Halifax,Montreal,Toronto F2F Interviews April 10-12

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by hockey_town_canada, Mar 22, 2007.

  1. Jboucha

    Jboucha New Member

    I haven't received a reply yet but my girlfriend has. It states that she did very well at the interviews but that they don't have a position for her right now because of the number of applicants vs the number of positions. Therefore she is being put on the big ol' wait list...wonder what that means and if her chances are ever good to get from that to a position....
  2. QueensGirl

    QueensGirl New Member

    it seems like they maybe sent out all the waitlist emails together. i know from last year i think quite a few people from the waiting list ended up getting positions..you just don't know when it's going to happen..but there are going to be people who have to turn down the position for whatever reason (like i had to last year). also, jorden can speak more to this but there is a 6 month program that some people end up doing where you get placed in random spots.i'm not sure who gets that or why but i know that it's an option i guess if park attendance is up and they're short on staff..so good luck to her,and to the rest of us that haven't heard yet!
  3. Jboucha

    Jboucha New Member

    Congrats Kyle, glad to hear that for you man. Queensgirl, thanks for the input!
  4. hockey_town_canada

    hockey_town_canada New Member

    ??? ??? ???now im gettin nervous... you cultural reps applicants are starting to get replies and i havent got anything yet :S .... yikes .... :-[

    congrats Kyle and to you all who have gotten a response already... im sure the wait list will go by fast for you all :)
  5. QueensGirl

    QueensGirl New Member

    hockey town, did you apply for the summer program??
  6. hockey_town_canada

    hockey_town_canada New Member

    no no the 1 year cultural rep program too... im from Winnipeg and went to Montreal for the Interviews there...
  7. QueensGirl

    QueensGirl New Member

    ohh..sorry for some reason i read your post when you said "you cultural reps" as meaning that you didn't apply for it...i wouldn't worry though because people have only heard from the waiting list yet..no one has heard yet who actually got a date..so no worries!
  8. hockey_town_canada

    hockey_town_canada New Member

    no worries.... ya i'll just keep waiting lol... its killin me lol.... thank goodness i start work next week so it will keep busy so i wont worry or think about disney :p lol
  9. Jboucha

    Jboucha New Member

    Yeah well...i am at work and i'm still thinking and worrying about it...trust me it follows you!!!!!
  10. hockey_town_canada

    hockey_town_canada New Member

    haha well i'm gonna do my best to avoid it next week at work haha
  11. vader1

    vader1 New Member

    Like I said guys my dream came ture so can yours never give up hope hope is something that will get you far good luck everyone and remeber don't give up fight for your dream :)
  12. lululemon

    lululemon Member

    Hey vader!!! congrats...sorry a little late...I just got home! but way to go!!! here's hoping that those of us that didn't hear anything yet aren't completely rejected!!! (crossed fingers until they are NUMB...)
  13. Jboucha

    Jboucha New Member

    ....Still waiting.....sure am hoping that no news is good news!!!!!
  14. hockey_town_canada

    hockey_town_canada New Member

    im hoping the same thing jboucha
  15. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    I'm assuming guys no news is *probably* good news. Last year NO ONE heard before the date they stated for us, and then we all found out at once waitlisted or position. I never heard of anyone outright not getting in from Canada. I also think very few Canadians who get on the waitlist fail to get offered a position. I know sometimes something happens and quite a few poeple go home at once (underage drinking, calling home from work (most of Canada merch got termed last summer, the last 4 or 5 people were stuck working 7 days a week until more people could get down there)). So either way I wouldn't worry too much.

    I was successful without a position last year and waited about 2 months before I was offered a spot on the H2-B program. Eric somewhat lied to me in that as well since he assured me that I'd still be on the waitlist when my program ended, and unfortunatly that wasn't the case, luckily I found out before I left Florida and was able to get an interview at the casting building a week before I left. Just be warned if something like that comes up and you're waitlisted you may be offered something else, and then you'll have a decision to make as to what you do.

    Congrats to everyone who's allready heard, good luck to the rest!

    Got my pack today so I now know it's offical, I'm going back!
  16. lululemon

    lululemon Member

    BAH...I have been working all day, and just now was able to check my e-mail...and nothing! I was so hoping that today was gonna be the day :-\! OH well....enjoy the lovely weather everyone...well everyone around southern ontario...it is absolutely beautiful outside!!!! have a good weekend everyone...here hoping for monday?
  17. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    glad the weather's good in Ontario... it's been snowing so much in Alberta the last 2 days it's actually starting to accumulate again.........
  18. hockey_town_canada

    hockey_town_canada New Member

    really jordan that sucks.... well winnipeg is nice and sunny suppose to get rain this weekend but i hope no snow... you folks out west can keep it all for us :) ...lol..

    have a great weekend everyone :)

    im playing hockey all weekend so i'll be happy :) and tired haha
  19. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Proof of my "lovely" weather. Here's the view out my front door.

    My car (that I'm planning on driving down) is the little bit of red you can see buried here.
  20. hockey_town_canada

    hockey_town_canada New Member

    wow thats crazy... i wont take a picture out front of my house and show you ... you'll get to mad its sunny and hot here lol... plus 20 lol...

    anyways im sure it will warm up soon thats that crazy alberta weather for you...

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