*Hits head on desk* UPDATED!!!!

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Megara, Aug 24, 2005.

  1. tess123

    tess123 New Member

    the rest of the questions were really bad too, but someone said if i had failed i would have well heard by now, but not setting my hopes too high. i had the interview 3 weeks ago
  2. Megara

    Megara New Member

    Soundslike you'll be fine then..... I'll keep my finger crossed though :)
  3. fingers crosses for sure! three week is so long to wait either way, thats a little bit evil of them :mad:
    Seriously though, tea bags is a REALLY good answer! My mum and I go all around to the British import stores close to us to get our tea...it doesn't compare to the crap teas we have in canada (and the states for that matter...better bring a year supply if you go to Florida!)
    Anyways, let us know the second you hear anything!
  4. tess123

    tess123 New Member

    I just got my email. I didn't get through, any advice and should i re-apply
  5. Megara

    Megara New Member

    Oh Tess. I'm sorry! Yes re-apply, though you might not get a face to face until next November... better then than never.
    As for advice, I don't know... maybe think about the questions you were asked this time and think about how you could have0 answered them better.... it might help. I'm sure someone will have better advice than I do... Just don't give up!
  6. awww Tess :-[ *hugs* Sad news.
    As for advice, maybe take a one day hospitality seminar, it looks good on a resume and it teaches you good skill that Disney looks for. I know here in canada we have "SuperHost" not sure if it's in the UK but you could call any local tourism school and they would have the into for you. ;)
    DEFO apply again! If you are passionate they will see it, even if they missed you the first time ;D
  7. Amy_99

    Amy_99 New Member

    Aww that rubbish chick..... I did a welcome host thing a few years back, you get a certificate and stuff so things like that might help for a cv. Get a part time job in a bar or something that might help also.Deffo re-apply and write on your cv that your re-applying so it shows your determind! Its what the police do sometimes if there not sure about someone they will just fail them to see how determined they really are! especially as its a contracted year so i bet there just making sure your 100% for it :) Good Liuck :) x
  8. tess123

    tess123 New Member

    Good news has happened, I re-applied straight away and got an email of yummy asking to call them, so i did, she asked me a couple of questions and offered me and interview on 17th November in Glasgow, i am so nervous, any advice for the face to face interviews


  9. PeXoXaLoVePooH

    PeXoXaLoVePooH Active Member

    good tess!!! see i cant be so bad ;)
    i had my face 2 face on actober 13 and i just can say i love it! the people is so nice!!!
    just be yourself, dont worry too much, act normal, they dont atack u with a lot of questions, its a little chat, they ask u about why u want join, what u preffer F&B or Merch or Attraccions, so don worry i don forget SMILE!!!! ;D ;D its very important
    good luck to every oneee!!!!
  10. tess123

    tess123 New Member

    Thanks Ely for your advice

    Maz, i am going to be there for 1 year

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