June 1st 2010

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by Sofi, Dec 2, 2009.

  1. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    i wanted to do merchandise aww lol or even more so, be a character attendant =P x
  2. jayne

    jayne New Member

    Aww :( I'm sure u'll love being there tho whatever job role you have! :D what is it your doing?
    Haha i know i would have loved the character attendant one, sounded a lot of fun!!
  3. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    Have you already booked your flights?? I need another job to pay for them haha!
  4. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    im doing QS Food & Bev.

    lol i started saving in september when i applied and i called it my 'Disney Fund' and if i didn't get the job itd be my 'Driving Fund' ='] lol i just saved every spare penny and all my silver spare in my purse plus bits of loan that u dont wanna waste, it really works having loadsa piggy banks around ur room! haha im obsessed ='] but now i have over £1300... and i can book my flight straight away =o
  5. jayne

    jayne New Member

    wow thats impressive!! I have basically nothing saved up - typical poor student! haha. So will have to do a lot of work over the holidays and next semester!!
  6. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    I am seriously poor being a final year student with 2 films to make this year!! But, that's what my magical overdraft is for right!?
  7. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    I shall hopefully tap into bank of Mum and Dad to pay for the flight... and then owe them!
    I'm quite rich atm actually - don't know how I've ended up with so much money!

    And QS peeps - I did it last year! Was my last choice (only put it down because if I didn't and I didn't get in I wouldn't have forgiven myself!) - I worked at the COlumbia Harbour House in Liberty Square in the Magic Kingdom, it was really fun, and I wouldn't have changed it for the world!
    A lot of it is the people you work with - I'm going back for a visit in like 9 days... I'm so excited! But when everyone is running around trying to get everything done, willing people to leave.... it's awesome!

    And in my location you got to stand outside and ring a bell, chat with people etc. Nuff said! It's awesome!

    And so much is about what you do in your free time - how many other jobs can you go into the Magic Kingdom before work and ride Splash Mountain???? :D
    Congrats all you June 1st lot - I shall be joining you on the 20th! :D
  8. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    i maxed out my overdraft before i started uni =[ lol

    oooh that gets me excited about it, so u dont think il be behind a fryer or something then? lol x
  9. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Sofi - certainly at my location you wouldn't have been kitchen trained that early unless you asked!
    I was only trained on counter - which is behind the counter, c-bars and greeter!
    (Apart from the time I had to help in the kitchen, but I wasn't on the fryers, you need extra training for that) - other locations may vary though!
    I think outdoor foods have to cook the stuff (like hotdogs and whatnot) but I'm not 100% on that!
  10. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    QS always looked pretty fun, as with any role the people you work with make your job amazing. Alex worked at cosmic rays and got to play hula hoops for hours on end! There are loads of cool QS restaurants to work in :D

    @Katie - did you ask for a particular attraction/park? You know i'm gonna be hunting you down for fastpasses! Ps if you're so rich feel free to pay for me to come to Disney with you! I wish my stupid grant had gone though, i'm not getting it til January now :-( Can you come to disney with me next december so i can see all of the christmas stuff please?? Love you lottts! xxx
  11. RSH01

    RSH01 New Member

    Yeeooo.... its meeeee!
    Headin to Disney on June 1st ... Custodial!!!! But Disney's the place where the ordinary is extraordinary ... so mayb the cleanin will be extraordinary ... :-$ who knows! LOL im rare!!!!
    Anyway .... congrats everyone on gettin thru!
  12. Si-Keo

    Si-Keo New Member



    Could argue that it is the BEST ROLE EVER! I just know that im gunna love my summer!

    Flying June 1st from Manchester! Anyone else doing attendant?
  13. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Alex was awesome! I played hula hoops with him! :)

    @Charlotte - I could probably lend you some money if you want? Go onnnn!
    I didn't ask for a specific park, mentioned a couple of attractions (think Jungle was in there, and Test Track... I know there was another one!) - and if you're not on Tower, I will so hunt you down for fastpasses as well!
    I am ALWAYS up for a trip to Disney - Easter? :p
    (Unless I have a job...)
  14. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    i wanted that role it looks ace lol x
  15. pinksparkles2

    pinksparkles2 New Member

    I'm a June 1st QS person tooo!
    I'm pretty happy with the role, there would have been others I would have preferred, but QS at Disney isn't all frying chips like it would be at home. It's making ice creams and crepes and pretzels for people and soo much more :)
    I'll be flying from London, anyone else?
  16. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    any1 found any decent flight prices? x

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