Had my phone interview yesterday!! When do we find out?

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by rachel293, Oct 25, 2011.

  1. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    I just had my interview :D I think it went well but it was rather quick..the questions were totallyyyy different from last time!

    I got asked..

    How are you finding your course?

    Why do you want to work for Disney?

    Why should we chose you over someone who hasn't already been?

    If you went again what would you want to do that you didn't do last time?


    How would you treat a new cast member on their first program?

    Hard to tell how i did but i guess we'll find out next week :p
  2. andrew93

    andrew93 New Member

    i guess no one is really sure how they did, eek o_O best of luck everybody!!!!! :D
  3. Emmafruitpastell

    Emmafruitpastell New Member

    Argh I just had mine and she was 5 minutes late and it was barely ten minutes :/ I dont think I said half of what I wanted to say and I dont think I made myself stand out :( Does anyone know what kind of % of applicants they take through to the f2f interviews?
  4. shaunamufc7

    shaunamufc7 Member

    Reading all these posts everyone seemed to have their interviews later than scheduled. I had my phone interview on the 21st October and it was actually early by 5 minutes. I was preparing for it when she rung, kind of took me by surprise.

    My interview didn't go as well as I hoped, my nerves always gets the best of me when I'm on the phone. I hate talking on the phone haha. Thanks to people on here, I prepared pretty well for it. There was only two 2 questions I didn't plan for:

    Why did you choose to do the Disney program instead of others that are available? and

    Are you enthusiastic?

    But hopefully I thought well on my feet.

    The wait is killing me though, I'm normally a very patient person but its a different story with Disney. I really want a place on this program.

    GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE, fingers crossed we find out soon! ;D
  5. I got asked what my hobbies were, which i wasnt expecting but i ended up talking about that a lot :S lol
  6. ^ same!!

    I think mine went ok.. cannot really tell. Had Becky from YJ who was lovely! I was so nervous throughout and babbling on. I swear some of the stuff I said doesn't even make sense!

    I was asked about hobbies, why I want to work for Disney, what I could bring to the company, about my course and I'm sure there may have been a few more, ie the standard 'tattoo' question etc.

    urgh, I just want to know right now! Ah well, the waiting game begins...
  7. MXP997

    MXP997 New Member

    I just had my phone interview!! I got asked:

    What course are you doing and why?
    Why do you want to do this program?
    What can you offer?
    How do you feel about sharing accommodation?
    How will you cope with heat/hard work?
    What date do you prefer?
    What challenges do you think there will be?

    I don’t know what to think about how it went!! I think I talked toooo fast! I had Michele, who was really great, but she kept saying that I shouldn’t get disappointed if I don’t get it, because I can always apply next year because I’m only in the 2nd year of uni! But I really want to do the program next summer! She also said that an email would be sent to me either way in the next few days. I guess we’ve just got to sit tight until then!
  8. Tasha--x

    Tasha--x Member

    I had my interview last Friday and Nick told me on the phone that they are sending out emails on Halloween.. So Monday! He said we'd all be in halloween costumes when we find out lol he also asked me on my interview what my favourite brand was and why, did anyone else get this question? He was so lovely, all I could think of was TGI Fridays (only because I work there lol) It took me ages to think of an answer but I was actually relieved when his reply was 'I love the ribs there' haha xx
  9. SarahJane19x

    SarahJane19x New Member

    I got Becky and I had hobbies too.. She asked me about my dancing and appearances on stage, when I told her she said about maybe being suited to Character Performer because of my background - thought that was quite encouraging :) - she was even talking to me about her time in Disney as a lifeguard!! My interview was mainly standard questions though nothing too complex.. I just talked too much I think! The sooner we know the better :)
  10. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Sarah - I'm at RGU too and Nick did say ours would be the 7th didn't he. My friends totally didn't remember him saying that!!! Was beginning to think I dreamt it! Sooo nervous though. Woke up sick with nerves today. All for no email...

    Yeah Tash I got the brand question too. Mind = complete blank and ended up saying Marks & Spencer cos I was kinda running through places I'd shopped and Nick seized on that... JUST as I thought of Waterstones!!!!

    OK I wanna find out NOW!!!! ;)
  11. alicemcg

    alicemcg New Member

    this has got me quite worried now because i applied around 2weeks ago and got the wait for 6-8weeks emails to hear back about a phone interview, which i'm still waiting on! i know the applications closed today so i did enter on time but if f2f interviews are starting already - what does that mean?? :/ would they at least tell you if you didn't get a phone interview, or does everyone get the chance for a phone interview? argh i'm scared lol congrats on all you're interviews by the way and good luck :)
  12. vickiw001

    vickiw001 Member

    Checked my emails at least six times today already :s This weekend will be torture!!
  13. lovebuzz_90

    lovebuzz_90 New Member

    my phone interview was on the 6th....now i'm just soo desparate to find out ahh! the lady told me i'd find out at the end of october if i have a f2f...its the end of october come onnnnnnn ;D
  14. gingerbuzz

    gingerbuzz New Member

    I had a *feeling* it was today but obviously i was wrong :(
  15. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    I had that same feeling :(
    Monday needs to hurry up... uni work is NOT that interesting!!!!
  16. ianwarn

    ianwarn New Member

    I had mine right at the start of the month, the wait is killing me :(

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