LETS GOO da na na na!!!

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by BeautifulBelle, Feb 23, 2009.

  1. guig_07

    guig_07 New Member

    im not too sure when you can send them in ???
    lol, this is crazy, i turn 18 in march aswell, the 20th! whens yours??
    yeah, i cant wait:D
  2. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

    woah! the 22nd! damnit you're 2 days older than me! :p
  3. guig_07

    guig_07 New Member

    haha, i thought i was goin to be the young one ther!! :p
  4. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

    darnnn it!
    there's another couple of people our age applying this year, megan and anthony :)

    paulllll if we both get out there, let's jam and eat pasta every day. hahahahah
    ooh you're scottish arn't you? LOVE scottish accent, especially scottish young people with a bit of attitude when they speak. seen it in films. baree sexy lmao. i like it when they say yous!
  5. guig_07

    guig_07 New Member

    auch well, thats good then:D

    lol, sounds like a plan :)
    haha, yeah everyone apart from scots say they like the accent :D
    yous hahaha, is tht a favourite lol :p
  6. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

    i love auch too, if that's how you spell that funny sound!
    yeah i love yous, i might start using it in grotty london. see how that catches on! (landaaaan town babeey!!)
  7. guig_07

    guig_07 New Member

    haha, tht funny sound :p

    lol, yeah you should, see how everyones takes to my lingo :)

    auch well, Glesga runs the show:) lol

    u got bebo???
  8. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

  9. guig_07

    guig_07 New Member

    orite no worries:p
    ive only got bebo :)
  10. arron87

    arron87 New Member

    My favourite scottish word is something like greeps or something??

    Basically its offensive but a friend i knew used to call guests it last year, but because they had no idea what it was he got away with it every time and he'd just laugh to himself, do you use this phantom word as well? haha.
  11. guig_07

    guig_07 New Member

    orite arron, how you doing??

    i havn't heard of that one, but i will ask my mates 2moro and find out what it means. where was he from??
  12. robbo454

    robbo454 New Member

    Name-Adam Robinson :)
    Are You Legal? Yes 23yrs old although still get ided for lottery tickets as I look about 12 lol ;D
    Where Do You Live?-Riccall in York
    Where do you want to work?-Food and Beverage hopefully
    Arrival Date-Hopefully September 2009
    Which Complex-either really not fussed
    How many roomates?-3 to 4 sounds like a good number
    Do you like to party/-yeah baby!!!
    Fav Food and can you cook?-Prob a boring answer but u cant beat a good curry, plus am getting there with my cooking thanks to Jamies Ministry of Food
    What three words would your frends use to describe you?-Funny,Friendly,Quirky :eek:
    What kind of Music?films do you like?-love music and enjoy all kinds really from Bruce Springsteen to Death Cab For Cutie, also going to Glastonbury Festival for the 1st time this June so well excited :D
    Of course any Disney film is good, also like any comic book type film(am not a geek really)
    Do you Smoke?-no
    Morning or Night Person?-Night person, I dont do mornings lol
    Socially Drink/alcholic-bordering inbetween just depends :p
    What do you do for fun?-Love going to music gigs with my mates, cinema, bowling, reading etc...
    Fav Quote?-"Its not the man in the fight, its the fight in the man that counts"
    What are you excited about doing if you get in CRP?-going to all the Disney Theme Parks and meeting new friends!!!!!!!!!
    Name a quality about yourself?- Am a good listener and always willing to help someone in need
    Name a bad Quality?-Can come across quite shy at first until you get to know me
    Your Uni-Leeds Met
    Your Major-Social Sciences
    Are You Messy/Tidy?-fairly tidy
    Anything Else? Once when I was in Yr 10 of secondary school I somehow managed to swallow a 2pence and ended up in A+E because of it was very embarassing lol-also am a huge disney fan and working over in Florida for a year would be mint!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. arron87

    arron87 New Member

    From aberdeen, there was a bunch of people from there! Ill try and find out the word cos now i want to know haha
  14. goldstone91

    goldstone91 New Member

    Bloody hell! I am 12th of June...so I'm the baby! But I'm 6 foot 4, so I'm probably the tallest.
  15. ToddyBee

    ToddyBee New Member

    1. Your name: Todd
    2. Are you legal (over 21)?: Yes I'll be 22!
    3. Male or female?: Male
    4. Where do you live?: Manchester/Cheshire
    5. What role will you have at Disney?: F&B probably but wouldn't mind merch either
    6. What are your arrival/departure dates/program: september
    7. Which apartment complex would you prefer to live at? (i.e. Vista, Chatham, Patterson) I've lived at chatham which was really nice, Patterson is new and also very nice, vista is a bit of a dive but party central so i really dont mind where i end up!!!
    8. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: would like me and 3 others like last time!
    9. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?: Yes deffo like a good party,hopefully ill be able to host a few Lads nights!
    10. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: i can cook alright, love fajitas...or a good old roast!
    11. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: honest, hilarious, fun
    12. What kind of music/movies do you like?: anything u can dance and sing along to music wise and movies love the comedys and fantasies!
    13. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: do not smoke...yuk
    14. Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic): social drinker...usually just a binge drinker tbh
    15. Are you a night person or a morning person?: night person, i hate mornings
    16. What do you do for fun?: anything goes with me guys and gals
    17. What is your favorite quote?: FUCK YOU! Cool Beans!
    18. What are you most excited about in being in the CRP?: being in america for a whole year and experiencing new years, xmas, halloween and everything disney has to offer and being able to explore Florida more and the USA itself!
    19. Favorite things to do when not working: Playing HARD
    20. Name one good quality about yourself: Honest
    21. Name one bad quality about yourself: Selfish
    22: Your college: Salford University
    23: Your major: BA Media and Performance
    24. Are you messy/tidy?: half and half!
    25. Anything else you want to state: I get on with usually anybody and everybody, i find it hard though to talk to people if there is a language barrier there, love to party and dance the night away, i like to think im fairl fair and honest with people and if i could id wanna live in disney for the rest of my life in cinderellas castle....aaahhh
  16. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

    Nah, i'm 6'5"...

    Kidding, just 5'7" which I guess is pretty tall-ish for a girl!
  17. guig_07

    guig_07 New Member

    auch, im just 6'2".

    i canny wait now that everyone else has found out if ther gettin f2f interviews:p
  18. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

    Yeah I know it's so exciting! Wish I could just open my email and see an acceptance email from yummy, wow lol :D
  19. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

    aww anthony babes i just read your fridoids blog for fridays website about halloween! "*perfection*" LOOL!
  20. goldstone91

    goldstone91 New Member

    Ahhh, don't go there. Grrrr. I HAD to write it, it was not out of choice. How do you know about that website anyway? U really do like TGI Friday's don't ya. Well, I'll get you a job in one, that'll learn ya. Muahaha

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