ICP 2009ers - come to London for names-to-faces dinner, drinks and good times!

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current ICP Participants' started by Tiddelypom, Dec 1, 2008.

  1. bacondoublecheese

    bacondoublecheese New Member

    I'll be getting my visa in Belfast, it's so much easier. They are no where near as strict as London, and will help you if you make mistakes, where as London will send you away.
  2. Charli

    Charli New Member

    I prefer the Manchester/Nottingham/York type idea lol Especially Manchester! But I suppose if we can sort out visas on the same day then that'd be cool :) The problem being if it's 4-6 weeks before, some of us are travelling a month apart aren't we?

  3. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Yeah - and I have NO idea what my timetable will be, with Dissertation work and stuff in the summer term.
    But certainly a meet up is good - oooh, maybe we could have mini-meet-ups first, and then a bigger one for visas??

    My evil mind wheels start to turn..........

    xx :p
  4. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    I have exams in may so i dont know when ill be able to get my visa. i really want to go to london.
  5. vik

    vik New Member

    i got m visa in april last year even though i didnt go out until june, o you can do it in the easter hols

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