Congratulations Sally! That's really great for you! Might get to meet you later in the year- I have my interview for the programme at the end of this month! Charlotte x
Congrats Sally - i thought u would. Hope u and ur boyf are celebrating! Hopefully we'll get to meet u in June! Marie xxx
Congrats on the job - that sounds brill working as a rep in florida! - is it permanent or just a summer rep job? I've been repping in France for the last two years (and I still call it home!) and now work as a Uk based staff trainer training up european Holiday Reps (which I love) The idea of repping in Florida really appeals (I've got itchy feet again!) - just curious how you heard about the job?
Canvas Cowboys??  hehe I was a rep for Eurocamp 2003 and a Holidaybreak brand trainer (both Keycamp and Eurocamp) for 2004 season based in the Dordogne - where were you based for Canvas?