June 2007 ! Anyone ?

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by msep003, Oct 31, 2006.

  1. kahluafan

    kahluafan New Member

    Sweet, i'm gonna see if i can maybe combine the two, maybe do TRU for 6 months then go on the ICP Academic course, i've been a Customer Services Supervisor for the last 2 and a bit years, but before that i was Multimedia Sales leader, i do miss the job, but the Disney challenge entices me more :)
  2. SMB

    SMB New Member


    I'm going on June 19th working in UK F&B. Is anyone going the same time?
  3. easy_15

    easy_15 New Member

    yeah, actually thera are only 2 arrival dates on june , 12 and 19 so every one in this post will be your arrival partners, only a week of difference, take it on the bright side, we'll be already set up and waiting for you...
  4. Mrkuri

    Mrkuri New Member

    yep 2 dates i got the second date june 19th
  5. SMB

    SMB New Member

    Great, I'm glad I'm not the only one arriving on that date. Really not looking to the 9 hour flight on my own, but it will be worth it!
  6. kahluafan

    kahluafan New Member

    There might be others on your flight, where you heading out from?
  7. rachet

    rachet New Member

    speaking of flights, do they put you together on the plane with other disney people? like try and put you on the same flight, and sit you together? im guessing not but that would be nice :)
  8. kahluafan

    kahluafan New Member

    I know the group that left our uni got chucked with some others UK people going out on the same day, same flight etc, they're all really good mates now, so it does happen but i think sometimes its down to luck more than choice maybe :)
  9. SMB

    SMB New Member

    I'll be flying from Manchester. It would be good if other people are on the flight, when I went the interviews in London most people said they would be going from London, but you never know!
  10. kahluafan

    kahluafan New Member

    Yeah there were people we knew going from Manchester as well, i guess they lump you into the various regions, probably Manchester, London and Edinburgh i'd imagine maybe, dunno if they go to the US from Edinburgh, pardon my ignorance :)
  11. SMB

    SMB New Member

    I don't know either, I was looking for flights for ideas of cost and could only find flights from Manchester and Gatwick for that day, didn't look for Scotland though, works out good for me, only live about 30 mins away from Manchester! I know alot of people don't know about this website so I bet there are loads of people going to the same day as all of us from the same airports, so I doubt anyone will be on their own (I hope) :)
  12. Mrkuri

    Mrkuri New Member

    well in my case ill be flying alone cuz were only 2 getting there on june 19th and the other girl is flying from the other side of mexico this is sooooo sad
  13. SMB

    SMB New Member

    How long will it take for you to get there from Mexico?
  14. Mrkuri

    Mrkuri New Member

    well i leave in the border of mexico and the US so im flying out from Texas and most of the time its like a 3 to 4 hour trip maybe 5 hours, im gonna have to take something to do while i get to orlando cuz its gonna be booooring lol
  15. kahluafan

    kahluafan New Member

    Get the ol iPod going, love my new one, 7 hours of films, almost takes the 9 hour flight, i'll just sleep for another 2,lol
  16. AshleyDawn

    AshleyDawn New Member

    Ipod! Oh man, so jealous. My mp3 player has TERRIBLE battery usage. A fresh lovely new battery will last like 6 hours. Such a crime, ugh.

    I havn't looked very hard yet, but from what I have seen, it'll take me around 24 HOURS to get to Florida from here! Mostly because I'm from the middle of nowhere, Canada, so I have to fly to two different cities within my country just to be able to catch a flight *out* of the country! Ha! And then I have a NINE hour layover in Toronto. I really hope there are better options than WestJet, ha.
  17. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    I remember Mara Mouse on here had similar problems and she lives just outside Saskatoon, maybe see what she was able to find for Florida... might help?
  18. AshleyDawn

    AshleyDawn New Member

    Haha, yeah! - We had a little chat and bonded over our small-town-ness and the fact we probably know people who know each other!

    I'm thinking walking is my best bet. It'll probably take the same amount of time, but it'll be considerably cheaper. ;D
  19. Mrkuri

    Mrkuri New Member

    well ill try to get an ipod for my b day so i hope to have one when i leave to orlando it either that or a good old book or mag, although im gonna be asleep most of the time i hate it when theres turbulence lol
  20. SMB

    SMB New Member

    I hate the turbulence too, they usually show good films on flights to Florida from England, new ones and they always show Friends, so I'm sorted and if I pick the right airline, all drinks are free so that will kill some time! lol

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