June 2010?

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by xmonekymistressx, Oct 24, 2009.

  1. kandicombo

    kandicombo New Member

    Friday is making me nervous - do we definatly find out if we have a f2f then?

    I would'nt worry worry about being honest, most employers look for honest workers for a job so it might work in your favour!

  2. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Don't worry guys, we'll know soon. When I did the ICP in 2008 it was just over 2 weeks before I got told I had a f2f... I had my phone interview 2 weeks ago so I guess it will be any day, when they have finished all the other phone interviews. And as for saying you get homesick, I wouldn't worry about it - they are looking for enthusiastic people who love Disney and as far as this thread goes, I think you fit the bill :)
  3. fleur_charms

    fleur_charms New Member

    Thank you catfish, have you joined the facebook group?
    I had my phone interview a week ago tomorrow, are all phone interviews over now? I really want to hear from them but I'm nervous at the same time. I think this is the most nerve wracking stage, if I got to the f2f think I'd be a bit more confident.
  4. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Trust me when I say that I will quote you on that when you've had a f2f interview and are waiting to find out if you have the job! That's definately the worst part!
  5. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Oh, and no I haven't...not yet. I have a thing about tempting fate! Even being on this forum makes me feel worried... last time I stayed totally quite about it online until I knew I was in!
  6. fleur_charms

    fleur_charms New Member

    Lol yes I spose so, I'll only know how I feel when and if I'm through to that stage. The facebook...hmmm...its a strange situation, I'm glad I made it to meet like minded people but will be gutted if I don't get through now and other people on there do...But I reckon if thats the case it'll help me learn for next year and to read about peoples experiences in a bit more of a personal way :)
  7. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    hey im worried, i haven't had my phone interview yet its not too late for me is it, i was supposed to have it on tues but i had to cancel cos i was ill =[ will i still get a chance to redo it? x
  8. Laura Jane

    Laura Jane New Member

    Ahh, i'm at RGU as well :) What course do you do, Jennie?

    Is it really tomorrow we find out? Last year after my face to face interview they told me i'd find out in 4 weeks if i was successful or not, and it was exactly 4 weeks to the day that they emailed me. Haha, i'd given up hope so it was a nice surprise!

    Good luck everyone xx
  9. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    i dont think it is tomorow at all cos ive been accepted it says on yummyjobs but ive yet to have my interview and half of my class are applying in december x
  10. Danielle

    Danielle New Member

    I was told last Wednesday that I would be told within 10 days, which is technically Saturday, but which will probably be between tomorrow and next week. Someone else was told they'll start letting people know tomorrow.
  11. fleur_charms

    fleur_charms New Member

    Well, it's one o'clock and I've heard nothing. I had my interview a week ago today and during mine she told me 2-3 weeks!
  12. xmonekymistressx

    xmonekymistressx New Member

    Yeah I do Media Studies. Im in Second year lol.

    Ive been constantly checking my email for the past 2 hours. lol

  13. fleur_charms

    fleur_charms New Member

    OH dear I just got a pop up saying I had an email and I jumped with fright...it was only Waterstone's x
  14. kandicombo

    kandicombo New Member

    I've been checking my emails since i got up and still nothing :(

    Everytime I get a email through I do a nervous jump until I realise its not from Yummy Jobs and its just some boring mail. I don't like waiting anymore!!!!!

  15. Laura Jane

    Laura Jane New Member

    Ahh, i'm in second year too doing fine art printmaking. Do you know John and Rory?!

    Think i got told they'd let us know in 2 weeks-ish as well.. So should hear by next week hopefully! Still a wee bit nervous whenever i check my emails though. Haha. xx
  16. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    well ive got my interview on monday so they cant have finished yet :) x
  17. xmonekymistressx

    xmonekymistressx New Member

    Lol yeah they are in my class.
    Its a small world. ahaha.
    Ignore the pun. :p

  18. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    we should be hearing soon ;D
  19. Eve

    Eve New Member

    I got my face to face for the 18th of this month in Liverpool!!!
  20. Laura Jane

    Laura Jane New Member

    Ah haha, i went to school with them!
    I was dragged on It's a small world FAR too many times this summer. If i get accepted for next year, i'm gonna avoid it like the plague! haha.

    Interview next Thursday! xx

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