Hey Olivia! it's my final year too so I know the pressure of it being the last chance to apply. I wanted to do ICP this year too but I didnt even get f2f because they were really tough on alumni last year and I had just got back from ICP 09. I loved my job in ICP 09 but I know there is no way I can do it anywhere else or at any other point in my life and I really hate the idea that if this application goes wrong then I'll never get to do that job again... not that there is any garuntee i'd get the same job but yeah... like you say- I just want to go! I live not too far from Portsmouth actually - well its not exactly close but I've done day trips to Gunwharf quays! Anyway I really hope we hear by the end of the month! maybe if we wish hard enough......! ahh imagine- if we hear in september then by this time next week we'll know something! love xxxxx
I'm beginning to pull my hair out with impatience! I REALLY want to hear! Does anyone know if they will let us know if we won't be getting a phone interview? I know, way to look on the bright side, but I've been thinking about it all so much recently that I'm beginning to doubt myself and get really nervous :-( I will cry so much if I don't get this. x
:'( I got rejected... time to go rack up a massive credit card bill. Good luck to all of those who got accept x
Hi! Been stalking these boards for over a year now so thought might be time to post something I've just been invited to a pre-screen interview from yummy at my uni, went along last year after receiving a promo email from uni but wasnt successful, can't decide if this is good or not ??? Hopefully it's just a case of easier to have fewer interviews and not a flat out they don't want to hurt my feelings with a straight rejection :-\ Anybody else been invited to one of these rather than a phone interview? x
Retail therapy will help! It's not the end of the world At the end of the day you've learnt for next year and you can spend a whole year boosting your CV now! x
yaaay! Have you arranged a date and time yet? And the pre-screen interview...Not heard of it, but Yummy never comes to my uni so I guess thats why lol x
University of Central Lancashire. Thought they would still give us a phone interview though, not sure if it's a good sign or not.
Yeah that's what i thought to, ah well hopefully it's a good sign as atleast it isnt a rejection, still hope. *fingers crossed*
Hey! Yeah, I did mine for the 18th so I'd have time to prepare. Probably a risky move because loads of people will be before me but hopefully I'll get through to a face to face How about you?
Hey guys! I'm so jelous that some of you have heard about your phone interviews. My e-mail said that because I've worked for the company before they have to check my re-hire status before they can fully review my application so its not a no but STILL more waiting AHHHHHHHHH! I don't even know what re-hire status means. I mean I didn't ever get reprimanded for anything- i was late one day and called in sick another but hopefully that won't count against me! ahh I'm just worried because I don't know if I will have a written reference from my manager because I had a different work location everyday because of my job so I never had a permenant manager! STRESS!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I've got mine on Wednesday at 3pm. Hopefully it'll be similar questions to last year! I'll be able to think straight in the afternoon aswell, last year I had my phone interview at some ridiculous time in the morning lol x
I've been invited to a pre-screening interview at JMU too Does anyone know what this usually entails, what to wear etc. I've read up on the subject loads in preparation to apply this year but have never even heard of a pre-screen interview!
Hey guys My name is Kristen, I somehow found this forum and just wanted to introduce myself. I had my phone interview back in August and was accepted for a face to face a few weeks back! Just waiting on the dates in the new year, can't wait
I got a phone interview too, woop woop! Haven't booked a slot yet though. Well done to all who have and good luck! Sorry to all those who haven't, but remember there's always next year, never give up on the dream guys
I haven't had a reply yet, this doesn't mean a rejection does it? I mean if you get rejected they still send an email right? :/
Hi, my name is rebeca, I'm from Mexico, and i'm having f2f next week, im very nervous, can someone give me some tips for the interview?