ICP 09 - Roles

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by opherrichards, Nov 3, 2008.

  1. KC

    KC New Member

    One thing I always loved about PAC is how the characters in the parade sometimes single out the PAC CMs and wave or blow kisses or whatever :D I mean, I've seen characters in all sorts of states of undress (with and without their "hat" etc.), but that's completely blown out of the water when one does something like that! It's like I totally forget that the character has "a friend with them", and just see the character as a character!

    My first day of training for character connection at Epcot, the characters all came out passing my position to get to park opening, and they all made a fuss over my earning my ears tag! Mickey shook my hand, Pluto gave me a high five... I was delighted with life!! :D
  2. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Thats awesome, id love that. I want to meet Mickey!
  3. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    It's true...even though you know the characters have 'friends' as soon as you meet them or they make a fuss over you, all that is forgotten!

    PAC is truly amazing. I worked (or rather, played) Ad/Lib (Adventureland/Liberty Square) PAC and we so totally rocked it! No one could roll up a parade like we could. Those CM's on Main Street got it easy :p , and Frontierland just sucked :-\ .

    We always used to play with the characters during parade....in Spectromagic the Genie used to put his thumbs in his ears and wiggle his fingers at us, one of the Cello's used to make the 'rock on' sign at as and the Three Little Pigs used to shimmy with us! Pure magic :D
  4. KC

    KC New Member

    Those Cellos are freakin' awesome! I love the little suave look they have on their faces! :D
  5. vik

    vik New Member

    theyre really heavy...in fact most of the spectro costumes are heavy!
    i am friends with someone who is pals with brer bear for spectro - i love brer bear!
  6. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    hehe, so can anyone do PAC?
  7. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    No...you have to either be doing Main Street Operations (or the equivalent in DHS, I'm not sure about DAK) or working at an attraction that also does PAC...I.E. anything in Adventureland, Liberty Sqaure, Frontierland etc etc.
  8. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Oh right! I would love attractions!
  9. KC

    KC New Member

    Main St. Attractions work PAC, Main St. Vehicles, the trains and park greeter.
    DHS Main Entrance is just Park greeter, I think, because as far as I know, the Fantasmic CMs work the PAC there.
    At AK, I think their PAC is solely attractions.

    At MK, PAC is handled by (in order)... Main St. Ops, TTC Vacation Planners, Tomorrowland Attractions, Fantasyland/Toontown Attractions, AdLib Attractions, Frontierland Attractions.

    Obviously, the TTC Vacation Planners, TL Attractions and FLand Attractions only need a few people each day because they only man the hub area, so PAC shifts for those areas are much rarer than those of Main St, AdLib and Frontierland. :)
  10. Freckles

    Freckles Guest

    i would love to do PAC, we talked a lot about attractions in my interview so i cant wait to see if i have got in and what i get :D :D :D

    2 weeks :D
  11. Kevus

    Kevus New Member

    They're basses!!!

    DAK is PARTY PATROL! And is entertainment cast - I was supposed to do it one day. Then stupid stupid Piglet didn't show up. Piglet is a mean horrible nasty animal.
  12. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    You have to totally rock to do Ad/Lib PAC...if I find out that anyone has EVER let the side down, I will look at you the same way in which I look at the Frontierland PAC CM's.

    (don't get me wrong...I had friends who were Frontierland CM's and they were lovely :D, but they didn't half suck at PAC)
  13. Tiddelypom

    Tiddelypom New Member

    *ahhem* that post from Kevin about basses and DAK Party Patrol and was supposed to be from me... oops! WDWIP.com rape - who knew!
  14. Freckles

    Freckles Guest

    how did that happen lol?

    lou everytime you put ad/lib i think you have an improv section i the parade. damn drama degree lol.

    So what's up with teh frontierland CMs?
  15. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    haha, theyre probably not as enthusiastic as the ad/lib CMs!
  16. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    Haha well just little things....like being really slow behind the parade (they'd leave a massive gap between the end and them rolling up...all the PAC and parade CM's would walk behind between the two ropes), they dropped the roll a couple of times and once left a crosswalk open so loads of guests were walking towards Spectro and we had to basically push them under ropes to stop them getting run over!

    But as I said, lovely, lovely people. All the PAC areas think they're better than each other...We knew we were the best :p
  17. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    haha, i think Main Street's better ;D

    Im just kidding, now Lou you said no posting but this will not be classed as a post so ill add to it. You would always be the better PAC, ;D ;D
  18. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    :eek: you are really not being a Disney Dork now!!!

    :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
  19. PAC's amazing. When I was over there during the summer, custodial did it in Liberty Square and we did 'lights out' with the children. It was amazing. I don't think they do it any more now though which is a big shame, it was very magical for both us and the kids.
  20. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    Yeah custodial did that when I was there...got annoyed a couple of times because we'd be doing it with the entire crowd! haha. And if custodial don't do it, I'm sure the Ad/Lib CM's do, so at least it's being done!

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