How to apply 101

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by mousefreak, Apr 4, 2008.

  1. mousefreak

    mousefreak New Member

    ah! so i just looked at my exam sched next year... im DONE by april 25th!!! so i can apply to start in THE BEGINNING OF MAY!!!

    and flights from Van are only 250$ in may!

    what are the chances that i can ask to go in may?!
  2. Celephaïs

    Celephaïs New Member

    the chances you can ASK are 1:1
    the chances you'll actually leave then are slightly less :p
  3. mousefreak

    mousefreak New Member

    welll i can leave anywhere btwn may - august

    hopefullly i nail the interview so i can get those dates!

    ps .. if there are 8 ppl in a room, is there 4 bathrooms? or just one?
  4. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    I always thought CV was like the Cover Letter over here. :)

    8 people (meaning 4 bedrooms) is 3 bathrooms I believe. One is shared... or it is 3 and a half (meaning one is just a toilet and a sink.)
  5. ~Disney_Princess~

    ~Disney_Princess~ New Member

    I thought that CV was a cover letter too lol

    what's the max # of people that share an apartment? for 8 it sounds like a huge place...
  6. mousefreak

    mousefreak New Member

    yea!! eight sounds huge! but i would want it, i think, cause then you get to meet so many more ppl and stuff!!!
    but ill be going into wellness so are those bigger or smaller?

    i hope i get on good with everybody though!
  7. Celephaïs

    Celephaïs New Member

    there is no difference in size of the wellness and non-wellness apt's... they just randomly make apt's into wellness's whenever they need to...

    it's true about the 8 person apt's., they have 4 bedrooms, two bedrooms share one bathroom each, and there's an extra bathroom shared between the four rooms, but only with a sink and toilet.

    the three bedroom apt's have on bathroom for each bedroom,
    so do the 1 and 2 bedroom apt's...

    I lived in an 8 person one... and it was cool, as mousefreak mentioned you get to meet a bunch of people... the only thing that sucks really is that there is only one fridge, at least that's what it was like when I lived there, but I think they have put in an extra freezer or something in the 8 person apt's since I left, ...which would be really nice...
    another thing that is nice is that the apt could be very big.
    I lived in a huge one.. but had friends who lived in tiny ones, and were still 8 person apt's
    so if you like having people to talk to at all times, go for an 8 person one.. or if you're more of the quieter type, pay the extra $15 a week or whatever it is, and go for a smaller apt
  8. ~Disney_Princess~

    ~Disney_Princess~ New Member

    Oh so if you have more room mates you pay less in rent? Do you get a choice? I'm guessing you can request how many roomies you want but it's not guaranteed...right??
  9. Celephaïs

    Celephaïs New Member

    You can't request anything until you get there. But after you move into your apt you can ask to move.
    The 1 and 2 bedroom apt's are the most expensive, think they're like 97 bucks or something now, they were 87 when I lived there.
    The 3 and 4 bedroom apt's cost about 85 or something, I think.
    I lived in an 4 bedroom apt, then moved to a 3 bedroom one, and then finally to a 2 bedroom one. Never managed to get a 1 bedroom apt. It's kinda hard, as a whole bunch of people want to live in them.
  10. ~Disney_Princess~

    ~Disney_Princess~ New Member

    oh I see thanks. do you remember how much the 1 bedroom apartments are?
  11. Celephaïs

    Celephaïs New Member

    the 1 and 2 bedroom apt cost exactly the same...
    what could suck about the 1 bedroom ones though is that the size of them varies tremendously, some are tiny, while others are decent sized
    the last 9 months I was there, I lived in a 2 bedroom one, and it was excellent.
    my roomies were seldom home, and the living/dining area as well as kitchen were huge
    So I had a huge apt to myself most of the time. ;D 8)
  12. ~Disney_Princess~

    ~Disney_Princess~ New Member

    oooo lucky you lol :D
  13. Celephaïs

    Celephaïs New Member

    I know...
    And it was actually like that when I lived in an 8 person apt.
    Nobody were ever home, so I had the entire place to myself...
    One of my roomies actually started calling me the apt dog.. as I was always there, lying on the couch, watching telly
    haha, good times
  14. mousefreak

    mousefreak New Member

    whoa! i thought that there would be people in there like ALL the time
  15. ~Disney_Princess~

    ~Disney_Princess~ New Member

    Well I guess you're either at work or have time off and I think alot of ppl will probably want to play in the parks on their days of ;D
  16. mousefreak

    mousefreak New Member

    ahahahh thats very true, i know that i will be at the parks soooo much!!!! and not to mention the rest of orlando
  17. Celephaïs

    Celephaïs New Member

    yeah, when not working, they often hang around the parks, go to the beach, go to the movies, party, or just goofing around at all the other stuff to do in the area.
    me, on the other hand, was relaxing comfortably on the couch, with nobody around. ;D
    although I did my fair share of kicking back in the parks... they're awesome

    I also worked mornings, so I would usually get home from work 4 or 5 hours before everybody else... guess that helps
  18. mousefreak

    mousefreak New Member

    what are the hours of work, (generally?)
  19. TinkTingeling

    TinkTingeling New Member

    There's no such thing as generally in disney! It depends on which park you're working in and what you're working with. But if you're a CRP in epcot it's usually between 10am and 11pm and to 1am one night a week.
  20. ~Disney_Princess~

    ~Disney_Princess~ New Member

    What about Extra Magic Hours? Those are usually till like 3am or something right?
    Also do we get paid time and a half for overtime and on stat holidays? That's how it works here but I'm thinking that since we're there on visas and stuff there might be different rules regarding this. Cuz I know the government can be stingy lol.

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