Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by georgie92, Mar 8, 2011.

  1. jamjam251

    jamjam251 Member

    Arrrgggghhh I just got mega excited when you said about us knowing this time next month :D :D I so don't want to be disappointed xx
  2. Epiphany_1988

    Epiphany_1988 New Member

    Me either, i really want to atleast get a phone interview :)
  3. Missish

    Missish New Member

    I think I'd rather not get through at all, than get a phone interview and then find out I'd not got through to the F2F - I'd feel like I'd blown my one chance, if you know what I mean.

    Having said that, I want a phone interview SO MUCH ;)
  4. jamjam251

    jamjam251 Member

    And I would be even more gutted if I had a phone interview and F2F to then be told that you aren't good enough :( And I totally feel for the people who have been waitlisted, it's like being told that you are good enough for the job but there are no jobs available for you at the moment :/ that would suck x
  5. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    i think we will hear next friday :D

    i will be gutted if i dont get a phone interview and if i do get one and dont get a f2f i will be gutted as well i fact if i dont get to go out im gonna be crushed but there ya go
  6. jamjam251

    jamjam251 Member

    Why do you say next friday??? :) It would definitely make my weekend if we heard then and we were successful for phone interviews :) :)
    I don't dare check my emails whilst I'm in work, if I am rejected I can guarantee I will cry LOL xx
  7. Missish

    Missish New Member

    Well yes, that would be even worse! :-\ I'd rather not think about that!
  8. CazzieAnwyn

    CazzieAnwyn New Member

    Either way the CRP is going to make me cry. Either from sheer dissapointment and severe saddness (from not getting in) Or complete and utter happiness and excitement. So either way I'm gonna be crying xD just depends what form Im going to be doing it in xD

    Next friday? Really? =D
  9. jamjam251

    jamjam251 Member

    I totally agree with you on the crying thing hehe xx
  10. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    i think i just hav wishful thinking about the results being in ext fri lol but it kinda makes sese its the last friday of the month and sometimes they tell you slightly early :D
  11. Missish

    Missish New Member

    Well they did say that we'd know BY mid April, so it's not too much to hope that it's getting close to us finding out ...

    I just re-read the email Yummy sent us and it said that
    (my emphasis)
    I know it goes onto say that there may be positions for 2011 as well, but I don't like the use of the word 'may' - it sounds so uncertain!

    I'd like to think they'd give the positions for the rest of 2011 to the waitlisters before us lot. They've been waiting for a long time, and they deserve it.
  12. Vickidoop

    Vickidoop New Member

    Okay, you've just made me reeeaaaaally anxious. You had an email from Yummy Jobs after applications closed? I didn't get one! ??? help! xx
  13. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

    Sorry if this sounds rly obvious but did you check your junk mail? My emails from yummy went into there before I added them as contacts, and I think it happens quite a bit. X
  14. Epiphany_1988

    Epiphany_1988 New Member

    I didnt get one either and i have been checking my junk mail box as well as me inbox :-\

    Have i missed something??
  15. meganlauren

    meganlauren New Member

    I got mine on 14th Jan, they send them like a few hours or a few days later after you apply I think :) For those who didn't get them, I wouldn't worry.. for ALOT of people they just go to their junk mail and if you don't read it after a certain amount of time they normally delete themselves.
    Go on yummy and just double check you actually applied :) but as I said, I really wouldn't worry! x
  16. Epiphany_1988

    Epiphany_1988 New Member

    I got an email accepting my application but it didnt say anything about dates, oh well i know they have got my application atleast lol!
  17. meganlauren

    meganlauren New Member

    I don't think anyone gets emails after the apps close? I never got one either though :p hahaha. Now I feel like a fool for even sending that last post :-X x
  18. doddi92

    doddi92 New Member

    Yeah that is true, I nearly deleted my Phone Interview email because it was in my junk!
  19. andrew1990

    andrew1990 New Member

    People keep asking me about if I've heard from Disney yet, which just makes me more nervous. I wish I hadn't told so many people I'd applied now. Bad thing to do.
  20. meganlauren

    meganlauren New Member

    Exactly the same here :( got way too excited so told sooooo many friends & family, now whenever I talk to them they ask me if I've heard back. NO! Just dying from the wait thanks! Haha x

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