J1 academic Program

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by gingerbeacon, Apr 4, 2006.

  1. Ona

    Ona Member

    Will do. I think there are quite a few folks waiting to hear what we manage to find out. ;D

    Ona x
  2. Ona

    Ona Member

    Guys when do y'all get into Leeds? I might not be stopping in Burnley anymore ( :'( ) so I can pretty much get there whenever. I'm thinking about 3 or 4pm? :-\ Let me know.

    ...hmmm.... does Leeds have a Disney store... :-\... ;D

    Ona x
  3. gingerbeacon

    gingerbeacon New Member

    I dont get into the airport until 16.20 so Im gusessing I wont be in leeds until about half five.
  4. monkian

    monkian New Member

    yeah i think leeds does! infact i think disney dave was the manager... until he went to wdw!
  5. nick_uk

    nick_uk New Member

    ok guys, im booked into premier travel inn leeds city centre, my train leaves london at 230 - i get to leeds about 4.30 - showered, changed, straightened my hair (of course) and so what time we gonna meet... and where?
  6. gingerbeacon

    gingerbeacon New Member

    Hi Guys

    I get into Leeds airports at about 16.20 or about 5 since im flying ryanir and it is bound to be delayed. The are busses and what not from the airport but Ill prob just do the lazy thing and jump in a cap cause its only 9 miles from the airport. So hopefully I should be at the hotel by about 5.30.

    We should sort out a time and a place to meet but just in case ill send you both a PM with my mobile number. I cant send or receive txt from some UK networks (I know deffo not O2 or tesco mobile) so if you want to send me your numbers I can call you when I invariably get lost and confused.

    Oh its soon now!!!!!!

  7. Ona

    Ona Member

    Ok I'm thinking about 6pm in the hotel lobby (such as it is :D) then dinner in TGIs; sound ok? :-\ :)

    PMs with my mobile number on the way...

    Ona x
  8. gingerbeacon

    gingerbeacon New Member

    That sounds good to me!!! Oh its so close now!!!!!
  9. Ona

    Ona Member

    Oooooo I'm so freakin out. :-\

    I apologise in advance for babbleing insecently tomorrow night. I'm gonna be soooo nervous. :-[

    Ona x
  10. adjonline

    adjonline New Member

    Best of luck to all of you for tomorrow - I'm sure you'll all do great :D
  11. nick_uk

    nick_uk New Member

    ok guys....

    photocopied passport and birth certificate (40p) - check!

    proof of address (free) - check

    train ticket and hotel in leeds (£100) - check!

    the feeling of being interviewed for this - priceless - and nerve racking! - check!

    See you in the hotel at 6 - everyone on the board, keep it all crossed guys for us - and if you can see the stars thru the foggy sky - wish on one for us!

    Expect the full report on Thursday! :)

  12. PlanetD

    PlanetD Member

    Good Luck everybody with your interviews! I hope to see you at Disney World!
  13. KC

    KC New Member

    Good luck you lot!
  14. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    i wonder how it went ??? hope it went well :D
  15. KC

    KC New Member

    Well, I think it was today that their interviews were...

    So I'm guessing they're on-going as I speak!

    *crosses fingers for you lot*
  16. nick_uk

    nick_uk New Member

    Hey Guys!!

    Not long out of the presentation!! Was cool to meet with the other guys interviewing and to see a few clips of the magic from a cast members point of view!

    Have to wait until Tuesday for our phone interview with International Recruitment.... and then we should know sometime in the next 3 weeks.... keep everything crossed!!

    Was fun to come up to Leeds... I know you guys are waiting to hear more about the prog... im in a very expensive internet cafe... and startbucks is calling my name across the street! But Im sure I will manage to write when I get home... and no doubt Ona will be on here asap! (HELLO)

    Ona, Paul and Ali (if you found us!) keep me posted - and I will speak to you guys on Tuesday to see how you got on!

    Take care, have a magical day!

  17. Ona

    Ona Member

    And as if by magic...... here I am! :D Lol! ;D

    Took the scenic route again. No tractors this time; yet it still took me 5 hours! :eek: I think the post-man-pat-mobil's speedo lies. ;)

    As Nick said, the interview was cool. Not many folks there, most were from Leeds Met I think (apart from us three and Ali, an ICP alumni we managed to find ;D Hellooooooooo Ali if you found us)

    Jason from Yummy was there with the usual presentation with some important differences......[goes to dig out notes taken for everyone ;) ]...

    Ok costs... like Lou said it's pretty much the same as the ip (damn guys, I was gonna ask jason about the relo ::)).

    There are departure dates throughout the year. And the program can be for 6 months or a year. You are enrolled with classes with University of Central Michigan and also take CP classes.

    The roles are regular CP roles (incl. character work and vacation planning too!) If you do 6 months you'd experience one role; a year, you'd swap to another position.

    The program is open to students and recent graduates (jason mentioned that for grads there's the posibility that your courses would be pitched slightly differently to suit).

    There are going to be many opportunities to shadow, attend career insights etc. and opportunities to volunteer (perhaps doing activities related to your field of study).

    It all sounds rather exciting and also hard work but with great rewards.

    So can't think what else to add.... hmm...

    Well we have our telephone interviews next week so please keep those fingers crosed (I don't care if they are starting to go numb ;D lol) and the pixie dust coming. It was very much appreciated for today. :-* Hopefully we'll know one way ;D or another :'( quite quickly.

    Guys, I had so much fun in Leeds. Seriously, it was like therapy! And hey, even if we don't get in....... we got a pin! ;D

    Ona x
  18. adjonline

    adjonline New Member

    Thanks for the wonderful info Ona...knew we could rely on you :D Am I presume that you weren't interviewed today, and that it was just the presentation?

    Glad you had so much fun...lots of finger crossing and pixie dust sending for next week, naturally!
  19. gingerbeacon

    gingerbeacon New Member

    Hi guys. Well I got back last night but I was so tired I just went straight to bed. It was great to meet you guys. Fingers crossed for next week.
  20. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    This program sounds interesting, hope it stays around long enough so that i can consider it when i graduate :D.

    Thanks for the info!

    Oh and what is relo??


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