Help? Newbie from Australia

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by Pommyy, Feb 22, 2009.

  1. charkfin

    charkfin New Member

    hey becky, well i have not yet been on the program, but as far as i know by chatting with other people, it can be counted towards your 'years' at uni or tafe. when you fill out your application cv etc.. ou'll just have to get the green light and apporval from yuor uni/tafe. then i think you will be all set :)
    yes, it does sound like an amazing program, hopefully i will venture in 2011, when i finsih my uni degree. i dont want to go mid year, because im scared ill become to lazy to finsih my degree! haha
  2. Becky D

    Becky D New Member

    Yeah i no what you mean im real lucky because my course is only a year long so i have to finish it before i can go to Disney! I am hopefully going to go in July 2010 for a year! Im already way too excited and just hoping that i get accepted!

    Becky :D
  3. suixelo

    suixelo Member

    Another New Zealander!! But you're going a year before me... =[
    You'll have to tell us all about it haha.
  4. aussie_gal

    aussie_gal New Member

    my boyfriend and I are planning to applying for a July 2011 start! can't wait!

    what positions are you all applying for? I definately want to do attractions. my ultimate dream would be able to dance in the shows/parades as well but i doubt that would be able to happen..
  5. suixelo

    suixelo Member

    I intend to apply for character performer, I'm 4'11 so I'm the right height yay =D Se4cond choice would be attractions I think.

    I know it's possible to dance on the programs, there was someone who was in the HSM parade who was on the American College Program, but I think it's just specific cases. And I know you have to have a lot of dance experience and get through tough auditions.
  6. charkfin

    charkfin New Member

    yay! this post is still active:)
    in response, i would love to become a character attendant, but i think its only available randomly when you apply. that would be my favourite job. after that, then probably attractions or merchanidse in one of the stores within the park:)
    hopefully, if all goes well after uni, i would apply for jan 2011!

    so where in australia/newzealand is everyone from? im from the tiny (somewhat boring) city of perth. i found out about this program after talking to a girl working at disneyland california:)
    keep this board going guys!
  7. aussie_gal

    aussie_gal New Member

    yeh on the website it doesn't mention being a character or attendant... i would love to try this out for a day or two but i don't think i could handle being in a sweatie costume for a whole year!!

    i am from Sydney. what are you studying?
  8. suixelo

    suixelo Member

    Yeah, the choices change depending on what they need. I think just being there will be the best, even if I can't get my dream role =P

    I'm from Auckland, New Zealand. I'm studying Japanese language and culture, what about you guys? Do you work anywhere almost as cool as Disney? Haha. I work at Skycity Auckland in one of their restaurants. It's pretty amazing, and with things like the employee only cafeteria, wardrobe and employee tunnels, I sometimes imagine it's WDW XDDD
  9. charkfin

    charkfin New Member

  10. charkfin

    charkfin New Member

    im from perth and im studying journalim and public relations at murdoch uni. im currently in my first yar and hopefully I will venture out to disney in late 2011 when I finish my degree:) i dont think a summer at orlando i enough! i heard it goes by really quickly. a year will be great!
    i wouldnt want to be in a costume, but ill love to 'take care' of the character, walk around the park and interact with guests. i havent been to WDW, but I visited Disneyland in Anahiem and was really interested in being part of the ICP after chatting to a girl who worked as a character attendant:) if I cant become an attendant, ill probably go for attractions or merchandise. have you guys been to WDW before? and how did you hear about the program?

    suxielo, haha no, nowhere as interesting as that! i currently work at kmart doing anightfill (stacking shelves etc..) very ordinary. i think working at wdw will be a great experience. its quite early to be asking this, but do you know where they cnduct interviews for people in australia/new zealand? i'd expect them to be in Sydney/Melbourne, but one guy fromNZ said that he never had a face to face interivew; just a phone interview and he was hired :0 lucky!
  11. suixelo

    suixelo Member

    haha hey charkfin, if we get the jobs we want, you could end up looking after me =P
    Um I went to Disneyland Anaheim in January last year and that was my first visit to a park ever! I googled when I got home from Disneyland and pretty much found this place and the official site. I cried so much when I left America haha I just wanted to stay and work for Disney =[

    Aww oh well, at least you have some sort of experience haha =P
    Not sure tbh about the interviews, I think they didn't do f2f when the program first started here because it wasn't worth it to fly someone in. But I'm not sure, and I don't know if that's changed. Probably we could email and ask. I hope I don't have to go to Australia for them though haha.
  12. charkfin

    charkfin New Member

    haha hat will be pretty cool if we were partners and I had to 'take care' of you. hopefully, if the crds are in our favour, we might be going around the same time! we aussies and new zealanders must stick togethr! i dont think there are many aussies who venture out to WDW, cpmared to european countries.

