Hal/Mon/Tor People who were hired by Eric

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by CanadaMan, Mar 12, 2005.

  1. joelle

    joelle Guest

    lhahah no lizize! i wish!!!!! i will be soooooo stressed out tommorow this is IN-SA-NE .. i kind of getting a bad felling about this though ... i didnt get a reply to my e-mail from eric ..:| I WANT THIIIISSS please im going mad !

    argh ! i think i will go to bed early today... i dont want to suffer any longer this day!
    joelle :D
  2. Tazzy

    Tazzy New Member

    Heh, I sent him an email too and didn't get any reply either. But keep the faith up though :) It depends when Eric offically came back from Florida because he might not have time to repond to everyones emails. Trust me, the guy is VERY busy man. lol So, just because he hasn't replied doesn't me your not in. :)

    btw, I'm going mad too LOL and who isn't eh? :D

  3. Tazzy

    Tazzy New Member

    Ok, here are some emotions that describe how some of us are right now

    It could be this..

    or this..


    Maybe this....

    or this..

    of course this one..

    Funny eh? :)

    Gary [​IMG]
  4. CanadaMan

    CanadaMan New Member

    Remember to post in here if you're hired from the east!!

  5. OttawaChikky

    OttawaChikky New Member

    CanadaMan are you sure Eric will be calling on the 23?
    Sheena :)
  6. Lady

    Lady New Member

    Hey you guys!
    Still hanging in there?? Man the waiting game sucks, and then you have to wait until you actually get to go. I think that waiting for the phone call is the worst wait of all! Well, good luck and I hope the calls start SOON! Be sure to post anything as soon as you hear!

  7. joelle

    joelle Guest

    gary these are cute emoticones!! where did you find that??

    the emo that describe the most my fac eat this moment i this one :-\


    p.s. good luck again!
  8. jenmacp

    jenmacp New Member

    Hey Jase - way to us all stressed and worked up... :-\ ANd did Eric actually tell you he's calling everyone on the 23rd?

    Hee hee... anyway, I'm debating about running over to the internet cafe for the last twenty mins of my lunch break, but me thinks that's a little extreme since, given times differences, it's only 9:40am in Quebec! Instead I'll just stroke my phone gently and encourage it to ring.

    I put myself as Gary's purple emoticon that has big, worried eyes and then starts to laugh manically.

    It's funny how the boards go in such cycles. When I first stopped lurking and started posting the Brits totally owned the applicants boards because their interviews were coming up and then their results. Now, they all know (and the fact that one "maybe" turned into a "yes" gives me a twinkle of hope that getting a "maybe" isn't the same as a "no"!) and us Canucks are flying through the posts. What next? Maybe the Norwegians! I'm sure they are out there lurking just waiting for the opportunity to pounce ;)

    ~ Jen

    (Have decided against internet cafe... It's in teh basement of a McDonalds and I'll find it hard to leave without a cadbury cream egg McFlurry ;D)
  9. joelle

    joelle Guest

    ahhhhhh !!! heart attack .. i just got a wrong number !! grrrrr even if its just 9 oclock i had hope for like 20 seconds !

    bonne chance
    joelle :)
  10. joelle

    joelle Guest

    HAAAA second heart attack!!!! my aunt who never call usually call at 10:00 !!!!! argghhh

    joelle :'(
  11. JoRdAnA

    JoRdAnA New Member

    Hey Guys!!!

    Well soon soon, we should be recieving calls....Oh my i have been in a panic its so stupid I get up at like 7:00am before work and check my mail, check my phone and I know there is nothing but....Anyways make sure to post if you guys get something!!!

    JOrdana :eek: :
  12. mandi_luffi

    mandi_luffi New Member


    This is very stressful. I don't really mind waiting though because once you get the phone call it's all been worthwhile. Well post as soon as anyone hear's something, so we know phone calls have started. GOOD LUCK :D
  13. jenmacp

    jenmacp New Member

    I love the log of calls to Joelle's place! If your mum or dad are wondering who called today they can just look here ;D

    Maybe this will be like the fall interviews... I think someone posted a few days back that they actually heard AFTER the call-back date (i.e., our March 31st).

    ~ Jen
  14. nuttmegz

    nuttmegz New Member

    I can't beleive how nervous I am!!! I tried to go to my classes todya, but I just couldn't bear being away from the phone and the net so I had to come home! I hope that he doesn't wait that long to all! I don't think I'll survive!!! I've already eaten all the chocolate in my house and i can't keep it up or I'll gain twenty pounds!!!!
  15. jenmacp

    jenmacp New Member

    NuttMegz: That is hilarious! I figure if I don't get the job I'll either gorge on everything in my flat or go on a food strike.

    If I do get a position there will be many pints of beer flowing!

    But really, good excuse to call Eric and make him tell you know, "Eric, my weight can't handle not knowing. I will be at an increased risk for heart disease if you keep this up!"

    ~ Jen
  16. joelle

    joelle Guest

    i think if i dont get a phone today ill cry lock myselfe in my bedroom and stay there until i die... yeah thats what ill do !
    so eric call me !!!!!!!!( and them ) lol

    good luck again .. only 2 hours left guys wouhou<

    joelle :D
  17. Lori

    Lori New Member

    I see you girls are all still waiting! Wonder what the holdup is? Looks like the call isn't coming today. Good luck for tomorrow!
  18. JoRdAnA

    JoRdAnA New Member

    Yea I dont know what the hold up is. But i forsure would like a call sometime soon. I e-mailed Eric on the 14th thanking him and got a response today...so I dont know what is going on.. :D.

    Good Luck Everyone

    Jordana :eek:
  19. joelle

    joelle Guest

    ahhh god i think i really dont have it! he didnt bother sending a reply to a no ... for sure :(

    what did it said in the reply??

  20. JoRdAnA

    JoRdAnA New Member

    It was just like you are welcome and nice seeing you..thats it,,,nothing. I thought i would have got a GREAT JOB U GOT IT...lol


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