Hi Ho... Hi Ho... Of to Chez Gerard We Go...

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Kathryn1010, Feb 24, 2009.

  1. i dont give a flying shit.
  2. bongallina

    bongallina New Member

    hey guys, im driving down on wed morning from north of birmingham soi wont meet u guys untill the interview, but well looking forward to meeting everyone :)
    see u all wed
  3. mushu

    mushu New Member

    Woah I wouldn't fancy driving all that way! Cool, another person, see you Wednesday then!! :D
  4. bongallina

    bongallina New Member

    when i say im driving i meen i talked my dad in2 driving me haha,then i can sleep on the way, will set off from mine in the north at 5am (bad times) what are people wearing, i was thinking black trousers with a shirt and tank top?
  5. mushu

    mushu New Member

    How are you gonna get home then, he going to hand around all day for you lol? Sounds like you're gonna be knackered

    I'm going smart, so skirt, blouse, suit jacket
  6. carly

    carly New Member

    I have got plans with a friend on tuesday evening so sadly wont be able to make it to TGI's to join your guys but am definately looking forward to meeting everyone!!! I'm always early everywhere so whoever else is early, i will see ya outside Chez Gerard hehe
  7. bongallina

    bongallina New Member

    he's guna go off and do his own thin, thinkhe;s meeting a mate in town while im thr, n ten can drive back, train down 2 stay all day was going 2 be redick expensive, yehi think i might go for s smart dress, cause disney are so conservative i dnt wanna sort wear the wrong thing
  8. Steph

    Steph New Member

    hey everyone! took down everyones numbers, heres mine : 07908813334...

    my flight gets in quite close to the meal but hopefully ill meet you guys at the reception at the wellington, but if im running late in any way, ill text someone :)

    see you tomorrow ;D
  9. StephyLewis

    StephyLewis New Member

    suit is all pressed and hanging in a complimentary next carry bag ;D think john travolta in saturday night fever.
  10. arron87

    arron87 New Member

    Your right Steph it did cross my mind about giving out my number. . . but then I thought what the hell its all over facebook and that anyway lol.

    My suits ready. . just going to iron my shirt and pack (I know im leaving it ridiculously late haha!
  11. StephyLewis

    StephyLewis New Member

    I prefer packing in the morning if i do it the night before i'm only going to pull it all out when i get up to check its all there.

    Only thing i've got to do is get another copy of my passport as the photocopy guy only copied it twice, doh!
  12. mushu

    mushu New Member

    Hmmm, I wonder what kind of wierdo would be hanging around this forum! We can always edit the posts when we get back and remove the numbers. Not packing my smart stuff until the last possible moment, don't want it to get creased!!
    I'm sure I've forgotten something already, so I'll probably have to pull everything out in the morning too. Oh well...
  13. StephyLewis

    StephyLewis New Member

    every disney film has its villian could be the same for its forums ;)
  14. bongallina

    bongallina New Member

    how many people have got intrviews does any1 know, and how many jbs r there?
  15. arron87

    arron87 New Member

    there was 25 on March 27th so id expect a similar number. . . and no idea how many jobs. . all I know is there are probably around 50-80 (not sure) there at any one time. . with departure dates through the year. . so who knows!

    I had my suit ready and packed in its special suit bag thing. . but ive had second thoughts now about the creases so ive hung it back up and ill do that tomorrow!

    Right I think thats me for the night! See you all tomorrow!
  16. Dan7

    Dan7 New Member

    The Mad Hatter has a trouser press and iron etc ;)
  17. sweet. whenever i see the title to this thread i remember a beautiful saying

    'Bro's before ho's'

    and i think we can all appreciate that.
  18. Dan7

    Dan7 New Member

    Well! Its all done, now we wait!
  19. i knew u would be the first to write something u loser.

    airports are bloody dull.
  20. Dan7

    Dan7 New Member

    F off! I was bored on the train :)

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