and i totally just realised that there is a female counterpart to this quiz! haha im so special!!! lol interesting views on the girls and yes i do agree that marissa has become too skinny, wen the show started out she was ok, maybe shes stressed out from the show and she's stopped eating or something............ damn, i gotta get me on a U.S sitcom, maybe i can get stressed then and not have to worry about how many points are in a meal! wait il just become a student instead, ought to do the trick! i do think seth is cute, the things he says sometimes just make me laugh so much but cringe too cos i totally know some guys who talk like he does and make me wanan bury my head in the sand! hahaha sorry for being dumb chat later xxxx
Laura, I did the same thing as you! But i was in the girls poll and said there should be one about the guys, then i noticed it here. Thank goodness for modifying messages
I change my mind between whose cuter in the oc seth or ryan all the time... At the minute i think Ryan wins and i quite like Zach too. Laura i agree with u over the plumber mike in desperate housewives hes cute i like the gardener played by jesse metcaffe too. xxx
i love desp hws im addicted... but yeah the gardener is hot Kelly! This isnt the best pic of him... but this is what he looks like... And this is the plumber... xxx
i agree des hws rocks it so good but i love the oc more missed it tonight and am well gutted boo who but seth is the nices one in the o.c hands down hes so funny and quit u just have to love him hehehehe low xxxxx
yeah think that was his name! I kinda couldnt really see past the craziness tho!haha makes a person less fanciable(if thats even a word) xx
Thanks for posting the jesse pic Lianne - he looks well fit in that pic! i'll be watching desp hws tonight as always lol! xxx
:'( :'( wish i had normal channel 4...............i have welsh s4c and DHW is on a monday starts 11...........ill have to wait till i go home and recap on E4 xxxx
haha tinkerbell i think kind the other way round. i like desp housewives but not so much nowadays!haha natz i could tell he was crazy from day1! xxx