How did your F2F go?

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by fleur_charms, Nov 13, 2009.

  1. jdavies

    jdavies New Member

    heyyy i think mine went ok. i had mine with jeff around 11.45ish he was really chilled and he didnt really ask us loads of questions because we were talking about loads of stuff and at the end he was like i dont need to ask any more questions you answered them all for me :p
    what job was that btw that you were talking about im intrigued xD
  2. fleur_charms

    fleur_charms New Member

    I really think mine was average. I don't think I was good enough to get through, but oh well, I'll persevere and try next year. I just want to find out now, the waiting is awful but at least its less than a week now :)
  3. Sometimes when you want something so much, you can think every worst possible outcome imaginable. If you answered all the questions truthfully, and passionately i reckon you'll have done great. Fingers crossed for everyone. It's not actually too long a wait, although it feels like it is. I had Jeff too, he was AWESOME!!!!!

    Good Luck All
  4. beccac123

    beccac123 New Member

    I heard 2 days after my interview that i was accepted - so did all of the people that i was interviewed with. We also found out by phone not by e-mail. :) hope you all find out soon! So i have mroe people to be excited with!! xx
  5. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    I think for the summer departures it's going to be Friday at the earliest... knowing what happened in 2008 I am not counting on hearing until next week!
  6. mogs

    mogs New Member

    I had mine at 12:10 in London.
    I'm not feeling too confident :(, I was stuttering and nervous with nothing to say :-X
    and I hate coming out and thinking "I should of said that!"
    But I did meet a few lovely people so it wasn't all a disaster, and I will learn from this experience!
    Fingers still crossed
  7. captain_kylie

    captain_kylie New Member

    Guys it will be this friday when you find out for the UK APPLICANTS WHO INTERVIEWED THIS PAST WEEK!

    Don't forget theres other nationalities on these boards as well that would have found out differently! :)

    Good luck to all!

    And Yes Jeff rocks! And so do Becky and Chloe!
  8. ariella

    ariella New Member

    Charlotte-Ya, it was really weird. I had pretty much accepted the fact that I might not be going to Disney and then I saw the e-mail from Kristen and knew it was a job offer. Hopefully this year that won't be the case since they are only doing one round of face to face interviews (and that character attendent is on the role list!).

    I'm glad to hear the questions didn't change too much. Did they put all alumni together for the interview or do you still get paired up randomly? Ya, it really sucks we couldn't meet up! It must have been so much fun working at TOT! It's my favourite ride at DHS :). Do you want to do attractions again? I hope you hear soon and that the answer is yes! I can barely handle the wait for the interview this time around, I have no idea how I will handle the wait to hear the results!
  9. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    I was paired with a girl who hadn't been before, when Jeff looked at my application and saw I was alumni he got up and went through a pile of paper and found my record sheet which had the time I was late and the time I called in on it. It had a bit YES on it which made me feel good!!

    I LOVED TOT soooo much, I put attractions number 1 and character attendant number 2, so I'd love either one. I'd love anything really, I just want to go back!!! The waiting is killing me a little bit more every day, I really hope we find out this week. I can't cope with another weekend of not knowing!!

    Hopefully, fingers crossed, we'll both be back there next year. Must get back to refreshing my emails...
  10. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    I was alumni but put with a girl who had never been before so it was quite a good difference in questions and stuff :) But Jeff didn't have a record card... well, not that I know of. I was only late once and phoned in sick once (I was soooo ill!) so I only had two half points during the time I was there. When I was late it was only by about 3 minutes!!
  11. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Matt didn't have a record card for me... shame really, as I got no points! :)

    Sucks though that whether you're late by a minute or 1hr 58minutes it's the same penalty... glad I always got the earlier bus! (Except that one time where I was running up the tunnel.... I don't like to remember that day! ;) )

    Good luck to everyone though... I live in fear of my inbox!
    The time goes quicker if you don't check constantly though... once a day means that you could do other stuff and then have increased nerves/excitement!
    I'm going for Thursday though... that's the day I heard last year :)
  12. kandicombo

    kandicombo New Member

    I've been trying to stay away from my inbox but I do get nervous everytime I check it just incase there is something there lol. I've been trying to do my uni work to take my mind off it but it isn't helping because I have to write a case study on the Walt Disney Company from my media studies class lol. I hate waiting, I'm not very patient at all x
  13. hevzzz

    hevzzz New Member

    I'm not patient either! Luckily I have loads of work due in this week so that should keep me away from checking my inbox every 5 minutes!!
  14. I'm o.k at the waiting game, probably because most of the waits predicted have been a lot longer. They said Friday so i'll just check my emails on Friday. But this week lots of work to concentrate on!

    Good luck to you all!
  15. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Precisely what happened when I was late... working in Main St wasn't so good that day - too far to run from the buses!!
  16. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    so how early u goto be for ur shift in general? x
  17. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Well on main street, you could 'clock in' up to 15 minutes before your shift started but if you clocked in even a few seconds after the time your shift started it meant you were late... and I was by about 2 minutes because the bus was late and then I had to run the length of the magic kingdom to clock in :p Most of the time I was rediculously early for my shifts... once I even went out and joined in with the kids dancing to the parade before going to clock in, that was the best shift ;D
  18. mac shell

    mac shell New Member

    Its actually killing me waiting for this email! Ive been away all weekend and not had any time to jump onto check my emails like actually just ran in the door to look at them gutted wev still not heard was kinda hoping we would have maybe :( sad days xxx
  19. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    LOL you guys... I was so like that when I applied the first time! I'm 99% sure it's going to be at least Friday before we hear... if I am wrong I give you permission to say told you so! ;D
  20. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Well in general where i worked you just turned up before your shift started, as you cannot clock in until 5 minutes before your shift. When i was early i normally hung around the office and talked to the leaders or coordinator who was there or sat in the discovery diner until just before i started.

    Yea, i remember this exactly from last year, checking my emails constantly waiting for that special email to appear. Yummy normally like to inform people at the end of the week, i got told Thursday i think the same as Katie last year. Would need to check my blog for definite. I was late on two occasions, just basically due to mix up of my shift times, my shifts were always really similar so once i mistaken a start by 15 minutes so i was late by 15 minutes, the other i was an hour late, completely by accident, i came into the office so glad i just made it for clocking in at 11, i had like 2 minutes. But i was my coordinators reaction "i am do glad you are here" that gave me the strangest feeling then it turns out i had been late. My manager wasnt bothered, he just sort of laughed it off and i was sent to kiosk, when you are at kiosk for 4 hours, you have almost lost half your bodyweight in sweat, its hooooooooooooooooooooooot outside, lol.

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