Interviews, 13th Feb, London.

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Clairey2302, Jan 31, 2007.

  1. jamlin

    jamlin New Member

    Hey I have an interview on 12th - does anyone know what to expect? Any tips?

    Good luck to everyone who has interviews 12th/13th!!

  2. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    at my interview i went to the wrong disney offices lol but i was mega mega early so it was okay and the guy there knew straight away i was for the interview and gave me really clear directions whereto go to.

    The disney offices are awesome theres so much cool disney stuff there and they have themed board rooms as well.

    when we interviewed we spent about 30 mins filling in application forms. then we went for the presentation. at the start they tested our knowledge on disney things and people who won got little prizes. at the end of presentation they gave out our names and who we would be interviewing with. then we all filed out to wait/interview. before going to the acutal interview michelle from yummy checked our forms were completed okay and we had all the right documents with us.

    being lucky my interview was one of the very first :)

    we interviewed in pairs with one of the disney staff. basically they took the first and second lot of interviewees up. 2 went into the office to interview and 2 waited outside.

    during the interview she firstly double checked our names and our forms. then she asked questions back and forth so i got one and then the other person got one kind of thing.

    after the interview we went out and the second lot went in and then we were walked back through the offices and out of the building and off home.

    during the interview they asked us:
    why do you want to work for disney?
    tell me something interesting about your city
    what would you say if someone asked you to describe your city
    how do you feel you cope with change
    how will you feel about living with people from a different country
    describe a time when you'made a difference'
    why do you want to work in f&b/Merch/HRC
    how do you think you will cope with living away from home
    what are you looking forward to most
    what can you bring to disney as a company

    and some other questions all along the same lines.

    the whole thing took me about 3 3/12 hours to complete from start to finish. if you have like big bulky bags and stuff they have a cloak room where you can leave your things so dont be too worried about dragging a rucksack around with you.

    you are also like 5 mins walk from the nearest tube station which has tonnes of little shops and places to eat and drink if u have a later interview and want to go out.

    make sure you bring a couple of black pens to complete ya forms.

    smile and be friendly form the moment you enter - you never know they could be watching :p (actually jason told us they were watching us from the start ??? )

    when ur in the interview keep smiling, relax, and dont fold ya arms over yaself as that makes u appear less confident hehe
  3. acp

    acp New Member

    Anyone want to pick a time/place to meet up on the evening of the 12th and/or the morning of the interview on the 13th?

  4. Clairey2302

    Clairey2302 New Member

    I don't know anywhere lol but I will be at the hotel around 7pm X
  5. Clairey2302

    Clairey2302 New Member

    If anyone is going to be there on the 12th, like me and acp then let me know. We could arrange something but we haven't got long!!

    Clairey xx
  6. hannahnyc

    hannahnyc New Member

    ooh we're getting close - so exciting, back in the world of disney! im up for doing somethin after or for lunch, whatever! Se y'all on tueday woo! :D
  7. LaceyS

    LaceyS New Member

    Hey am up for lunch too :) i know how sooooo nervus!!!

    lacey xxxx
  8. Clairey2302

    Clairey2302 New Member

    Ok then folks, will be seeing u all there!! Good Luck if I don't!! XxX
  9. acp

    acp New Member

    Well, I'm leaving for London now. See you later/tomorrow! Good luck, all!

  10. Shivasauras

    Shivasauras New Member

    Good luck everyone! Just relax and be yourself. And don't forget to *SMILE*
  11. hannahnyc

    hannahnyc New Member

    Good Luck to everyone tomorrow hope everyone gets there ok! see you all there yay!
  12. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    Good Luck to you all!!! xxxxxxxxx
  13. Danielle1883

    Danielle1883 New Member

    Good luck guys! Only just got back on the boards, sorry if i'm barging into ur convo!

    D xxx
  14. acp

    acp New Member

    Well, I've got back home now.. Not sure about anyone else :)

    I thought it went quite well. Very cool morning, there :)

  15. Chrissi

    Chrissi New Member

    And when do u get the the good news that you are accepted? Who interviewed you?
  16. acp

    acp New Member

    I can't actually remember what her name is. It began with a G :p

    We apparently find out over the next few weeks. :)

  17. Trev

    Trev New Member

    I made it back home alive as well. Which is probably just as well. I had a fun and exciting day it was great to catch up with friends and annoy people I hadn't met before.

  18. Clairey2302

    Clairey2302 New Member

    Hey, so how did everyone get on? I got interviewed with Lacey and it was Gretchen that interviewed us. We thought it went ok, so fingers crossed!!

    Good luck everyone,

    Clairey xxx
  19. hannahnyc

    hannahnyc New Member

    hey hope evry1 else thought the interview went ok! i think mine did pretty cool had mine with a friend of my old manager - yay and of course trev - spent the day reminiscing ! hope we find out soon!
  20. april25th

    april25th New Member

    It was good not long to wait though

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