Leaving July 15th, J1 Academic Program

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by Lonja, Mar 12, 2007.

  1. Nina

    Nina New Member

    Yea me too ;D
    She didn't say when we would be getting it though!
    Maybe Kristen just meant the tuition fees were payable on arrival as opposed to before we left and not on the day we arrive, I duno!!
  2. Lonja

    Lonja New Member

    They told me i would get the package like 2 month before i leave.....but i remember when i did the cult rep it took ages...!!!
  3. Nina

    Nina New Member

    Damn I want it now!
    So are you waiting to get it before you book your flights and everything?
  4. Lonja

    Lonja New Member

    well, they told me i should book my flight when i have my visa...but that is only like 2 weeks before we leave and the prices would be really high!
    and found a flight but the problem is that i arrive 2 days early...do know if that is possible with our visas? i could stay at a friends place, so that wouldnt be the problem!
    are you booking your flights already?
  5. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    I'm gonna book my flights at the end of April probably, trhough Kristen said they worked with STA to get us discounts. In a few weeks I might have to ask about that if we haven't heard anything already. There's no way I'm leaving it until June to June to book the flights.

    Did you get the call Mark?
  6. Nina

    Nina New Member

    Yea flights would be really expensive if we had to wait until we had the visa!
    I dont know about coming in early most visas allow you to come in a few days early don't they?
  7. Lonja

    Lonja New Member

    well, im actually thinking ogf booking a flight today...cause its getting more expensive every day....its 432€ one way and i would arrive 2 days early...what do you think, should i book??
  8. Nina

    Nina New Member

    Sounds good the cheapest Ive seen is 600e one way!!
  9. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    Cheapest I've seen is £465 (probably without tax) but I've only been lookng half assed.
  10. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Think im guna book mine when the next loan installment comes through!!
  11. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    ^Good idea, although I was gonna pay off my credit card.
  12. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    I think US airways will be the best bet again..I found one for £485 with them, including taxes..its who i went with last time as well..and they were really good..You got 3 meals and as many drinks as you wanted..

    Look on travel supermarket..You've gotta be careful though, because you've gotta remember to get a scheduled flight because of your visa..
  13. Lonja

    Lonja New Member

    What do you mean by scheduald flight??
  14. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Basically it can't be a commercial flight..you know like you'd fly to america maybes with thomson or something, you can't do that..because of your visa..

    I know virgin do them, so do delta..but us airways are the best i would say..

    There will be others but there the only one's i know of..
  15. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    I found a flight on STA for £362, but on the way home there is a 12 hour wait to change in Philadelphia. :-\
  16. Lonja

    Lonja New Member

    what?? ive never heard of that! are you sure?? cause they didnt tell us anything!
  17. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Yeah, am sure you have to get a scheduled flight because of your visa...or you'd just be able to book a cheap flight the day before i guess..

    I could be wrong tho..You best ask the recruitment people though..because im not 100% but im sure this is what they told us last time..

    I found one, one way to florida, on STA for £356, Virgin, from manchester..Thats the best i've found so far..
  18. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    Do STA allow for flexible return dates if you book a return? I've noticed that US Airways run the same return flight with them daily, so surely they wouldnt mind which you jumped on. Im not sure I like the idea of being stuck in Philadelphia for 12 hours, but it depends how far the airport is from the City, I could go exploring.
  19. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    I think they are flexible..but it usually costs no matter what the case is..
  20. Lonja

    Lonja New Member

    so i got an email from my recruiter and they told me we can arrive early if we stay at a hotel nd we have to look that our visa is already valid that day!
    so i guess ill book the early flight cause that way i can get on orlando time because ive heard that lifegurads start training first day after arrival!

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