Getting to know you :)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Karritada, Mar 1, 2009.

  1. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Going to Walt Disney World to work, meeting all you amazing people, making loads of new friends and staying away from this place for 10 weeks, yas! my ideal summer, hehe.

    pass on!
  2. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    I dont look forward to summer
    it means more work at the McFactory - in hot sticky weather, with poor air conditioning, serving tons of ice-cream
    and then when the machine breaks - taking abuse for not having any ice-cream off the customers

    So i much prefer not-summer
    when kids arent in school

    but this summer - is going to be AM-AZ-ING

    Universal/Islands Of Adventure or SeaWorld/Busch Gardens combo's
  3. Cicada

    Cicada New Member

    I've never been to seaworld or busch gardens but I want to go to both. But I think with what I know I'll have to say universal, IOA.

    What is your favourite part of spring? (Mine is definetly, 100% getting a huge ice storm 4 days after the start of spring. ugh!)
  4. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    Good gravy, an ice storm? I'm impatient as it is with the weather still being pretty cool!

    My favourite part of spring is probably just seeing everything come alive with colour again. Pretty flowers, green grass, and actually hearing birds chirping in the morning (so long as it's not too early...). After a bleak winter, I really come to appreciate it all - especially that sun! Plus I know that summer comes right after spring, so it's only going to get warmer and brighter! Buh-bye winter boots and coats! Time to get some colour on my skin and lose this Casper-the-friendly-ghost complexion!

    I'll pass it on!
  5. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    i think the initial sunny days where people go out in t-shirts, have bbqs on the beach or wherever, and then it goes back to being rainy a mere few days after, but at least you've had a taste of good weather.

    who is a celebrity you get sick of hearing about in all the gossip magazines?
  6. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    OMG PARIS HILTON AND LINDSAY LOHAN... OH AND BRITNEY SPEARS... NO ONE CARES... lol they're all fame whores, have no talent, and are famous for being party animals and morons... drives me insane lol

    Paris Hilton can be a model... fine... thats it though lol

    (whoa that felt good to get that off my chest! ;D)

    pass it on!
  7. sinthesparky

    sinthesparky Member

    They appear to be doing... nothing.
    They are famous by association, or because of their huge assets ( . Y . )
    They think they're awesome, extremely talented, unique, amazing, what have you...
    They think they're contributing to anything with the above mentioned assets.
    They're making a big deal out of themselves.

    They're called useless celebrities.

    And they're completely useless.

    ...and nobody really gives a dingo's lung about it.


    How are you affected by the credit crunch?
  8. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    eeeeeh well while I'm not in a business requiring loans from banks and what not in order to survive, such companies are tightening their wallets as a result and not exactly wanting to take on new hires. Soooo in that way it's affecting me, as it's been not too fun trying to find full employment! But it is what it is and it'll get better in time! I'm not too much of a fan on dwelling on stuff like that, it'll bring ya down - just have to 'keep moving forward!' and find a way around it! :)

    What's the best concert you've ever been to?
  9. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    ALL OF THEM!! Tho especially Jade Goody - why is it national news she has cancer and is dying (is dead?) - not to speak ill of the dead but still! Die in peace!!!!

    Best concert I've ever been too - Bruce Springsteen, 31st May 2008, Emirates Stadium, London.
    No warm up band, and the guy performed for just over 2 hours straight, and didn't play ANY sucky songs :) they were all good ;D
    although getting the tube back was a bit of a nightmare, as it was the last day you could legally drink on them, so everyone was kind of partying!
    but, completely brilliant.
    Although the mighty Status Quo were good too when I saw them, as was Jimmy Nail (Oh yeah, I see ALL the cool people ;))

    Best comedian you've seen? (On TV or live?)
    Mine's Ed Byrne - love that Irish accent!! But, going to see Ross Noble in May, hopefully he will be EXCELLENT too (random geordieness - classic!)
  10. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Im jealous, i would love to go to a bruce springsteen concert.

    Best comedian would have to be Lee Evans, went to see him in October 2008 24th, SECC stadium, Glasgow.

    pass on.
  11. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    i saw a few good ones at the uni's comedy works last year. i think the michael macintyre dvd my housemates have is REALLY good. russell watson was at the arts centre last night, apparently he was really good.

    mikey or sully? (monsters inc)
  12. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member


    They are both super cute though!

    Woody or Buzz??
  13. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Woody! Buzz is too plasticy for me! :p

    I think he's coming to Glasgow this year Leom - only UK date!! Don't know when tho (and it may be sold out.... ticketmaster would know!!)
    I think we should have a little concert trip next time he's here...... ;)

    If you had lots of money, but only 6 months to live (like in the Bucket List), what is the 3 things you would do? (I'm mean I know!)

