i just sent my application

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by s4meb, Mar 25, 2006.

  1. Megara

    Megara New Member

    In the UK we don't have to send photos, in fact the only picture of me they saw on the day was on my passport...
  2. s4meb

    s4meb New Member

    hey vennesa
    i know of one jaquie at center parks it could be her.

    i have just bin reading about all the waitlistin goin on, guys and gals im sure u are gonna be fine not long and hey at least u know u are in. Just keep sayin this over and over in your heads...."I am going to be workin at disney. I am going to be workin at disney".......

    For people that have had there interviews. how long did it take for u to get an interview?
  3. holli

    holli New Member

    hey guys, i'm really wanting to do this too.. any idea how i can apply??? cheers mateys :)
  4. Megara

    Megara New Member

    Holli, where are you from? Once we know what country we can give you an email address ;D
  5. holli

    holli New Member

    hey i'm from england but i've found the email addy now.. thank you though..i'm so definately going to apply how exciting!!!
  6. toddlystockley

    toddlystockley New Member

    i sent my application form in the post yesterday so chances are that if we all get interviews that we will be in the same group ;D that alone sounds pretty cool. I currently work for GAP but i'm desperate to get away as its turned rubbish :-\ But this at least gives me something to look forward to. I would imagine that we would all get our responses at the same time so lets try to keep in touch over it. P.S I'm form Banbury in the UK if anyone wanted to know ;)


    Stockers ;)

    msn: todd_stockley@msn.com aol: toddstockley@aol.com
  7. holli

    holli New Member

    yey i sent mine off today... i'm working for orange at the mo... it isn't so bad but really wanna go disney!!! i'm from cornwall quite far from you... i think a couple other people applied not long ago so perhaps we will get responses at the same time..would be cool!
  8. acp

    acp New Member

    Cool :)

    I sent mine a couple of weeks ago. I'm currently finishing my final year at Staffordshire Uni in Stafford (doing Computing Science (I think I've already said that somewhere..)) At a guess, those of us applying around about now would be in the same group when it comes to interviews etc, but I guess we'll have to wait and see...

    And whilst I remember, if anyone is remotely interested, my MSN is msn@andrewpoole.org.uk (although I'm going to be away from fri-mon, I'm usually on there all day) :)


  9. s4meb

    s4meb New Member

    Its good to see a couple more uk peeps, but remember everyone is welcome in the "just applied Section".
    Hope everyone is good.
  10. michelle81

    michelle81 New Member

    :D thx...I'm German. I will apply soon...as soon as I get a good picture :D

    hope to see you in ORLANDO
  11. mickeymarc

    mickeymarc Member

    hey guys, i just sent my application off last friday. im so so so excited, does anyone know how long it takes for them to get in touch???
    would be really grateful if you could let me know!
    thanks fellow disney applicants :D
  12. Megara

    Megara New Member

    They normally reply to your email the next working day, either saying that you are not what they are looking for, or that they will be in contact in the next 8-10 weeks to give you a phone interview. It isn't always that long though... I had had my TI within 2 weeks, it would have been quicker if Alexis and I hadn't kept missing each other!
  13. mickeymarc

    mickeymarc Member

    oh right, well my application wasn't emailed it was faxed off and i not heard anything yet and its nearly a week later. eeek.
    im so nervous and i dont really know whats going on.
    any help or some nice thoughts would be great :D
    oh and good luck to anyone else who is applying
  14. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    I'm sending my application off this week.I'm currently working as admin for NHS children's Centre. It's okay, sometimes boring but it pays the bills.

    I'm from Cardiff.

    I really want to go out and work there tho it will be fab. I've been going to WDW since I was 4 lol have been nearly every year. Just love the atmosphere there!

  15. hockey_town_canada

    hockey_town_canada New Member

    geez seems to be all you europeans applying this time...haha i guess no canadians have found the site yet that are looking to apply..... ahhh well i guess im the only canadian for now :D :d....... so have any of you ever been to canada?? I myself have yet to get anywhere in europe :( ...which sucks i see some much stuff in pictures and it looks sooooooooo cool cant wait to tour europe one day... first stop though hopefully .... disney :D (** the fingers are crossed**)
  16. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    ive been to canada - it was cold lol but very beautiful
  17. hockey_town_canada

    hockey_town_canada New Member

    lol ya thats canada....well sorta ...im in winnipeg i think were the only place in north america that can get as cold as the artic in the winter and as hot as florida in the summer..... but ya canada is a beautiful place thats for sure....

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