Help? Newbie from Australia

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by Pommyy, Feb 22, 2009.

  1. oogaboogallama

    oogaboogallama New Member

    Hey, ill just crash the convo.... Yea ive heard its waaaaaay easier for kiwis and aussies to get in than it is for everyone else... They must know how awesome we are :D
  2. kimmiedancer

    kimmiedancer New Member

    Hahaha. I am guessing it's more to do with our population, but I agree we are awesome! ;)

    ...are you going to apply for 2010?
  3. kimmiedancer

    kimmiedancer New Member

    Hello charkfin :)
    ..are you applying for 2010? Eeek interviews tomorrow!!
  4. charkfin

    charkfin New Member

    haha, yes, i think because not many people from aus/nz actually know about the program and becauise of our population. Disney probably wants to get as much 'variety' as possible, so thy take all the ausssies/nz's as they want. Why not, australia has less thn 30 million in the entire country :S LOL
    kimmiedancer, unfort, im not applying for 2010, probably 2011 or maybe 2012. I know, its wierd to be early on this board, but its nice to come on here and read about current experiences and see the fun people are having:) I want to go when im 21, and by 2011, ill be top notch to go, as I will have already finished my uni degree:)
    what month in 2010 would you like to go on, and how did yo hear about this program?
    lots of wandering aussies and nz's like me on this forum! double yay!
  5. kimmiedancer

    kimmiedancer New Member

    uhm, I'm hoping to go in July 2010 - so if you go in Jan 2011 I might see you there! :)
    NZ/Auz represent ;) haha

    --> that's true, they do want variety, akes them seem liek they are an 'inclusive' company. However, I have heard rumours about how they on like employng 'good looking' people, and any people that aren't 'good looking' are assigned to roles the public doenot see.. Not sure if that's true but hmm.

    .....I heard about this programme due to the posers around Uni. Then I did some research. Actually, the whole thing came about in a few weeks to be honest. Some people seem to know about such things months or years in advance but really I just found out about all of this a few weeks ago and then decided to apply!
    The good thing about being a NZer is that we all got the opp for a F2F interview, and no-one was really prepared or anything (not really sure why, maybe because they didn't explain the process well, I only found ut by emailing questions....). I mean - I was the only one at the Wgtn meeting I encountered that had a CV and had already filled in the forms, for instance. Yay for being organised. :p

    The more Aussies and Nzers the better! Let's educate the world on where we are and what we're like! haha! :p
  6. oogaboogallama

    oogaboogallama New Member

    Yea ive been accepted for jan 2010... Just found out about it and applied, made the decision pretty quickly. :)

    Ive heard that rumour too, though I think thats more the way it used to be than how it is now. Not sure what happened to change that but yeah.

    Anyone know what the ratios are of fluent english to not quite so fluent english people? It could be interesting if I get a room mate I dont understand lol, and they would have difficulties understanding me. In true NZ fashion I talk pretty fast and garbled.
  7. kimmiedancer

    kimmiedancer New Member

    yeah I don't think I talk fast, beut apparantly I do!!

    ...well Disney like you to be able to speak english proficiently, it's one of things they ask people. So I'm sure you'll be able to understand them :p

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