Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by georgie92, Mar 8, 2011.

  1. UnderTheSea

    UnderTheSea New Member

    Yes hurry up april, im very anxious!
  2. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    the training u do is really comprehensive for both sides merch and f&b

    with f&b its really just learning where things are and about american money when u first start - i the chippy u sell fish and chips, drinks, shortbread and crisps and the tills are like those pretty much everywhere so they are very very simple to use the most difficult thing whe u first start is opening and closing as you eed to know where everything goes and stuff but once u have done it a couple of times it will stick

    you do a lot of training on the money its computer based and mind numbingly boring

    greeting is a bit differet cos u have to use the computer system to check people in and also use the radio but again once u have gone through it a few times its very simple - they arent trying to catch u out - the easier it is to use the less time guests are stuck waiting for u to find them on the system and one thing disney doest like is guests waiting

    seating is really really incredibly easy oncew u have learned the table numbers which doesnt take long - u basically have rows of tables which is the first number and then each table runs in order but u just get to know key tables that u count up or down from

    by the time u are looking at being trained for some of the other jobs like stocker, assignor, beer cart u already know pretty much where everything is and the layout and how thigns are run so its a lot less of a jump for u.

    if/when u go into service again its not as scary as u expect because u actually learn the menu while your on podium and know where thigns are in the kitcehn form when u have helped with bussing etc... the main thing there is just knowing the levels of stadards disney expects and the drinks which i found way harder than the food to remember esp the wine cos i dont drink it

    so yeah dont worry - it can be stressful and long hours on your feet when your not used to it but you get used to it really quickly
  3. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

    Thanks for that that's really reassuring. The only F&B experience I have is a short while at McD's during which time I was mainly on drive through and washing up so I was a bit worried about doing that role, but now you've explained that it sounds OK. I work in a Next Home store at the moment so deal with quite complicated tills and furniture ordering computer systems with Interest Free Credit and all that jazz so hopefully that will have prepared me for using Disney's tills/computer systems even if I've got little experience with the actual food and drinks side of things.
    Luckily I like my wine though so hopefully that would help ;)
  4. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    also meant to say if you say merch for ur first choice ad they only have f&b roles left they will still offer you the f&b role so it cant hurt to put merch if that is what u want to do altho as has been said there are a lot less merch roles thans f&b

    merch is less stressful than f&b and less hours and you dont get the chance to earn tips but for some people thats what they want - its more chilled and you still have enough money to live on and do trips ad stuff but your not going to be buying a new pair of shoes every week (like i did hehe came home with stupid amounts of shoes and hand bags :D ) and your going to have more time off to enjoy the perks of living in orlando - F&B is more money but more stress and less time off

    lots of people say f&b is the best but it just depends on you really my mates in merch loved it and would have ahted f&b - me i loved f&b and would have hated merch :)
  5. Missish

    Missish New Member

    I have indeed. I think it's going to make me want it more, though, so if I get an email when I'm out there that I've not got a phone interview, I'm going to be even more upset than I would be otherwise! :(

    Oh, and a question to anyone:

    If I change the date that I'm available from, do I have to contact Yummy to let them know, or will they just ask me at the phone interview anyway?
  6. sophieplmgto

    sophieplmgto New Member

    hahaha i didn't think about the different money either! that could take some getting used to!
  7. jamjam251

    jamjam251 Member

    ooooh Pinkspideruk, after you mentioned about buying shoes I might just change my mind and go for F&B :D :D hehe

    And because I am an Uber-Disney freak, I bought some Mickey Mouse fish today for my tank :) [​IMG]
  8. Epiphany_1988

    Epiphany_1988 New Member

    But if you get one saying you do have a phone interview then it will be the perfect place to get the news :D
  9. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    We got Mickey mouse fish when we were out there we called them very originally mickey and minnie. I looked after them for 2 days in my appt the it was my friends turn in her appt and she maaged to kill them off within hours of havig them!!!! we had a mini funeral and threw them in the lakes at the commons
  10. Epiphany_1988

    Epiphany_1988 New Member

    How have i never know about these fish?? I want some hehe!
  11. meganlauren

    meganlauren New Member

    Mickey mouse fish? Say what?
    What are these fish you talk of? Lmao
  12. Epiphany_1988

    Epiphany_1988 New Member

    OMG!!! Google them right now!! They actually have Mickey on their tails :eek: I need to find these fish and buy some haha!
  13. meganlauren

    meganlauren New Member

    Oh. My. Gosh. They are actually incredible!

    I was sorta expecting fish that look like a spitting image on Mickey, but I suppose that was wishful thinking ;) still extremely impressive! AW!
  14. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    they are just gold fish with mickey heads o their bums :D

    lots of people when i was at the commons had japanese fighting fish as well the males i think were the pretty ones so they had the males

    of course ur not allowed pets so a umber of those pretty fish got flushed on inspection day or shoved in a lockier, the tumble dryer (eve heard of sopmeone putting the bowl into the microwave!!!)
  15. Epiphany_1988

    Epiphany_1988 New Member

    Did any1 ever get caught with them?
  16. jamjam251

    jamjam251 Member

    Awww no way :( I got 4 yesterday, to blue and two yellow, haven't managed to name them yet though :p
    The Japanese fighting fish are gorgeous, especially the males ones :)
    LOL at someone putting the fish bowl in a microwave!!!! good hiding place though x
  17. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    not that i know of

    there was a rumour that someone had a pet bird in a cage and that this bird had been there for years being passed on each time someone left but i never saw it :S
  18. mushu

    mushu New Member

    I just googled them and Oh My Word!!! They're actually sooo cool.

    If only I had a fish tank....maybe I can convince my friend to buy some for her tank instead, she often wants advice on which new fish to get ;)
  19. jamjam251

    jamjam251 Member

    APRIL IS NEARLY HERE!!!!!!!! ONLY 12 DAYS!! lol I know YJ probably won't send out emails on the 1st but still.....its getting closer :) :)
  20. Epiphany_1988

    Epiphany_1988 New Member

    Arghhhhhh! How exciting! I just did a little dance after reading this hehe! I hope they send the e-mails pretty early on the wait is driving me mad!! Just think by this time next month we should have heard ekkkkkkkk!! :D

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