Getting to know you :)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Karritada, Mar 1, 2009.

  1. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    hmm my favourite little place in the world is the Magic Kingdom in WDW of course! :D Right in front of the castle, that's just the best spot evah!

    If we're going to explore beyond the realm of Disney though, I'd probably have to say Venice, Italy. It's just so different from anything I've ever seen, and all the shops are just SO pretty! I can only imagine what it must be like there when everyone is all dolled up for a masquerade! The masks there are beautiful, and there's just art absolutely everywhere. And really pretty shoes... :D

    hmm or now that I think of it, I might have to throw New York City into the mix too! hehe It's just a spectacular city. I feel like I could live there for years and still wouldn't have seen it all! It's tough, so many places in this world have so much to offer!

    What song(s) drive you absolutely bonkers to listen to? (as in, you'd much rather change the song as quickly as possible rather than be forced to sit there and listen to it :D )
  2. hen87hels

    hen87hels New Member

    The obvious ones like the frog song or whatever its called... god what was Britain thinking... and then just ones I've heard over and over and over... Umbrella by Rihanna for example is SO overplayed!

    What current fashion do you just not get?? (mine's luminous coloured things... have people gone blind?!?!?!?!)
  3. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    i don't know if i've hated a trend so much, but individual items make me cringe. ooooooh i know, for girls this is, those jeans that pretty much come up to your face! yeah, let's get rid of them.

    on what day of the year do you party the hardest? (e.g. birthdays, st patrick's day etc)
  4. hen87hels

    hen87hels New Member

    Halloween!!!! Its always classic!!

    Favourite soap (as in tv soap, not washing soap hah)
  5. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Don't really watch them!
    Oh - many people say Heartbeat is a soap, I say it's a drama, but whatever, it's my FAVOURITE show of all time! And I only live about an hour from where it's filmed! :)
    If not, I suppose Neighbours - gotta dig the aussie accents! although, don't watch it so much now it's on Five - we don't get Five, and mum won't let me Sky+ a term's worth!

    Emm - pass on I spose!
  6. the_anarky_boy

    the_anarky_boy New Member

    ugh, I really hate soaps, which is wierd for me to say since my Dad's a script writer and is currently working on River City, so they are my families main source of income

    Name a Disney film you like which other people underate in your opinion.

    For me it's The Black Cauldron. High fantasy goodness.

    I'll also pass on the soap question since I didn't really answer it.
  7. hen87hels

    hen87hels New Member

    Homeward Bound!

    Oh and I like Coronation Street and that's about it. I asked that question because I was watching Coronation St as I typed :D

    Pass on the Disney film question
  8. Cicada

    Cicada New Member

    I think people underrate the Fantasia films. Or at lsome east people I know.

    What is your least favourite Disney movie?
  9. AndyFromDonny

    AndyFromDonny New Member

    Pocahontas, I can't even spell it, really disliked it sooo much.

    If you could date a disney character which one would it be and why?
  10. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    Prince Eric! Hands down!! For a cartoon, he a good lookin' fellow! :D And actually, Prince Phillip isn't too shabby either, but Prince Eric owns a big house on a beach. And he has a cute dog. And he knows how to sail a massive ship. You just can't top that!

    Also, just spontaneously to answer the underrated Disney film question - The Emperor's New Groove is soo underrated! It's hilarious! Long live Kronk! haha

    I'll pass on the question re: which Disney character you'd date and why
  11. hen87hels

    hen87hels New Member

    Shang from Mulan... fiiiiiiiiit!

    Pass on
  12. forloveofmusic

    forloveofmusic New Member

    Prince Eric too. Or Tarzan. Has anyone seen Tarzan Rocks while it was at AK? The guy who played him was FIT lol
    And I think Tarzan was underated. It's a lovely story and the songs are good.

    Which Spice Girl was (or is?) your favorite?
    I started as a Sporty fan but then moved onto Ginger. I have a thing for glamorous trainwrecks lmao
  13. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    i used to love posh, with ginger running up! i once wrote on my sister's wannabe tape cover my preferences...yes, i was a loser, and to make it worse, posh and sporty looked rather alike on that one...i wrote by the wrong one!

    woody or buzz?
  14. sarah_1254

    sarah_1254 New Member

    woody!! (always stick with the original!)

    animal kingdom or hollywood studios?
  15. *minnie**mouse*

    *minnie**mouse* New Member

    Hollywood Studios. TOT, Rock n Rollercoaster, Muppet Vision lol

    Monorail or Ferryboat?
  16. AndyFromDonny

    AndyFromDonny New Member

    That is a tough one, but it has to be Ferryboat me being from a Navy family and all.

    Now then this may be controversial, Mickey or Minnie?
  17. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    Mickey :)
    Minnie is a hussy! :p hahaha

    Goofy or Pluto - Battle of the dogs ! haha
  18. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Goofy - he can actually talk!

    And I so agree with Rachel about the Fantasia films (makes mental note to watch when home tomorrow!), and the Emperors New Groove (looove that film!) and also Tarzan - one of my favourite songs ever is on there!

    A question
    This is hard - as I'm tired from school placement


    Would you rather get a DVD as soon as it came out, or wait until it was in the sale? (For me, the slae unless it's a present for someone - I'm a poor student :()
  19. hen87hels

    hen87hels New Member

    It depends which dvd it is!! If its one I really can't wait to get I will fork out the money, but if I can go without if for a while I wait! Like Quantum of Solace... I haven't seen it yet, even though I LOVED Casino Royale, but I'm waiting cos my Guide to James Bond (aka one of my mates Jeremy) tells me its not amazing.

    Do you prefer Mexican food or Indian food?
  20. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    i dunno, which is less spicy? i do like a good old korma, but as long as whatever i'm eating is mildly spicy and not too much more, i'm down!

    name a really obscure song/band/genre (e.g. post punk laptop rap :p) that even you think is crazy but you love...or if you're really normal, name a guilty musical pleasure (think i've already asked that one though!)

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