London Interviews, 19th March

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by maxitaxi, Feb 12, 2007.

  1. Emi

    Emi New Member

    Elliot was that for the cult rep program that they mentioned Hammersmith?
  2. Elliot_Stone

    Elliot_Stone New Member

    Yeah it's for Hammersmith for the year long Cultural Reprentative Program, I've read in quite a few posts that they do hold interviews in the other three areas of the UK. I'm not sure whether I should e-mail yummy or not to find out, I don't want to appear above myself even before I've been told I have a f2f its just so I can can book time off work and book flights in time, plus my parents don't want me traveling alone, and my sis goes to London quite alot so she says she'll go if she can get the time off. I could use a stroke of luck right about now, lol :-\
  3. EmzEms

    EmzEms New Member

    I think they are only doing interviews in Hammersmith this time around because the majority of places were filled from the interviews around the UK in November. So they are only interviewing in Hammersmith to fill up the rest?

    I don't think there is interviews in Belfast this time around as there is no notice of them on my Uni noticeboard this time around.
  4. Elliot_Stone

    Elliot_Stone New Member

    Thanks Emzemz, I'll just make a day of it with my sis. I plan on booking my flights sometime this week cause they seem to be cheaper, so whether or not I get an interview I'm going to London, either way I'm hoping to catch Avenue Q on the Westend if i can get tickets, lol (Its a good excuse to go see it).
  5. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    any one else interviewing on the 19th?
  6. cheungy

    cheungy New Member


    I ve got an intervew on 19th, well excited is there any travellin from birmingham? :)
  7. little suze

    little suze New Member

    Im new to the site and have an interview on the 19th to, are there many of you actually comming from London?
  8. *Tink*

    *Tink* New Member

    I'm a newbie on here....I have too many questions to ask and as my dad has stopped me watching a Disney film a day (all in the name of background research of course) I felt it was time to look elsewhere for help lol.
    Was going to ask about the interview on the 19th as that is when I have mine, so thanks for doing it for me lol ;).
    Clairey2302 : Thanks for your ealier post, at least I'll be a bit more prepared now that i know what sort of thing they will be asking.
    Just wondering if there is anything else I should know before going to the interview. Is background knowledge of Disney needed????
    Oh and I'm coming from Essex, its practically London!!!!!!
    Thanks loads, I am soooooo excited, see you on the 19th woooohooo
    Abbie x x x x
  9. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    You don't really need any disney knowledge, although there is a little disney trivia quiz at the start and you can win a small prize ;D
  10. cheungy

    cheungy New Member

    is there any1 stayin in a hotel sun and if so does any1 recommend anywhere?
  11. little suze

    little suze New Member

    I had a look at some hotels and i think i liked the Premier West Hotel the best, its about £70 - 80 a night for a single room and not that far away from the interview. I think i am going to get the tube up early that morning though. what is everyone else doing?
  12. simmyd23

    simmyd23 New Member

    Hey everyone!
    So I am goin to the interviews on 19th as well.
    I'm booked in to the novotel for the night before (sunday).
    I'm travelling from aberdeen so my flight arrives at about lunch time on sunday.
    Anyone else staying the night before?

    Oh and forgot to mention I'm well scared about interview!
  13. cheungy

    cheungy New Member

    i ve just a booked holiday inn express for sun. should be gettin the train up birmingham.
  14. gasmark7

    gasmark7 New Member staying at the Novotel on the Sunday as well!
    I'm travelling from Glasgow and get in about 3ish on the sunday, probably just gonna relax the day before make sure i know where the place is then get an early night sad as it sounds!
    I'm pretty nervous about mine too, just hoping i dont get too nervous and quiet during the interview and they dont see the 'real' me ;D

  15. simmyd23

    simmyd23 New Member

  16. nic

    nic New Member

    hi every1
    is it just me or is it going sooo slow up 2 our interview?? its all i can think about never mind uni! did any1 else get the email bout goin on the 27th may till 7 sep? i did and i said yer id go then cos finish uni on the 24th may! bin practicing 4 ma interview so nervous tho!
    nic xxxx
  17. keithy

    keithy New Member

    is the interviews on 19th for the 6th month programme?
  18. little suze

    little suze New Member

    I can't tell you about everyone else but mine is just for 3 months
  19. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    The interviews are for the 3 month program!

    7 days to go!!
  20. little suze

    little suze New Member

    Gosh don't remind me, every time i think about it i feel this wave of sheer panic hit!!!

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