Halifax,Montreal,Toronto F2F Interviews April 10-12

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by hockey_town_canada, Mar 22, 2007.

  1. AshleyDawn

    AshleyDawn New Member

    So quick! Yay guys! The waiting process drove me half insane. I found out by email when I got in a few months ago - they gave me a number to call them back.
  2. Thanks :) I think they sent out emails. We both got ours at 1:52!
  3. QueensGirl

    QueensGirl New Member

    congrats! did they give you guys leaving dates?
  4. yeah..it said May 27th to Aug 24th but we don't know our roles yet. I want to know! I have to go to work in...10 minuteish and I can't get through of course!
  5. QueensGirl

    QueensGirl New Member

    ohhh...it's for the summer program :) so they probabaly just emailed everyone out that got accepted for it then when you call them they'll give you your date. makes sense!
    let us know as soon as you find out!
  6. lululemon

    lululemon Member

    CONGRATS guys...I am SUPER excited for you....you are gonna have a great time....let us know when you know what role you have?
  7. Belle23

    Belle23 New Member

    I'M IN!
    :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
  8. vader1

    vader1 New Member

    Corgats Meg my bet is that the college people are get e-mails first then us the Curtal program after thats my gueess
  9. vader1

    vader1 New Member

    and by the looks of it we all know by e-mail if we get in or not i am hopeeeeeing that i get in
  10. Linz

    Linz New Member

    I think your right about about the collage people finding out first. Unfortunately this makes the wait for everyone who applied for the 1 year program all the more agonizing. We will just have to live vicariously through the excitement of everyone who has been accepted into the summer program.

    Way to go Ellen. I knew you would get it, you had a great interview. I'm so excited for you!!! Cross your fingers for the rest of us.
  11. hockey_town_canada

    hockey_town_canada New Member

    who did you guys find out by e-mail from Cast-A-Way or Disney themselves????
  12. AshleyDawn

    AshleyDawn New Member

    lol it was a really ghetto email from Cast A Way. Just font and a big bolded and red CONGRATULATIONS followed by Erics number. I did however get a really pretty acceptance/acknowledgement of hire email from Disney themselves which was super classy a few weeks after. I screencapped it and now it is saved. I mean, how often do I get a personal email from the WALT DISNEY COMPANY, yeah?
  13. Yeah...it said the email was from Eric. I never did get a hold of him today, so I'll keep trying tomorrow. I've pretty much given up on studying ...haha...

    Congrats to everyone else who found out today!
  14. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    yeah it's probably the college peeps that are finding our right now... remember they gotta leave next month (where as you cultural reps have most likely 3-4 months minimum before you're going) so don't freak out too badly yet. They are almost definatly getting the ICPs taken care of first.
  15. Ladybug

    Ladybug New Member

    Congrats to everyone who made it! ;D

    I didn't get any kind of email so I guess it's not my turn.. Oh well, better luck next summer! Do you guys know if they'll send out rejection emails? Just so I can be sure there was no typo or anything in my email. I can still hope ;)

    Congrats again to all of you! You better have fun!
  16. lululemon

    lululemon Member

    Hey Ladybug!

    Are you going for the college program, or cultural rep?...cause it is only the college rep people who have heard (as far as I know!) and if you are college rep, then they only sent out e-mails yesterday....you can DEFINETLY still hope!! my fingers are crossed for you!
  17. Ladybug

    Ladybug New Member

    I applied for the ICP. I was disappointed and felt like crap yesterday, but hey, there's nothing I can do so it's no use to be so depressed about it ;)

    I'm wondering if the girl who was interviewed with me got in.. I'm pretty sure she reads these boards. I don't remember your name girl, but I know you're from BC and we were the very last 2 to be interviewed (plus the french guy who kind of disappeared at one point) with Pam. I hope you got through 'cause you rocked!
  18. Kim

    Kim New Member

    I got in as well :) I was wondering if there was anyone else at the Halifax interviews that got word yet of acceptance?? I know Meg and her friend Amanda did cause we were talking to each other the minute we found out! haha Neways gOod LUCK TO EVERYONE!! :)
  19. Andrea

    Andrea New Member

    Congrats to everyone! That's so cool that you'll be arriving May 27th too!! :D A few of us are on the Air Canada AC182 flight from Vancouver to Montreal on the 26th, and the Air Canada AC944 flight from Montreal to Orlando on the 27th if anyone wants to try to get that flight (or at least the connect to MCO) with us!!

    And good luck to those still waiting, I hope you all get in!!!
  20. brynna87

    brynna87 New Member

    If you don't hear back, you can always email castaway. Last year when I applied, all these people started hearing and I got incredibly upset. I was sure they didn't want me. Then I called them and they were like, oh Disney would like to hire you. So all is not lost for the still waiting.

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