Getting to know you :)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Karritada, Mar 1, 2009.

  1. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    either a cool bird (not a pigeon, seagull or anything else that can be referred to as a 'rat of the sky') or a dog if we're talking more domestic stuff, if not then like a panther or a lion or something pretty awesome

    do you have any exciting plans this weekend?
  2. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    not really... I work, but Sunday i'm having a family get together with my family for my birthday which is fun!

    Pass on :)
  3. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    cardiff are in the edf semi-finals tommorow, which i've been looking forward to for quite some time, but unfortunately it's in coventry so i won't be going! then washing etc before some touch rugby and squash on sunday.

    pass on ;)
  4. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Nout! Off tomorrow so will probably do some uni work and then im working on sunday.

    Are you part of a squash team matt?

    What gets you really angry?
  5. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    yeah i'm on the uni squad, but i'm pretty poor. and that answers the question as well - my own failure and stupidity gets me pretty angry, as well as people who are just knobs i guess. i've calmed down a lot in recent years though ;D

    pass on
  6. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    MEDIA! ESPECIALLY TABLOID JOURNALISTS, they make me soooo angry sometimes. haha.
    If any of use have read the poem "Girl Reporter", that is what really got me fully angry with them, my essays on that poem were just one big rant about tabloid journalists, haha.

    pass on.
  7. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    Hmm... I'm not so much a fan of people who just constantly lie. Lies always reveal themselves at some point, and to keep throwing them out there is just a smack in the face in the end! Ignorance drives me up the wall as does narrow-minded bigotry. Get over yourselves and let everybody live a life that makes them happy I say no matter what their race/religion/sexual orientation/etc may be!

    Oh, and then there's the kind of people who just willingly abuse animals and see nothing wrong with that. I've got a real soft spot for animals so that just gets to me. I used to work at a wildlife clinic and I would just get sooooooo pissed at what I'd see. Once a guy brought in a river otter that his friend hit with a golf cart "for fun". The vet told me to leave the room because I was just getting so enraged over the whole situation (the river otter was also pregnant)! A life is a life is a life, and they're all worth something, and you don't put a harmless creature in danger for your own entertainment. Or I will fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind youuuuuuuuuu ::)

    What makes you smile instantly?
  8. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    That is just so sad, how would they like if we were to run over them for fun, they wouldnt appreciate it, that poor otter is a living being, no different from us.

    Disney makes me smile instantly, hehe. And sunshine, hehe!

    Whats youre favourite book and why?
  9. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Hmm that's a tough one - as an avid reader I have many!!
    But probably the Lord of the Rings, I first read it when I was 8, and ever since then I have still enjoyed reading it - the journey each of the characters takes is as important as the general story and beating evil to me! (Although there is a little too much battle! - despite the fact I enjoy a good fight scene!)
    Of the trilogy, I enjoy the Two Towers the most (NOT the best film!), but my favourite chapter is the Scouring of the Shire from the Return of the King (so annoyed that got cut from the film!).
    As a quick reader, I also like that it takes a little longer to get through than most, as I get through books so quickly!

    I like this question. Pass it on!
  10. hen87hels

    hen87hels New Member

    Persuasion by Jane Austen. Its very different from her other books, and probably the most mature, and after reading about Jane Austen's life I get the feeling its what she wished would happen to her... I also identify with the main character Anne loads, more than any other character in any other book.

    What was your first pet and what was its name?
  11. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    It was a cat and it was named Misty, hehe. She was lovely.

    I wish i could read fast, i can read quicker with some books than others. I have only ever read the Hobbit and The Fellowship of the Ring, but i loved them both and will be getting the other two soon, probably get them for florida.

    pass on!
  12. Janey

    Janey New Member

    A dog called Eppu. My parents had him before I was born and I've been told he always sat by my cot guarding me when I slept. :)

    Your top 3 movies of all time and why those movies?
  13. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Ooooh that's a tough one!
    1) The Phantom of the Opera - I love Lloyd Webber's music, and that seems to speak to me for some reason, it's my favourite musical as well :)
    2) The Fifth Element - gotta love the futuristic effects, some good action and some GREAT quotes! (Why do I always have to get the one that doesn't work?) Oh, and what's not to love about a monk running around in a hassock (or whatever they're called?)
    3) Labyrinth - David Bowie in a lead role (but not the trousers... lol), and Jim Henson's muppets? And one of the greatest songs ever (As the world falls down), and some great riddles (one of us always tells the truth, the other always lies....) - ahh I want to watch it AGAIN now!

    It's hard though to pick just three - there are so many good films - Australia, The Breakfast Club, Casablanca, Enchanted, most of the Disney movies, Coyote Ugly, Airplane (the cockpit? what is it? "It's the place where the pilots sit, but that's not important right now...") - the list goes on!!

    Sorry for the essay!
    Pass it on!
  14. AndyFromDonny

    AndyFromDonny New Member

    1. Robin Hood the cartoon disney one. For some reason I've always loved it, there's just something about it that I find really fun.

    2. Brassed Off, well it was filmed in my town but it was real moving at times being about a true strory. Add in the comedy and some great actors, it's a brilliant film (my house is in it too).

    3. Trainspotting, another hard hitting drugs film really. I like British film very much and the storyline and hard acting in this is quality. Not a Hollywood huge budget film, but very dark at times as well as interesting and funny. The music in the film is brilliant too.

    Big shout outs to This Is England, About a Boy, 51st State, Behind Enemy Lines, The Italian Job (original), most James Bond films and probably lots more I can't think of at the moment.

    New question, favourite 3 songs of all time ;D
  15. Pommyy

    Pommyy New Member

    ahh thats hard, im just gonna go with my favourite three songs atm.

    1. Rock and Roll - Eric Hutchinson

    2. I just can't wait to be king... gotta love the disney

    3. I'm yours - Jason Mraz

    Britney Spears, or Lindsey Lohan?
  16. Janey

    Janey New Member

    Miss B, for sure! :) No matter what all the rubbish papers write about her, she's amazingly talented entertainer and I do admire her ability to come out of everything that's been going on with a straight head. Yes, she's had some extremely rough moments in her life and she probably has some sort of mental illness as well but she still thinks the best of her two sons. Okay, rant over. :D

    I'll pass on Andy's question. :)
  17. sarah_1254

    sarah_1254 New Member

    Mr Brightside - The Killers
    The Greatest Day - Take that
    Smash into you - Beyonce Knowles

    Errr favourite film of all time?
  18. Dan7

    Dan7 New Member

    WHHOOOAAA asking that question to someone who works at a cinema, you're asking a lot! :D

    Hmmmmm....its tough because I LOVE comedies but there are better 'proper films'. Although I've got a pretty big DVD collection theres not loads I can watch consistently, except the comedies becasue I like a good laugh, so I guess I'll have to go for one of them as a favourite.

    So having said that it's between Knocked Up, Hot Rod, Pineapple Express and Old School.

    I can't chose :( I'll go for Knocked Up simply because it mixes comedy with apathy.

    That was tough :( pass!!
  19. hen87hels

    hen87hels New Member

    Sound of Music! Its the best and always will be! Its a lovely story, has an amazing soundtrack (which I know all the words to) and never gets boring! Oh, and one Captain Von Trapp, please!

    Favourite food that is traditional to your country?
  20. AndyFromDonny

    AndyFromDonny New Member

    Really boring this answer sorry but it is my fave. A Sunday roast with roast potatoes, carrots, peas, parsnip, stuffing, yorkshire puddings and GRAVY. mmmm, hungry now :)

    Favourite place you have been to and why?

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