Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by georgie92, Mar 8, 2011.

  1. Epiphany_1988

    Epiphany_1988 New Member

    I cant tell anyone and thats killing me lol! I dont think you can win either way! Im just lucky that i can talk to you guys about it or else i think i really would go mad haha! :D
  2. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    Well at least we know they are looking through them :)
    i managed to update my cv after finally installing word
    and e-mailed yummy yesterday and told them ive updated and they basically said if they have already looked through it then its a bit tough, so its a good job they're looking through them now haha
  3. robbo454

    robbo454 New Member

    God i sent my CV using my Mac and i have a really bad feeling it didn't upload properly onto the yummy jobs application page, i am so ready to go back to Florida and do the programme again :)
  4. Discostu81

    Discostu81 New Member

    That's what you get for being an Apple fanboy :p
  5. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    haha now now children :) play nice
    but i agree, im a microsoft, blackberry kid
  6. CazzieAnwyn

    CazzieAnwyn New Member

    If it wasnt uploaded properly then they would email you asking you to send it via email. so don't worry, if they havent emled you saying that, its up there waiting.
  7. Vickidoop

    Vickidoop New Member

    Hmm I've been checking my emails and junk mail but didn't get one saying that they had received my application. Does that mean they haven't received it? Although it says I have applied on the yummyjobs website. UGH This wait is killing me!! BUT I saw a car number plate yesterday saying ''DW12 CRP'' I think it's a sign! haha x
  8. smagfx

    smagfx New Member

    Don't worry I put my application in through Safari on my gorgeous mac *pats it lovingly* and my application made it through =] x
  9. robbo454

    robbo454 New Member

    Pheww thats ok then, i love my Mac too def wouldn't go back to any other make now, hope we all hear back from Yummy Jobs soon i remember the constant waiting in between each stages from my last application so at least i know what to expect, more nailbiting checking of the e-mails about a million times a day!! :D
  10. Sarahhh

    Sarahhh New Member

    Hi Everyone,

    I've been reading this forum for agesss and finally decided to join and introduce myself! I'm 19 and currently studying Travel and Tourism Management at Thames Valley University, like many uni courses mine includes a years placement (in 2012)! When i applied for uni i was told that my university has connections with Disney and that I should be able to do my placement on the International College Programme (HA!) I decided to start applying in December last year for my placements, first stop: placement office and they told me that they "no longer have connections with Disney" *heart sank* biggest kick in the teeth EVER! so I decided to apply for the CRP ;D

    Like many of you Disney holds a special place in my heart, I practically grew up with disney and my reaction was even more ARGHHHHHHHHH ;D :D :) than those children on the new disney adverts (If anyones seen it) when I found out i was going on holiday to WDW! My first ever "Girls" holiday was to WDW aswell :)

    Anyway I'll stop boring you all now! but Goodluck ;D

    Sarah x
  11. CazzieAnwyn

    CazzieAnwyn New Member

    Hiya Sarah! Aww bugger huh =[ I was going to do cruise management at uni =D (Not quite the same thing, but I'm sure you study cruise as well as when I did t&t at college we studied it) So much fun love t&t so much <3 Glad you fuond a way to get in though. ahaha I dont think me or any of my friends would be able to afford to go to wdw to be honest xD

    Ahahaha I would be biting my nails, if it were the fact Im busy living it up on a holiday resort xD Getting into the groove of things and how they work, so much fun literally cant wait till I get to Disney Im going to literally get there and explode into a big pile of glittery mush! Least I know they're looking at cv's and reviewing them. So excited. I kinda want to thank them for understanding the problem again and mention that I cant wait to hear from them soon, and see if i could find out a little sooner ::) ut I feel that may seem a bit cheeky so I dont think I will xD
  12. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    So im thinking in the nxt week or so?
    not long folks
    must say the waiting this time seems so much longer then last time haha
  13. Epiphany_1988

    Epiphany_1988 New Member

    I like this alot! I hope your right hehe!
  14. peter_pan_uk

    peter_pan_uk New Member

    It is sooo much worse this time Michelle isnt it.
    When are you off to DLP to see Charlotte?
  15. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    I'm off in just under 2 weeks
    Very very excited to see her :)
  16. lovethemouse

    lovethemouse New Member

    ooooh lovely michelle!!! im going in april i think... just confirming a date!! hope your well!! xxx
  17. Epiphany_1988

    Epiphany_1988 New Member

    This week could be the week guys!! How exciting! Im getting a little nervous of looking at my e-mails now haha! :)
  18. meganlauren

    meganlauren New Member

    Same :') I normally skim through who they're from and I misread some of them, and I'm just like "AH YUMMY!!!!" Then I just imagine getting an email saying I'm not successful :p ahhhh, so annoying! Just wanna know NOW!
  19. emmaecstatic

    emmaecstatic New Member

    Email checking has become a lot more obsessive as we've come closer to April haha.
    I have to check every folder in my hotmail just incase it's not gone into my inbox :D.
    I think i'm officially going insane from checking emails ;D.
  20. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    Im quite lucky that im not the kind of person who gets excited for anything until JUST before it happens, so even if i did get an interview that led to a job, it would December before i even started getting around to doing the stuff that makes you excitied such as packing, changeing money least that is what im telling myself ;)

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