June 22nd'ers ICP - So, what's your role? ;D

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current ICP Participants' started by CrazyChris, Mar 19, 2008.

  1. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    There is no flights from heathrow to orlando! ???
  2. Kevus

    Kevus New Member

    i got my from manchester for about £460, im leaving a couple of weeks into september though, and im flying back from new york not orlando
  3. Hannah M

    Hannah M New Member

    You can fly frm Heathrow as it stops over sumwhere like NY or Houston, which makes it a bit cheaper neway
  4. madridpolis

    madridpolis New Member

    Hi! I'm in too! I will be in operations I hope to meet all of u there! Someone else going there from paris?
  5. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Ooh ok! I was looking for direct flights, so I understand now!
  6. I booked mine from Manchester as well a direct VA flght on the 22nd June. I think it cost around £580 for a round trip. A lot of money but not too bad for a direct and a return ticket. It isn't flexible but at this point I'm not too bothered about that as I currently have only enough money to get me over there and that is with my parents help in the form of a loan :-\
  7. Kevus

    Kevus New Member

    oh my god i just looked at your ticker its like 2 months away! Im going from manchester aswell, but im flying back via new york on the 13th, im doing some state hopping first
  8. mehmeh

    mehmeh New Member

    I'm flying June 22nd on the BA flight about 11.05 (?) from Gatwick to Orlando, to work in merch. Flying home from LA on the 8th September. Anyone else travelling after?X
  9. Kevus

    Kevus New Member

    yeah, im going to disneyland :)
  10. CrazyChris

    CrazyChris New Member

    I want to do some travelling, but I don't fancy doing it on my own :-\. Any takers? (I haven't booked any flights yet)
  11. Mike..

    Mike.. New Member

    Hey, im travelling from Gatwick, 22nd at 11.05 too, BA. doing full F&B, looking forward to it, ive worked in a hotel restaurant for 3 years and im guessing the people will be so much nicer and easier to talk to than at my place as its disney, everyone will be happy.
    thinking of going to new york after for a week.
  12. dberridge

    dberridge New Member

  13. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    I've booked my flight!! Woo! Bit the bullet and just booked it with Virgin on their website... £662 8) 22nd June, 11.15am :) Anyone with me??
  14. polaris

    polaris New Member

    Hi everyone!

    I'll be doing merch! flying from bristol to orlando via NY on the 22nd june..
    I doubt there'll be anyone taking the same route as I am =p

    anyway, i'm really excited!!!!!!!!!! :)

    anyone else in merch?
  15. vik

    vik New Member

    im going june 22nd in the wonderful world of costuming! it was my third choice, but i cant complain! well except for the fact that i have virtually no info about it and i so far have not come across anypne who has done it before!
  16. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    I'm not taking that route (coz I wanted a direct flight) but my mum tried to suggest it because I live in Bristol! Do you?
  17. CrazyChris

    CrazyChris New Member

    Hey! I'm also on the BA 11:05 Gatwick Flight ;D (flying then transferring from Manchester). Should see you on the plane then. I'm not sure if I'll see you before then, since I'll be coming from another plane, but probably at the departure lounge. Anyone else on the BA 11:15 Gatwick Flight?
  18. Hannah M

    Hannah M New Member

    Hey im due to arrive in Orlando at 19:00 local time n was jus wonderin if ne1 else is arrivin at a similar time as mayb we cud arrange 2 make our way to Vista way together seein as Disney r no longer puttin on transportation xxx

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