I got my phone interview!!

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by OldManCanuck, Jul 27, 2009.

  1. ChelBelle

    ChelBelle New Member

    So. Good news.

    I had my phone interview today!!!!!!! Yay so exciting!! All I can say is Kristen is really nice and it hardly feels like an interview at all!

    Good Luck everyone!! :D
  2. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    thanks for the update Chelsea!!! Glad it went well!!!
  3. Lauralaura21

    Lauralaura21 New Member

    Aww! Im glad your phone interview went well too! Just hoping for the Brits phone interviews now! :)
  4. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    I know! I really want mine! :D
  5. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Congrats on having that done with! Back to waiting! ;)
  6. Lauralaura21

    Lauralaura21 New Member

    Waiting sucks!!!
  7. ChelBelle

    ChelBelle New Member

    Thanks guys :)

    Waiting does suck but at least the process has begun!!
  8. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    waiting is unfortunate - but eventually it'll all happen :)
  9. Lauralaura21

    Lauralaura21 New Member

    That is true ;D
  10. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    well i guess its just a big waiting game for us over here now!

    but congrats to all hat had the phone interviews. hope they all went well for you
  11. clover

    clover New Member

    well done to those who have done the phone interview, stage one complete. everyone else who is waiting....its a long and hard wait but hang in there!

  12. Lauralaura21

    Lauralaura21 New Member

    Aww! Thanks Clover :D xx
  13. jackattack

    jackattack New Member

    Any more phone interviews??? For those who have had theirs, did Kristen mention when specifically the face to face interviews take place??
  14. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    I haven't heard anything else... although I think they haven't quite decided when they'll be yet, once they talk to more people then I think they decide!
  15. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    I'm really really hoping they're early-mid October!!!
  16. jackattack

    jackattack New Member

    I'm okay with tomorrow :)

    But on a more realistic note, early October would be great b/c hopefully we'd all know the status of our application before Christmas!
  17. MeganHitachiin

    MeganHitachiin New Member

    man my birthday is at the end of october so having the interviews before hand would be a pretty sweet early birthday gift lol
  18. Lauralaura21

    Lauralaura21 New Member

    That would be a great birthday pressie ;D
  19. OldManCanuck

    OldManCanuck New Member

    I need to get my passport renewed before the f2f interviews, just in case I get called to go there. I'm so scared I won't get in because I left in 2006. If a person quits, it's rare they get rehired :(
  20. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    I've heard that if a person quits, it's actually not too difficult to get back in. In the year that follows they may be a little more hesitant, but I've been told that after a year they treat such applicants just like any other. I guess there's the presumption that whatever led the person to quit in the first place has since passed, they've grown up a little maybe, etc, etc - so they're willing to give a second shot I'm sure :) Ya just gotta show that you really want it! Gotta keep optimistic about it - you just may be surprised! :)

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