I figured I'd like to do KidCot when they mentioned it at the interview cause I've spent the past 3 summers teaching arts & crafts at summer camps No child on this earth can beat some of the spawn that came through that camp! :
How come they never told us about kidcot before hand? The first i heard of it was in the presentation. I tried to get some info about it in my interview but Mark didn't day much! I said i'd really like to do it tho and he scribbled something down on his paper!! how cool is this!
Hey Gals and Guys!!!!!!!! I get to do KIDCOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!} I am so excited, I have even began to invent some fantastic stories, about Mexico. I bet the kids are going to love them!!! Well as Mexico has got attractions , we are considered in KIDCOT. The only pavillions where KIDCOT is part of attractions is Norway China, France , Canada and Mexico I am so lucky!!! I had me myself the idea that wouldn't have got to do it I bet I will have so much fun!! See ya Robb ;D
KidCot is fun...sometimes. Kids are SUPPOSED to be supervised by their parents all the time, but there were more parents who ditched their kids at the table and then went to watch the movie...so you got to be a babysitter sometimes. There was usually only one of you at the table because there was always someone in the shop with you. When there were enough cast members, then there would be two...or three...or sometimes in Canada we'd have soooo much plaid in one little space and there would be like four of us and we'd scare most of the kids off!!!! Shan
Robb are you mexican??? porque no cuentas leyendas mexicanas como la llorona y todo ese tipo de cosas en Kid Cot?? jajajaj son super locas e interesantes.. they are the best legends around.. and get some from the pueblitos !!! they ARE THE BEST !! i think kid cot is a new thing.. cuz i remember a few years ago it didnt exist.. that maybe why a few people have never noticed it before!!! last time i was there i got my mask (december 2004.. YEAH I DID ;D ;D) and it was greaaat!!!! i got every little item from each pavillion, and plus i got my name in arabic and a few phrases from each one... jajaja i had a blast finding the kidcot places... i think i was the only teenager looking for the kids stuff but it was soooo much fun