Halifax,Montreal,Toronto F2F Interviews April 10-12

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by hockey_town_canada, Mar 22, 2007.

  1. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Congratulations to everyone that's been accepted so far!!! You guys are going to have the time of your life!!!
    To those of you who haven't heard back yet, don't lose faith until you know for sure. I'm pretty sure they don't send all the e-mail in one sitting. Last year, I had heard after a week and some of my roomates didn't hear until I think it was almost 3 weeks later. Plus there are some people who may have interviewed, but they don't want to go as much as other people and decide not to go. So just wait until you get a definite answer, and even then, there's no need to give up, there's always next time!!!
  2. Belle23

    Belle23 New Member

    Hey Linz!!!
    Oh my fingers are crossed ;)
    but I know you and Lisa are going to get in!!!!
  3. vader1

    vader1 New Member

    The fact is that not everyone can find out in just a few days give it time a few weeks if you dont hear call eric i know i will if i dont hear dont give up hope until you hear your results
  4. vader1

    vader1 New Member

    Anyone else get any more e-mails today :)
  5. lululemon

    lululemon Member

    I was half-way hoping Cast-a-way would let everyone know by the end of the day...theoretically knowing that would most definetly NEVER happen...but my fingers and toes are starting to get blue from all the hopeful crossing for everyone!! LOL! I'll keep it up till everyone hears though!!! hopefully us cultural rep folk will be soon!!
  6. Aw, Claudia, they probably didn't sent out all of the emails yet. They probably did one stack of papers at a time, haha. I hope you hear from them :)

    I got through to Eric today, I'm going to be lifeguarding. Yay ;D
  7. QueensGirl

    QueensGirl New Member

    sweet! i used to lifeguard..didn't love it, but i'm sure it would be WAY more fun at disney!!! plus you can always take a tip in the pool when you have a break to cool off cause it'll be sooo hot down there in the summer. It seems a bit sketchy though that you don't need your NLS or whatever they call it down in the states to life guard..I guess they must give you their own training so that you know how to save people if they're drowning! at least i hope!
    congrats again!
  8. Yeah, thats what I thought too when I first heard about it. I hope I never drown at Disney, haha. But they do train you (3 days I think) and I've been guarding here for a while now, so my NLS is current. It'll be hot, and super busy I know that. It'll be different thats for sure...haha.
  9. hockey_town_canada

    hockey_town_canada New Member

    thats wicked that you got lifeguarding meg .. :) congrats ...
  10. Ladybug

    Ladybug New Member

    My mother is evil. Really.

    Eric called this afternoon while I was at school, so my mom took the call. I got home at 6, had dinner, and she said NOTHING about the call.

    My mom: Are you planning on keeping your job this summer?
    Me: Yeah, I probably won't go to Florida anyway.
    My mom: Don't worry, there's still next summer.

    That's it. Nothing more. So I leave for dance class and get back around 10pm. Just as I am going to bed, my mom comes in and starts rambling about how I shouldn't be disappointed.

    My mom: I'm sure you did well at those interviews.
    Me (tired, and not really in the mood to talk about it): So?
    My mom: What's the name of the guy who did the interviews again?
    Me: Eric?
    My mom: Yeah! Well, he called this afternoon. Said he had a position for you.

    So I was like :eek: and then I was like ;D and then..
    :mad: why didn't you tell me sooner? So yep, that's my story about my mom who thought it would be really funny to make me suffer like that haha.

    Who's going to Disney? Me! Who's throwing a "Let's Dial Cast a way's number 23478457 times!" party tomorrow? I am! Yay!
  11. lululemon

    lululemon Member

    LOL!!!!! awww, that is something you will laugh about later! but it is pretty evil of her!! but CONGRATS, let us know your positions when you hear!!!!
  12. hockey_town_canada

    hockey_town_canada New Member

    that is sooooooooooo mean of her lol...

    well im sooooooooooooo happy for you Claudia that you got in :) ...... its going to be the summer of your life :)

    ya you should let us know what position you got :)
  13. vader1

    vader1 New Member

    Cougats ladybug see you got worried for nothing cougats to bad we CR folk wont see you college pepole hience we dont start till sept but cougats to everyone who got in today and good luck
  14. Oh no! Haha...that's so great though Claudia ;D ;D
    I can't believe she didn't say anything!

    And you probably will call a gazillion times to find out what role you got - I think I know Cast-A-Ways number better than my own.
  15. Jboucha

    Jboucha New Member

    Hey there, congrats to all whom have been chosen and good luck to those who are still wating for a reply. (i am one of the people aching to get a reply). Any of you from Manitoba area attend the latest interviews? I was just at the ones in Toronto and now playing the waiting game, good luck to everyone!
  16. hockey_town_canada

    hockey_town_canada New Member

    ya im from Manitoba Winnipeg to be exact... I was at the Montreal interviews for the Cultural Rep Program..... What did you interview for? where abouts in Manitoba are you from? ?
  17. Jboucha

    Jboucha New Member

    Hey, I'm from Ile Des Chenes, just 15 mins south of WPG on HWY 59. My girlfriend and I both applied and were both interviewed, we're hoping to get in and hopefully near the same time frame, fingers and toes are crossed!
  18. Jboucha

    Jboucha New Member

    sorry....we both applied for the 1 yr Cultural rep's
  19. vader1

    vader1 New Member

    Hey Joel its Kyle from the TO interviews Hows the wait going for you I know myself its hell lol
  20. Jboucha

    Jboucha New Member

    Hey Kyle, how you doing? The wait is...well you know how it is...it's not that bad tho because i actually originally thaught that the wait was going to be more like a month. My friend who did this program had waited almost 2 months so....considering...as impatient as i am, 2 weeks still isn't too bad. As long as they don't wait much longer than 2 weeks!!!

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