Hal/Mon/Tor People who were hired by Eric

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by CanadaMan, Mar 12, 2005.

  1. CanadaMan

    CanadaMan New Member

    what is ur msn email, mandi, ????

  2. mandi_luffi

    mandi_luffi New Member

  3. candianºoº

    candianºoº New Member

    Jase, I was there too. I mean, I was at the same interview as you. I got one of those atuomated resonses as well, but like you said, it doesn't mean anything.

    I just wish Eric would call us already. I know it's only 15 days at most that we have to wait, but still that's 15 days.

    I''m happy that Eric told you so fast. Congrats for you.!

  4. CanadaMan

    CanadaMan New Member

    Hey reynn, do u have msn, its eaiser to talk that way, yes, i was very lucky, i do feel bad for u guys, it will be about a week today that you hear...good luck

  5. candianºoº

    candianºoº New Member

  6. CanadaMan

    CanadaMan New Member

    Well its almost time everyone, Eric should be calling very soon, most likely on the 23rd, post in here if you're going and when you are going, and maybe even your position too, This should be exciting. you will all be overwelmed if you get it. Good luck

  7. slychamp13

    slychamp13 New Member

    Hello everybody !!

    first of all i introduce me...

    my name is sylvain, I'm french, i' live in marseille (south of france)

    i saw that you joining walt disney in september, and that's why i would like asking you some question because i have my interview in 2 weeks !!!

    so if you can talk me about your interview’s experience and give me some advice, it will be great !!

    thank you !!
  8. candianºoº

    candianºoº New Member

    Yeah sure we can help you. Or at least we'll try. What do you want to know?

  9. joelle

    joelle Guest

    salut cslychamp! :) moi jetais a montreal et sérieux ca l'a vraiment bien été ( je crois , jespere) ... on ets arrivé a 8:30 ... on a attendus environ une demie heure, ensuite il y a eu une petite présentation avec julie et stéphanie, les deux intervieuses, apres ca ils donnaient les heure d'entrevue individuelle, moi j'etais a 2:20. donc j'ai attendue a un petit café avec des filles qui étaient aussi a l'entrevue on a attendue environ 4 heure et demie ... finalement ils avaient du retard et j'ai ete intervieuée a 3 heure ... ca s'est bien passée ( j'avais julie) je crois que je n'asurais pas pu faire mieux ( en situation de stress comme ca ,,, c tjrs difficile :p ) bref c pas mal ca ... elle ma posée des question ( tjrs en anglais) sur ma ville , sur ce que je faisais dans mon programme , des trucs générals. elle ne ma pas demandée pourkoi je croyais que je serais bonne pour la job , ni si j'avais deja eu des expériences roff avec des personnes a mes anciennes job ... mais en tka je crois ke ca sest bien passé pareille... et la j'ttend la réponse ! jusquau 31 donc environ une attente de 3 semaine... qui est environ la moyenne des pays !
    bon j'espere que ca ta aidé :)
    joele :D
  10. CanadaMan

    CanadaMan New Member

    yea man, u just go a head and ask away, we're all brothers and sisters in this site, we would love to help.

  11. slychamp13

    slychamp13 New Member

    thank you everybody to repply so fast !!!

    I'm really happy to becoming your new brother on this site and happy to get new brother and sister !! ;D

    so i have lot of question on my head certainly because i'm little bit anxious!!

    so i would like to know if the question are about the job and disney or more about my life and my experience or the both??

    thank you again for your solidarity and i hope you all get a positive answer !!!
  12. joelle

    joelle Guest

    hy again ...i will speack in english this time so everybody understands :) ... i cant speack for everybody but for me she asked more personal questions ... My family has an appartment in daytona beach, port orange and ive been to disney since im 3 so she asked me some questions about that, but she did not asked me questions specifically about disney. I think they dont want to test your disney knowlege ... they just want to know you and how you are and if you would make a good ambassador ( :p) of your country... hope this help again :)
    joelle :D
  13. jenmacp

    jenmacp New Member

    I have to say, everytime I see a post added to this topic I get butterflies in the ole stomach!  It's a, "Oh my God - someone got hired.. Who got hired?!  DID I GET  HIRED?!?! ARRRRGGGGHHHH!"

    Here's to another long day ;)

    ~ Jen

    Modified because sometimes I forget to proofread :p
  14. slychamp13

    slychamp13 New Member

    thank you joelle !!

    thank you to help me again !! for sure yoy make a very good ambassador of your country !! ;)

    so now i must go to work !! and dream to florida !!!

    bye :-*
  15. Lori

    Lori New Member

    Hey Jen and Joelle,

    I've been following the message boards and you both have an amazing sense of humour. It's too bad Disney doesn't follow the boards or I know you'd both be hired. You think you guys are bad, I'm just a mother of a kid who applied and I check the boards constantly!! I won't say who my kid is because they'd be mortified I'm sure, lol!!

    I'm sure the call is tomorrow at the earliest, Eric was supposed to be away until the 22nd (today) and I doubt that he will start calls right away, he'll need a day to get organized in his office, etc.

    What I do know is that he was back last night or is checking his email because my kid had emailed him last week to thank him and received a response from Eric last night at 1130. It was a very short note, it just said you're welcome and he'd talk to us soon.

    I'm very happy for Jase but I wonder if Eric knows how many people are flipping out because Jase was the only one notified right away, it's been an incredibly long week and a half for all of the rest of the interviewees and their families.!

    Good luck to you both and to all of the other young people waiting with baited breath.....
  16. candianºoº

    candianºoº New Member

    Thanks Lori. You're right. I wish Eric did know just how much everyone is freaking out.

    The type of questions that they asked me

    1. how would you feel about living with 7 other women/men (for you it'd be men)
    2. why I want to work in the entertainment industry
    3. what my favorite city in Canada is and why
    And because the girl I had, has never seen snow, I live in one of the places that recieves the most snow we talked about that too.

  17. jenmacp

    jenmacp New Member

    Ahhh, Lori, thanks so much!

    I'm half tempted to guess that you're my mum... :eek: I'm quite sure she and my dad read the boards because I gave them the url so they could see what the Commons look like! ORRRRR, even better, you're either Stephanie or Julie scouting the boards before they make their final decisions!

    Obviously that is the ONLY possibility. ;)

    BTW, you realise now we will all be checking our emails looking for a response from Eric re the "thank you" emails we all flipped out over and sent last Sunday? :p (For the record, didn't get one. I like to think it's because he doens't want to waste time emailing me when he is going to call me tomorrow ;) )

    End excessive use of emoticons.

    ~ Jen
  18. joelle

    joelle Guest

    I didnt get one either !!! :eek: now thats getting badd ! i did get the thank you e-mail bu julie and neither the thank you by eric ... mpf... ! eh at leats im sure lori is not my mother ! hehe i would have noticed righ away from her bad english ( my mom not lori lol) anyway yay im so happy that the day is gone ! i feel that tommorow is D day ( ivw said thats for almost every day since the interview ) but not hey i really feel it! .. believe me or not :p .. i just hope the feeling concerns me too lol
    anyway glad you understand my poor english and keep on hoping that eric will call us ! :)
    joelle :D
  19. Lizzie

    Lizzie New Member

    ive been behind on these boards...and im too lazy to read ALL THE entries ive missed (why is it that if u miss one day..u're soo far behind on here hahha) anyway did u get the job or not?
  20. CanadaMan

    CanadaMan New Member


    Jase Gray

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