Leaving July 15th, J1 Academic Program

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by Lonja, Mar 12, 2007.

  1. Nina

    Nina New Member

    Who nominated you to be the fucking spelling police around here?

    No email for me yet either :mad:
  2. Nina

    Nina New Member

    Got my background check back yesterday :D
    Thought it was going to take much longer!
  3. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Yeah, me 2! Alls i need now is my visa!
  4. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    I always forget to mention this:

    John, did you know there is a major road running thru orlando called John Young Parkway?
  5. flashinghelmet

    flashinghelmet New Member

    aaaah ive only just realised this is the graduate program. ive been ignoring all the J1 Academic Program threads cos i thought it was something else :S

    is that what it's called? the graduate program starting in october too?
  6. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    Yeah thats what it's called on all the forms we got with the welcome pack. It's because you go on a J1 visa.
  7. flashinghelmet

    flashinghelmet New Member

    Aah that makes more sense then.

    only 12 days till my interview. and my three exams all between now and then. lucky me.

    i shall be harassing you two days before, asking you to put my fears at ease about the interview. lucky you.
  8. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    :) The interview isn't that bad I wouldnt worry. My finals start tomorrow. I hate exams it really makes me want to die a little bit. :'( Then I'm ok. :D
  9. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Yeah, i didn't notice it when i went on holiday there..But i noticed on the coach on the way to chatham when i first got there when i went last summer! I always said i was guna steal one of the road signs while i was there! But im sure they wouldn't have let me off as easily as they do in England, even if i am a student! haha..

    Wierd that though, them even appreciating my greatness in america too! ;)
  10. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    You're a celebrity so you're my new best friend.
  11. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    I would be, but your going to be in disney a month before me..

    So i might actually have to hate you until i get out there as well :'(
  12. Elvira

    Elvira New Member

    I'm more worried about visa- coz interview is a VERY predictable thing - i can tell you every single question they're gonna ask. Talking about visa - last year i got it three days before my program start dates - that was crazy!!!
  13. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    I can tell you everything that happened in my visa interview..

    Where are you off to then?(It was already written on the form)
    Oh im sure you'll have fun there..
    Yeah, can't wait
    Ok well have a fun summer..

    All of which probably lasted around 20 seconds no more..
  14. louise

    louise New Member

    Yeah my visa interview was pretty much the same. It's kinda annoying waiting for hours just for that.
  15. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Yeah, i dont know anyone's that's lasted more than 30 seconds! haha..
  16. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    the people you know obviously arn't very good at sex then.
  17. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Hahaha..Sorry, i always say things then realise what i've said afterwards!

    I meant i've never known anyone's INTERVIEW to last more than 30 seconds!

    If i had expected anyone to notice that it would of been you! haha..
  18. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

  19. Nickie Mouse

    Nickie Mouse New Member

    woohoo new email from yummys! if u havnt got it or read it yet heres what it says.....


    I hope you are getting well and truly excited to go to Disney World in only 60 Days!!

    To get you more in the mood about what you are about to experience, I wanted to recap how the process will go from here! In about 4-5 weeks (Maybe sooner!) you will receive your visa approval notice from the University of Central Florida. Once you have this document, you will be able to make your appointment with the US embassy. Until this time, there are just a few tid-bits that you will need to make sure you have done before you leave for Sunny Florida. First, Criminal Back Ground Checks. Although these are not the most fun forms to fill out, Disney does require them for every worker. These are essential to start work at Disney, so if you haven’t had one done, please do so soon. Also, you can start looking at flights and medical insurance to find the best deals!

    As the main aspect of this unique program is actually studying at the University of Central Florida, here are some cool facts about the university:

    A University in America is actually comprised of many different colleges; such as the college of Hospitality aka Rosen College. Americans will often use college and university to mean the same thing!

    Classes on this program are taught Applied Learning Style, meaning instead of homework and exams (there are none!) you would be responsible for learning the materials and being able to recall them and apply them to real life scenarios!

    In America, university can run up to $3000 per class; tuition for this program has been specially priced for international students!

    A class in America will run numerous times per day, with the days starting as early as 7am and going as late until 10pm. This allows Americans to pick class times that best fit their schedules! (on this program your classes will have a selected timeframe for consistency when scheduling your work)

    The classes you are taking will only run for 2 hours a day for 8 weeks. This means, you will be at the university for 4 ½ hours one day a week (2 classes, one half hour break). You will have two classes per 8 week session!

    Some university Campuses are so big, that a shuttle is required to get around them! For you the transportation is provided to class!

    And Lastly, Every student will own at least one t-shirt representing their university (Most own a wardrobe full).

    I hope this answers any questions you may have! But if there are more, please do feel free to ask!

    Have a Great Day!

    Yummy Jobs has now joined the craze known as face book, if want you can add us and join the

    Work Abroad with Yummy Jobs group where you can chat with fellow program members and potential new members from the UK!
  20. louise

    louise New Member

    Thanks for posting the email. It has lots of useful info in it. I'm glad we will only have a half day at UCF each week. More time for fun.

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