    For me: 1) Go skydiving
    2) Visit Australia and New Zealand, with one last trip to WDW!!
    3) Buy a BMW like Ewan McGregors at the start of Stormbreaker, and drive it around, preferably somewhere I could legally go really fast :)
  14. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    OMG its on the 14th July, im in florida at the time :(

    1. Buy a BMW, or several and dirve everywhere in them.
    2. Visit all the countries i would love to visit
    3. Go and visit all my family and friends around the world.

    Pass on, such a great questiong
  15. Cicada

    Cicada New Member

    Bucket List is such a good movie.

    I would:
    1. Travel around the world with my closest friends and family including stops at every disney park. Ending with Disney World because it is the best. (Can i fit the Disney Cruise in too?)
    2. Buy an apartment in NYC overlooking the park. And see every show on Broadway multiple times while living there for a couple of months (Hopefully that still counts as one :))
    3. But things for my friends and family so that they can be happy when I'm gone.

    I'm too tired to think of another question so I'm passing it on again.
  16. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    1) meet up with all my family and friends and tell them everything they mean to me, even leave them a handwritten letter for when i'm gone, because i don't think we tell people these things enough.
    2) take as many of those people on holidays and stuff.
    3) organise my funeral etc and a wake...but more of a big party for everyone when i'm gone
  17. sarah_1254

    sarah_1254 New Member

    1) A month long family holiday to the USA with countless visits to Disneyworld
    2) Scuba dive on the great barrier reef
    3) Visit the Arctic and see polar bears in the wild

    Best and worst holiday??
  18. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Best holiday - Florida 2007 because we only went to the disney parks for the whole two weeks, was amazing! And the villa was great, also because we went with my aunt and uncle and cousin, it just made it a big amazing family holiday.

    Worst Holiday - Portugal 2004, the apartment was rubbish, the location was quite crap, im not a big fan, but the older part of albufiera was beautiful. It was quite a scary place though for me personally. But amazing view, we got to see Africa over the ocean.

    pass on!
  19. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Best - possibly when I went to Russia with school - it was somewhere I've always wanted to visit, and although I had a cold while we were in Moscow, St Petersburg was the best! And there was loads of snow, and it was so pretty!!
    And the time we went to Disney with my friend Helen, and the other time with my friend Jen's family - seeing it through the eyes of someone who had never been was even better than all the other times!!

    Worst - that's a harder one, I tend to enjoy at least something about all my holidays, and look back on them with rose tinted specs! In terms of people, when I went to Greece in my last year at school, my so-called friends were very cliquey - but then again, I made some really good friends with other people!
    Not really a holiday, but I suppose the field trip I took at the start of my second year at uni (so back in September!) - the food was lacklustre, the accomodation was rather shocking! (no hot water!), and I was waiting the for the result of my ICP phone interview!!!
    Maybe I've blocked my worst holiday from my mind - or it was when I was very small!
    I think I've generally been quite lucky though, there's often something not that great, but it doesn't spoil the whole holiday, and there's always something equally as good as the bad thing!!

    Wow - sorry about the essay there!!

    That's a good question, pass it on!!
  20. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    Best: Kind of a tie on this one for different reasons. I just went to Italy for the first time last September and that was just surreal. I just soaked up as much as I could between the history, the sights, the gelato! :D Got to see sooo much and so appreciative for that! Venice and Rome totally took my breath away though - definitely a far cry from my home town here in Canada! I threw a coin (well... a few) in the Trevi fountain though, so that means I'll be back someday! ;D Another faaaaaabulous vacay was in August '07 when I went back "home" to WDW with my partner in crime (Shayna!) and that crazy kid from Ireland (Kev!) the summer after working there. Good gravy did we ever take over those parks! We made FABULOUS t-shirts complete with pixie dust and quotes and hidden mickeys, took about a billion pictures with characters, rented a convertible and took the malls by storm, got to meet up with some fellow ICP-ers (Matty!!! And Jamie, Tim, and Nick who I don't think float around these boards anymore) some fun - basically crammed as much as was physically possible into a span of the week! Needless to say I was exhausted by the end, but it really was sooooo much fun! It's the only way to do it! haha

    Worst: I wouldn't go as far to say this was the worst trip ever, as I did have oodles of fun! It was just an unfortunate case where a couple years back, when going to the Dominican Republic with some friends over our school spring break, we all came down with a BAD case off food poisoning! Apparently I'd mumble incoherent sentences, then go back to sleep, followed by a mad dash to the bathroom for the millionth time! :D I was in bed for like 2 days, and even after that I hardly touched anything in terms of food... mmm that bread sure was good though! lol My stomach was just a testy little bugger! Then for the following two days it poured with rain all day, but we would just chill out under some shelter outside somewhere and play cards or come up with our own mischief!

    hmmmm... thinking up questions is always the hardest part!

    If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?

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