Leaving July 15th, J1 Academic Program

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by Lonja, Mar 12, 2007.

  1. Elvira

    Elvira New Member

    You know what I have in my letter?
    "First, Certificate of Good Behaviour. Although......."
    What was that??? :(
  2. flashinghelmet

    flashinghelmet New Member

    yay we were right about the contact hours!! that silly boy scaring us into thinking we'd have a 10 hour day at uni!
  3. Elvira

    Elvira New Member

    OK, it's the same thing... Sorry, I can be such a break..I guess I'm too excited to come back!!! ::)
  4. mark

    mark Guest

    apologies :-[
  5. flashinghelmet

    flashinghelmet New Member

    hehe dont apologise. it was nice to find out we dont have a long day. its a relief.

    im just never gonna trust anything you say again :p ;)
  6. Nina

    Nina New Member

    Why haven't I got any of the mails?! Did every one else get one?
    It seems very random where did that part at the end come from I wonder :)
    Good news about the hours and no exams!

    'A University in America is actually comprised of many different colleges; such as the college of Hospitality aka Rosen College. Americans will often use college and university to mean the same thing!'
    Same here in Ireland :D!
  7. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    Yeah i got the email. maybe you have been kicked off. :p
  8. Elvira

    Elvira New Member

    I got the e-mail a week ago but I still didn't receive the Disney Package. Does anyone have it already?
  9. Nina

    Nina New Member

    It went into my quarantine thing so only got it today :D
  10. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    Just something I noticed...

    My criminal check says none recorded for the Record of convictions etc, but then says not requested for the others ie for children and vunerable adults. Soon as we are apparently 'childrens cast members' should'nt this have been requested too? Have I filled my form out wrong?
  11. Nickie Mouse

    Nickie Mouse New Member

    nah they all say the same they obv arnt that bothered if we are escaped convicts..........
  12. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Yeah, have you put down about restraining order u've got dylan? After being caught hanging around outside primary school playgrounds? :p
  13. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    Ew. I prefer much bigger, badder men.
  14. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Oh, were you waiting for one of the teachers then? haha.. ;D
  15. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    6 weeks to go, we are getting lost amongst all our new october friends. Cheer up July Bitches!
  16. Lonja

    Lonja New Member

    Yeah, lets kick their ass!! we are there first!! I cant wait to finally leave!! Did the people from yummy tell you in which apt complex we'll be living?
  17. Vickygirl01

    Vickygirl01 New Member

    Yey!!! finally, we can say, we leave next month!!! wow Cheers, can´t wait to be there ;)
  18. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    Nah we still don't know and no visa forms through yet either, might be another couple of weeks. 6 weeks today we'll be having our first night. Woot.xx
  19. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    You don't find out what complex your livin in until you get to the airport..
  20. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    Is it true that the London and Belfast Embassy's are full up until our departure date? I hope we get these forms soon. ???

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