Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by georgie92, Mar 8, 2011.

  1. peter_pan_uk

    peter_pan_uk New Member

    I just posted on another thread, I just heard from Kristen. She said we can expect to hear around MID APRIL if we made it through to telephone interview stage.
    Thats still 2 full weeks away.

    im trying so hard not to get my hopes up - i know too well the odds are stacked against us re-applicants, but still...
    i want it so much more this time round.
  2. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    OMG why are YJ torturing us? Surely they have had enough time to look through the applicants by now? arrrggghhh I was so hopeful we would hear this weekend one way or another.
  3. WALL-E

    WALL-E New Member

    I really don't think I can take two more weeks of this! The anticipation is killing me. :(

    I've got a whole month before my next two (and last ever) Uni assignments are due, and they'll no doubt be last minute jobs as per usual, despite constantly telling myself I wont let them be. That means a whole month of refreshing my Inbox every 3 minutes. Help.
  4. mushu

    mushu New Member

    Gaaahhh, so it really will be mid April then.

    Hmmmm, what to do to distract myself for the next fortnight? :-\
  5. CazzieAnwyn

    CazzieAnwyn New Member

    wow there must have been a lot of applicants applying this year... that makes me slightly nervous about things =[ Lucky for me i dont have much time to check e-mails so I will be busy so it wont be to bad for myself xD

    Edit:: Not that, that is much consolation for any of you lot xD
  6. sophieplmgto

    sophieplmgto New Member

    i am in EXACTLY the same situation haha
  7. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    my problem is i have the net in work so can check my email as much as i want which isnt good as i find myself wanting to check my email and then not bothering to do my work lol
  8. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    I hate to say it but we'd better get used to all this waiting guys! Because soon enough they'll inform us about the telephone interviews.. then it'll probably be another 1-2 weeks before we know who has f2f interviews, then another 3 week wait til the f2f interviews, then maybe 2-3 weeks before we hear if we have a place?! AND then we may be placed on waiting lists and as you can see from other threads this can be months of more waiting!!

    So yeah, I'm just *trying* to put it to the back of my mind but it is a matter of patience! ;D
  9. leeds disney fan

    leeds disney fan New Member

    I know exactly how u feel i graduated from leeds met last yr in international tourism management and had to do a placement, the uni had a date arranged for the J1 program and canxed it wks b4 so i applied for the icp program and got an interview but didnt get a place last yr i applied for the crp and got a phone interview but not a f2f so am hoping itll be 3rd time lucky ps i'm JAne from Leeds feel free to add me on fb my link is
  10. emmaecstatic

    emmaecstatic New Member

    I had a dream last night where i got offered the job, words cannot explain how gutted i was when i woke up haha.
    Is the CRP dominating all of someones life too? :mad:
  11. citywalk

    citywalk New Member

    So What date do we all think then? Im picking April 11th
  12. disney_spice

    disney_spice Member

    As another reapplicant we just have to keep everything in the world crossed!! I was really hoping it would be the start of april.... seen i checked my inbox every day through March never mind waiting for April!!!!!

    I applied last year and was on holiday for the phone interview so had to wait til Jan to apply again... im on holiday in May and am really scared that i will be on holiday for phone interviews again!! :S
  13. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    You'll just have to enable your mobile for roaming and have an expensive phone bill!!!
  14. Discostu81

    Discostu81 New Member

    I'm gonna go for the 15th.
  15. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    13th for me ;)
  16. planet

    planet New Member

    15 April!! :D

    .....hope so. ::)
    it might get as late as end of April for us, applicants from Hong Kong. :-X
  17. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    Im going to go for the 8th and be the optimism
  18. peter_pan_uk

    peter_pan_uk New Member

    Well I'd like to think the 15th too like they said, but usually when I'm waiting for something it never quite happens as you'd expect. So I imagine to be kept waiting allllllll weekend long after, and maybe until tues 19th!
    Thats my guess. April 19th.

  19. Discostu81

    Discostu81 New Member

    Optimist Park, sort out your grammar :p
  20. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    Haha i've just woke up from a nap, give me a break Stuart! :p

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