It's 1.20am, Leom and Beth are the only people awake and we need Disney banter!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tiddelypom, Nov 23, 2008.

  1. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Why were you still up?
  2. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    On the back of my disney hoodie i have Leom "Mickey" G, that can be my nickname!
  3. Tiddelypom

    Tiddelypom New Member

    Re: It's 1.20am, Leom and Beth are the only people awake and we need Disney bant

    I just got back to London after an Easter girly weekend in Swansea with a friend.

    Train home.
    I arrived at Abertawe (that's sheep for Swansea!) station at 1804.
    Looked at the screens... my train wasn't til 1854.
    It's Easter Sunday... no shops open. SO I sit on a bench and start amusing myself by rating the girls out of 10 in slagginess as they get off the trains. (Men all horrific so didn't even try starting to rate them.)
    Finally get train. Sit in quiet carriage to get some audio stuff done without extra noise.
    Family down the carriage clearly do not speak English and are totally oblivious that it is a QUIET carriage.
    Get to Gloucester station.
    Half hour later. Still at Gloucester station
    Train ahead has had an 'incident' and is blocking all the lines out of the station.
    Police board the train. There has been an assault.
    Finally we move.
    Get to Didcot Parkway.
    Send a text to a friend that lives near there.
    Mortally offend friend by insult through mis-semantics.
    Mother calls.
    Work gets extremely difficult and I'm struggling to understand what I'm doing.
    Lights go out.
    Emergency signs aglow.
    PA system starts crackling in a menacing fashion.
    No explanation arises.
    15 minutes later, annoucement that we are 10 minutes from Paddington.
    It is still pitch black and all my work, my laptop, phone, headphones, bag, chocolate, tissues are strewn across the table.
    Friend calls and freaks about the lights being off. Not helping.
    We pull into Paddington, lights flicker on and off several times, settling on 'on' by which time the entire train has cleared leaving me right in the last carriage all alone to pack.

    Then the horrible tube home...

    I'm going to sleep.
  4. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    wouldn't have happened had you come to cardiff :p
    "you jack b*stards! you jack b*stards!" (no offence if you're reading this vistaway ;))
    but yes, i have family there so there are nice people there, but there are quite a few rough ones too!
  5. *minnie**mouse*

    *minnie**mouse* New Member

    Eeeek...I'd have been checking that train for Dementors :-[
  6. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    haha, wow, some journey home, i hope the lights dont go out on my flight tomorrow to london, haha.

    I may be an eventful day.

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