Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by tess123, Dec 6, 2005.

  1. brynna87

    brynna87 New Member

    Yes H was a boy, at least physically, I cannot argue his personality nor sexual preferences. Now let me ask you this, what kind of respectable guy knows the name of one of the members of Steps??? LOL.
  2. KC

    KC Guest

    Nor can I...

    I do know though, that he annoyed the crapola outta me when he was around... He's like Valerie from the presentation video-just without the "I'm perky cos I mean it"... Seemed very fake to me ;)

    And also... I never said I was respectable :p I'm a total nutjob! :D


    P.S. H, Claire... and I can't remember the other 2 :(...
    P.P.S. Why did I use a sad face when I couldnt remember the other 2?

    I think I may need psychiatric help! :D

    P.P.P.S. Brynna, I was just kiddin'! ;):D
  3. tess123

    tess123 New Member

    my family and friends have been calling me 'H' a lot longer than H from steps have been going on, and at least my name has a H in it, isn't his name Ian Watkins or something
  4. disney_spice

    disney_spice Member

    yeh it is - 'h' for hyperactive!
  5. tess123

    tess123 New Member

    I actually never knew that i just presumed it stood for his middle name
  6. KC

    KC Guest



    *hugs y'all then buggers off home from college cos I is sick :(*
  7. brynna87

    brynna87 New Member

    As was I! LOL, you must have got alot more of Steps over there, we didn't suffer much here in Canada. I do remember that I bought their cd when I was at that concert. LOL, I think it must be in the basement somewhere.

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