Hey Everyone I read all these post and a laugh at the guy who started. Do you actually think that you would go to Disney and have no problems with your job. I mean it cant be that bad. I get threatned at my job all the time and I have to deal with me manipulating customer. And Julie did say at the beginning of the presentation that if you are going for the money you are wrong. I mean I am sure many of us going out there, are going to take a huge pay cut. But the expreience is something else. Its not like you can go out there when you are 30, or retiered to work. Well guys I will be out there Sept 9th and I cant wait to start. It will be a current destresser from the job I am at right now. See you soon Jordana ;D **And why hasnt he/her posted again....
clearly he doesnt know what hes talking about, i have been here for a while and am enjoying everyday its getting better and better everyday. When i first got here i didnt know anyone and found it really hard but you get to know people quickly and soon establish your personal group of friends!!! As for the job i love it and you knew exactly what you were gonna get paid but for those of you who are going into tipped position i have earned so much in the last few days so its not as bad as everyone makes out!! All i have to say is come out here and decided for youreselves.............trust me you'll love it!! :
Everyone has their own opinions, and its good to hear the good the bad and the ugly. Better to know what others really think about the job. Its not fair that you chastise a person for saying what they feel about their experience. If what they say affects you that much that you dont want to go then you didnt want to in the first place. Iv thought about the job, it took me 3 weeks after they told me i had it before i accepted. It will be a HUGE pay cut by over 50% from my current job; but the benefits out weighed the negatives...such as a really good resume! will i like living in florida ...yes will i like living in the commons.....not sure yet because of all the rules JIM has his opinion and you have yours on things so let everyone speak.......SO JIM, I WANT TO SAY THANKS FOR YOUR OPINION! Sheena
I agree that opinions from both sides can be useful, however it was the way in which it was phrased that I have a problem with, you'll notice I said 'if you don't have something good (or if not good, then at least constructive)'. Constructive would have been pointing out that going into this job with rose coloured glasses is not a good idea, and to be careful what you're signing as there is a lot of paper work and it is easy to sign something that is not neccessarily good. Complaining about the money is utterly pointless as any potential worker is well informed of the money issue and rates befor applying and as I said, no one is forcing you to work if you have problems with the low wage. Saying that disney sucks and all the managers are two faced achieves nothing other than spoiling it for other people, and I think that's wrong. It's posisble to put forward a negative view of the program without offending.
I agree that Jim is right to his opinions, but to come onto a forum (a place where 99.9% of the people are having a blast at disney, or waiting to have a blast at disney) and to say it sucks..he's practically asking to be criticized. MY opinion is that Jim shouldn't be complaining...there are many, many people out there who applied and would do anything to go, but DIDN'T get the job..it's not fair to those people to go to Dinsey and then complain about it...I also think that yes he may have had a horrible time, but who knows who's really to fault. Is it disney's for providing a horrible work environment (supposidly) or his for not making his own fun. Those are just my thoughts on the subject
i think the people who arent enjoying it (this is meant for no1 in particular) are only having a bad time because they are making it bad, if it was really that bad would everyone say how great it was and want to stay? i personally think - u make it what it is and if you dont like it dont look to disney as the problem look to yourself first!! ;D
Ok, so yeah Jim is entitlled to his opinion, but no one really knows what it is going to be like until we try it!!! one persons idea of a good time may not be the same for everyone. What I would just say to everyone is try it and make your own minds up.... Thats what I going to do, If we hate it that much we will just come home and let someone else try it. But just have to say with regards to the pay etc we all know this before we go, so prepare well for it (save as much as poss before we go). Helen x
On the paperwork and signing your life away... Yes, you sign a lot of papers in the first couple of days...BUT...they send you most of them in your info packet to read so you know what you'll be signing when you get there. READ THEM!!!! THOROUGHLY!!!! Especially the Commons rules and regs one. They tell you all the important stuff you need to know. Try to actually pay attention and listen in the paper signing classes. You will learn some stuff...not a lot...but some. Sheena...as for liking living in the Commons...if you are 21 and like to party...you'll LOVE it for sure. Shan
Just to comment on the original post on here, about how rubbish it is. I think everyone has ups and downs over at WDW, but you have to keep in light the reasons why you came here in the first place. For some, it's the lifestyle, or meeting new people, or for the job. I always think of the good times; ie experience of working on New Year, doing the voluntary work and school visits, making some valuable friends etc etc rather than the things that got me down, such as being at work for 13 hours of my day, not being paid much etc etc. I also remembered I waited 18 months to get out there. Everyone has a crappy time at one point or another, but walking away isn't fair on those who stick it out. Nor on those who would love a job out in Disney. It's all character building my friend. The lessons you learn and how you cope with it will stay with you forever. It can be tough but it's arguably the worlds number 1 tourist destination. Low season is nearly upon us, then you'll get chance to relax and see the good things on offer. Dan
I'd bet that guy didn't even work for disney. Probably some jelous loser who didn't get the job so hes trying to drag everyone who was successful down. Don't waste your time buddy, you cant drag us down... Jase
you get pissed with your friends from all over the world, go to the beach on your days off, travel here there and everywhere for next to nothing, make a killing in tips, glorious weather nearly every day............if thats someones ideas of rubbish, they are quite hard to please i think !
hahah i have some good news, i found out today that one of my guy buddies from College has a job interview in TAMPA on SEPTEMBER 8th!!!! if he gets the job he will be moving down to florida soon after me!!! IM SOOOOOOOOO EXCITED ...this just made me so happy i was going...cus as is right now he lives 28 hours away from me now hell only be 45 min.......gonn abe lots of trip to tampa lol hee hee hee so so fun
yeah, all you guys will have a great time. I know that if i could do it all again i def would. well, maybe without the time i was sick on the bar at P.I. after graduation.I'll leave that one.