    i was in the same boat with you when I left Disneyland. it was also my first time and I didnt want to leave. We were on the 3 day park hopper thing. then after talking to the chracter attendant(looking after tigger and eyore haha), she siad that I could participate in the ICP program for Disneyworld Orlando. then by the wonders of google and surfing the net, I found this place haha. now im so excited, but it wont be at least two years time until I can finish my degree and apply :) oh well, time will eventually lapse ;)
    so are you in highschool/ uni/ tafe? have you been to wdw before? ive never been, so it will be a whole new experience for me haha. many people on this board have been so many times, they know the place back to front! ill be a newbie :p
  13. bowlover

    bowlover New Member

    I'm just gonna jump in here (sorry) I'm also an Aussie (also from Perth) who will possibly be applying in 2011/2012 depending on how long it takes to finish my degree (I just changed one of my majors so who knows how long it will take). Its so good to know there are other Aussies/New Zealanders out there who will be going around the same time, I was so scared I would be alone out there
  14. charkfin

    charkfin New Member

    finally! a person from Perth haha!
    Hey bowlover, Im Char and its nice to finally meet someone who is from Perth wanting to do the program! :) Im also thinking of applying in 2011 after my degree is finished:) what uni do you go to?
  15. bowlover

    bowlover New Member

    Hey Char, I'm Stacey :) I know when I saw you were from Perth I was so happy that there is someone else out there. I'm at Notre Dame doing Commerce/Arts majoring in HRM, Marketing and History. What about you?
  16. charkfin

    charkfin New Member

    Hey Stacy:)
    Im at Murdoch currently studying a double major of journalism/public relations. just finished first semester:D holidays! haha
    if all goes well, Im hopefully venturing to WDW at the end of 2011 until 2012. I would like to finish my degree before going because Ausssie applicants can stay for up to a year, so I figured with forking lots of money to pay for an airfare, travel insurance etc.. might as well make a 'working holiday' out of it instead of spending a summer haha.
    so happy there is another Perth maybe heading out the same time as me. most aussies ive seen on this board are from Melborune and Adelaide haha.
    So have you been to WDW before? Ive only been to Disneyland in California but I loved it!
  17. bowlover

    bowlover New Member

    Thats so cool, I just switched out of journalism and into history (wasn't really my thing, I'm a huge history buff). I just finished my third semester (well in 3 exams time I will have).

    I'll most likely be venturing out end of 2011 too and staying for the whole year because like you I may as well make the most of it it's a once in a lifetime opportunity. I haven't been to WDW yet but we went to Disneyland Paris when I was 17 and that was when they were celebrating their 15th birthday and it was amazing (it was pretty much the moment I decided I wanted to work at Disney) and my family and I are going to WDW in November/December time which I'm soooooo excited about because I've been begging to go there since I was 6 and now 13 years later we're actually going (dreams really do come true ;D ). What position do you hope to do in the program (did that make sense?)
  18. charkfin

    charkfin New Member

    im taking history too:D but just as an elective for the first year. I liked history in yr 11/12, so Im doing it for the first year, then the journalism/public relations core unit will take up all my electives. good luck for all your upcoming exams! all my exams are done, so im in the holiday mood:D

    thats awesome, I havent been to Disneyland Paris, but Ive been to the one in California last year and after talking to a character attendant there, I found out that international students can work at WDW. I also havent been to WDW, but from what Ive heard around this board, its freaking huge and there are so many theme parks :D thats great that you are going this year, hope you have the time of your life!

    hopefully, Im also applying (end 2011-start 2012) and I'll want to work as a Character Attendant, mainly because of the freedom you get from going around the park, interacting with people and 'looking after' the character :p
    if not, Ill be happy with Attractions or Merchandise, any of those jobs; like most people as long as im at WDW, :D

    so do you currently have a job now? I work at Kmart in Kardinya fun fun fun haha, but it helps me save up money for the ICP program. Over the past few months, I keep on looking up student flights from Perth to Orlando and the cheapest ones with taxes including are around $2800 return :/ then travel insurance, visa etc..
    its going to burn a whole in my pocket, but it will be worth it. thats the main reason why I want to go for a year, no use spending all the money and only working there for the summer!
  19. demi

    demi New Member

    I'm also an Aussie from Sydney!

    I'm thinking of going either Jul 2010 - Jul 2011, smack bang in the middle of my degree, or at the end of it in Jul 2011 - Jul 2012.
    The only problem is I dont know if I can be away from my family for that long!! but i guess with internet its not too bad lol.

    I'm so excited I want to go right now, which is why im avoiding study for exams lol.
    I want to be a character. But I reckon a Conceirge/hospitality role would be great too. does anyone know if you have to have prior experience to do hospitality?
  20. charkfin

    charkfin New Member

    hey demi! great that you've joined our aussie/nz board! :D
    im char from perth and im think of applying for a year for end 2011/start2012. at first, when I found out about the program, I too was scared that a year may be too long, but after discussing with other members and reading their posts, many of them said that they would preferred to have stayed the year and make the pmost out of their visa etc.. i think a year of working at disney will be a once in a lifetime oppotunity, so we aussies must grab it!

    hope that you will apply for the year program! thats what ill be doing. you've probably read the previous posts, but im also think that will the amount of money we will be spending on tickets, insurance, visa etc.. we might as well stay for a year!

    i dont think previous experience is required for hispitality, but ill double check just to make sure. People on this board have said that ICPs are only allowed to be 'fur characters', given that you are the correct hieght etc..

    yes, i know that feeling. a couple of months ago, when exams were commencing I also just wanted to appply and go to work at disney, but alas. exams mst be done! we will get there one day! we have to be patient!

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