I got my phone interview!!

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by OldManCanuck, Jul 27, 2009.

  1. Helix

    Helix New Member

    I work as a Park Greeter at Epcot, from October 2008 - April 2009. I lived at Chattham Square.
  2. alex_wallington

    alex_wallington New Member

    oooooooo! I came in Jan 08 so I guess I would have seen you around!!! I had lots of friends at Chatham!!! Ah god its horrible being back isnt it!
  3. Disney2010

    Disney2010 New Member

    Hi Everyone. I still havn't had a reply from YJ?????? Im dying to know if I have a phone interview or not. E-mailed them yesterday but no reply, I understand there busy though. What do u all think??? Is it a no????? :-[
  4. D-A-N

    D-A-N New Member

    Crikey - the fact that some of you have interviews TOMORROW suddenly makes it all seem very real!!
  5. marianne

    marianne New Member

    Hey =)

    I was wondering if anybody here has had their second phone interview??

    I have already had one with the ppl from internation serivices and then I'm scheduled to have this next one with Disney Florida (Jill.....) tomoroow. Starting to get kind of nervous, crossing my fingers for tomorrow.
  6. j-steff

    j-steff New Member

    I got 2 emails back to back talking about phone interviews and how they will call me within the next 2 weeks, and they randomly chose today even though it hadnt even been 2 days!! lol so dont worry everyone, it comes reallllly fast for some of us! shes callin back tomorrow, maybe ill ask her how the process of choosing applicants work and report back!
  7. vikki88

    vikki88 New Member

    I'm abit worried. I got an email for a phone interview and i chose my date and time (which is today)
    but i didn't get an email back confirming it (which it says you will on the email)
    Do you think my interview might be today? or will i have to pick another time

  8. A please do!!
  9. alex_wallington

    alex_wallington New Member

    I'm abit worried. I got an email for a phone interview and i chose my date and time (which is today)
    but i didn't get an email back confirming it (which it says you will on the email)
    Do you think my interview might be today? or will i have to pick another time...

    So do I and I havent had a reply but I know that Michele was out of the office yesterday! What time is yours? Mine is around 1.15.... So I can let you know if mine goes ahead if that will calm your nerves a bit Vikki?

    Isnt it all very magical :) x
  10. keyzy06

    keyzy06 New Member

    im new to this guys but had my fone interview today! any1 else had theres yet and how do you think ya did?
  11. Lyle09

    Lyle09 New Member

    i had my phone interview as well, I thought it went OK hopefully. When would you move out to florida if you get through?
  12. ellie88

    ellie88 New Member

    I had mine phone interview today aswell (hope it went ok!), and the guy I spoke too said you would start Feb 2010!
  13. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    I think they're hiring for starts times anywhere between Feb 2010 and Sept 2010!
  14. *Jolene*

    *Jolene* New Member

    I've got my interview in the morning!! so nervous!!! fingers crossed!! x
  15. Disney2010

    Disney2010 New Member

    I never got an interview. Anyone know when you can apply again??? :( :( :(
  16. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    you should e-mail kristen and see whats going oN! She seems super nice!!
  17. I just reapplied via yummy jobs.
  18. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    nice! Did you not get through the first time or something?
  19. j-steff

    j-steff New Member

    had my phone interview today! kristen, is in fact, a very nice person, she makes you feel veerryy comfortable. answer questions from the heart and honestly and youll do just fine. as for recruitment times, she said between feb and july of 2010. good luck to everyone else!
  20. Congrats! She's really good, hey? :)

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