secret hotel*....known to me is indeed the novotel.
    and on this website u can get a double room for just 79quid or a single for 72..
    an compared with the novotel 150quid prices they wana charge u its brilliant
    i booked mine as soon as i got the email..
    if u have anymore questions just message me
    sorry it was a delay
    and i cant wait to meet u all there!
  15. xxlora_182xx

    xxlora_182xx New Member

    also we need to get plaanning are meeting up..
    a meal out sound good??
    if theres alot of us going we may have to book it.
    any ideas for a place to go??
  16. bambi_mad

    bambi_mad New Member

    There are plenty of places to go, i think someone mentioned the rainforest cafe, there is TGI's, Hard Rock Cafe, there are plenty of places to go but most of those are in central london so it means a bit of travelling. At least its not a weekend because we should be able to book a table pretty much anywhere.

    A x
  17. Emi

    Emi New Member

    I spoke to one of our sales guys down in London and he reckons if we want Rainforest Cafe and there's more than 6 of us we should definately book it. But there are other options too! :) I'd quite like to go somewhere 'American' to get me in the mood though. :D

    Getting into Central London shouldn't be too big a deal. Assuming we're all staying within the Hammersmith area we can get the Piccadilly line straight to the center of town. :)
  18. Mckooy

    Mckooy New Member

    congrats to all for getting this far. Ive been reading this website and forum for a few years now without saying a word. Now ive got to the interviews thought id say hi!

  19. xxlora_182xx

    xxlora_182xx New Member

    well im not to bothered we neeed to start gettin numbers so we can decide whether we need to book.. woo im so excited now!
    what time u all getting in to london in the day??
  20. Emi

    Emi New Member

    Welcome McKooy! :D

    I'm arriving in Heathrow at half two. When are you getting in?

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