Hello to all the other Mum's and Dad's out there!

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by DisneyNurse, Jan 27, 2006.

  1. Ursula

    Ursula New Member

    Heather if you talk as much as Gemma I wouldn't like to be the passengers next to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. JackieB

    JackieB New Member

    Hi Ursula,

    You can rest assured Gemma will be fine. I was soooo worried at first, waiting for the phone calls, the tex's etc. Typical Mum eh! But after visiting in Nov and spending 3 fabulous weeks with him I was put at ease. Just to see where he lives,where he works, the places he goes etc...
    They meet some fabulous people from all over the world. He is certainly living the experience. A permanent smile on his face was enough for me. (Sorry Kev I promised I wouldn't embarass you, but us Mums worry lol) :p
    Sure I miss him like crazy and was looking forward to him coming home at the end of March but.....he now tells me he has extended till the end of May!!! :eek:
    His eldest brother and best friend will be flying out next friday (3rd) for 2 weeks to celebrate with Kev who will be 21 on 6th Feb  :)
    Best Wishes to Gemma... she will have a fantastic experience. Have a great holiday too! Enjoy your throw-in Gemma lol  ::) ::) ::)

    P.S. Great thread for us Mums! (sorry kids) lol
  3. Hi mammy!!! *waves*

    I love how all the mummsies are chatting on here, it's too cute :) you make us all feel so loved *sniff*
  4. snow.white87

    snow.white87 New Member

    Look at all the moms!

    You guys are AWESOME!!!
  5. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    Hi to everyone, especially all the mums. I’m going to live the dream on March 14th but unfortunately neither of my parents are great with computers so you won’t be seeing either of them on here!

    I just wanted you to all know I can’t wait to meet all your loved ones in the “Happiest Place on Earth” and hopefully become great friends with them all!

    Ursula, I met Gemma in the morning of the Interview back in November and I can tell we will be good friends throughout our year at Disney :D

    Anyway mums I know its your job to worry and I know my mum will definately be worrying all year long, but I know we will all be looking out for each other, especially seen as we have already got to know one another on these boards. So try not to worry too much!!!!!!
  6. JackieB

    JackieB New Member

    :) Hiya Jess. You will have a fabulous time. If mum and dad don't use a computer show them these messages. Hopefully they will be put at ease  :) You will all have a wonderful experience. Something millions of kids never get to do. Treasure each and every moment. You are going to meet MICKEY... Wooooooooooo lol
    Take care
    Kevs Mum (Jackie)
    <<<<<< Kev is on the right :)
  7. disney_spice

    disney_spice Member

    thanks Jackie!

    i cant wait!!! throw in... hmm... il cope! :s

    jess... not long!!! :D
  8. Ursula

    Ursula New Member

    Ok. I know they can go to Walmart to do their shopping, but what items of food etc. are you sending with them? Or maybe you are not!! I was thinking of sending a few "bits" to remind her of home and to keep her going in the first few days!!!!!!!!!!
  9. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    Thanks Jackie, and don’t you worry, I will treasure each and every moment, this is one fantastic opportunity we have been given! I guess I will be meeting Kev in 6 weeks if he has extended his contract then!

    Hey Gemma, not long at all, I cant believe you’re going there in a few days tho for a holiday, you lucky thing. Hope you have a wicked birthday there too and if you get to see the commons be sure to let me know all about it!
  10. Momsy

    Momsy New Member

    Hello there
    i was just thinking about what things we need to teach these guys, to be successful roomies. Jei (snow white) has learnt how to do her own laundry and wash toilets. Can you think of any other life skills that are going to be important? i know this is just a mom worrying way to much but that is our job.
  11. Ursula

    Ursula New Member

    Cleaning toilets, now that is a good idea!!!! I will get Gemma on to that as soon as she gets in!!!

    How about putting dirty washing into a wash basket and not all over the bedroom floor?

    Or maybe washing dishes? Putting the rubish out?

    I am sure I could think of lots of things that Gemma needs to practice!!!!
  12. I think for me the hardest thing will be laundry, and doing all my own grocery shopping and cooking! yipes!
  13. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    Lucky for me I can already do my laundry! Just have to get used to a different washer and drier :| took ages for me to figure out the new one at uni!

    hmmm cooking? Does that include shoving food in the microwave??? hehehee
  14. snow.white87

    snow.white87 New Member

    I freaking LOVE cleaning. Maybe it's the Snow White thing.
    Man, cleaning toilets and vaccuming...a favourite past-time of mine!!

    Whoever are my roomies, they're sure lucky. Unless there's another clean freak then their might be some battle going on. hah! I have no life :p
  15. april25th

    april25th New Member

    I dont mind cleaning and love cooking the only thing i dont like doing is cleaning the dishes grrrrrr.But if your my roomie i will be coking loadsa so look out lol
  16. snow.white87

    snow.white87 New Member

    I don't mind cooking, I'll do it if I have to. But I don't really like dishes either.
    The apartments DO come with dishwashers right?
  17. tEresa

    tEresa New Member

    hopefully they are !! i hate cleaning dishes also... i can cook, vacuum, do laundry, take the dpg for a walk hahaha BUT NO DISHES PLS... if anyone knows about the dishwashers at the commons, PLS let us know..
  18. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    I got told there was!!! By YummyJobs

    I hope so :-\ I don't like washing up.... takes away my laptop time :p
  19. snow.white87

    snow.white87 New Member

    hahah Gibbs, that's exactly what I was thinking.
    Cleaning, dishes, what not = less computer time, lol. Yay nerdiness!
  20. Momsy

    Momsy New Member

    Congrats Snow White on being a full member, don't think i will ever get there.

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