Getting to know you :)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Karritada, Mar 1, 2009.

  1. Dan7

    Dan7 New Member

    I was 8 when I first went, 8 more visits later I still love it :)

    My favourite moment with a character..hmm the one that comes to mind first (haha) is when I was 18 I was on the 'which character are you' computers at the then MGM Studios and I felt someone grab my bum! I turned around and it was Mrs Incredible! Make what you will of that lol
  2. Cicada

    Cicada New Member

    bah! That's too funny. One of my favourite experiences with a character was when I went in grade 12. At that point I was set on that I was going to be Belle. So when I went and saw her I said I was going to steal her job. Her response (in her little sweet voice was) "But honey, I don't have a job" I thought it was too funny.

    I'll pass it on again.
  3. Dan7

    Dan7 New Member

    Haha that's funny. Staying in character ;)
  4. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    I love that smell too :) one of my faves.... along with petrol ;) (I would like to work in a petrol station I think..... apart from the risk of holdups by men with guns!)

    Fav character experience? hmmm
    For me I think it was when I met Eeyore for the first time I wasn't scared, always has been my favourite, and he's so lovely to cuddle! (Nowt special but memories of chilhood/nannie :))

    MOst violent thing you want to experience/see? For me, a bar room brawl (maybe even breaking it up!) I'm weird in that when a fight comes on in a film/TV show I rate how good it is, while the rest of the girls are either *don't hurt x cos he's cute*/ *stop laughing at the fight Katie!*/ *I hope no-one gets hurt*/ *There's too many fights these days!*
  5. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    haha that's a bit crazy. i played some touch rugby yesterday and got in the mood for charging into people, but while black eyes are manly, i don't really want to be involved!

    what is the most violent incident you HAVE experienced?
  6. hen87hels

    hen87hels New Member

    Well when I was younger my friend got attacked by this psycho girl outside a club... wasn't nice

    Most lovely thing you've ever seen (in person)?
  7. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Probably some of the amazing views we get in Scotland, the other day i was sitting on the railway bridge looking over Royal Troon Golf course and out onto the sea, it was amazing, sadly it was too foggy to see the horizon or Arran. Arran is amazing to see when it has been snowing and itd clear, it looks phenomenal.

    Loch lomond is another beautiful place with the hills and mountains all around.

    That must have been very scary helen, eek.

    Ill pass that question on.
  8. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    a mirror. badoom chish!
    theres lots of stuff i could choose, disney, any full rugby ground, any beautiful place etc. maybe penarth beach on a summer's day?! yeah, i'll go for that haha.

    if you could choose one celebrity to share a flat with, who you aren't involved with/attracted to, who would it be?
  9. Dan7

    Dan7 New Member

    I wouldn't share a flat with a celeb I wasn't attracted to haha.

    Err I dunno probably a guy who has a crazy party lifestyle, and female celeb friends I'd be attracted to! ;) someone with the same taste in music. Bit of a random choice without really thinking, but Nick Cannon? That was rubbish.

    Pass, lol.
  10. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    hmm I think I would pick Anne Hathaway because she's awesome and not a drama queen! I dunno I like her movies and she seems super awesome!

    i'll keep passing thats a good one :)
  11. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    I would go up to Zac Efron and pretend to be not interested at all, and say: "Hey you. The boy with the snazzy hair. Let's go share an apartment on the beach because clearly I'm not interested in you so you and that other chicky that's always around you don't need to worry!". Then, once I've lured him into my lair, I'd slip some love potion into his morning coffee and he'd be mine, ALLL MIIIIIIIINE! And we'd spend the rest of our lives singing and dancing like it's a musical. The end. :D

    But in case he sees through that facade and doesn't trust me (as if!), I'd probably either go with Anne Hathaway (so I could raid her closet), or all 5 of the Spice Girls (...and David Beckham... ::) ) because that would just be hilarious! Oh! Or Taylor Swift, she's fun!! And her music rocks!!

    Aaaaand since I'm lacking creativity and have to run out the door in a minute, I'll pass this question on again ;D
  12. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    zac efron would be good for his links with the tis. rupert grint would probably be good for bullying purposes (e.g. making him say some lines in his ron voice - not actual bullying!). or i reckon someone like kelly clarkson would be really chill, but i find her attractive too so that's kinda cheating.

    are you the kind of person who can go on a night out without drinking alcohol and still have fun?
  13. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    Yes yes and definitely yes! I do not need to drink to have a good time :) It's fun to go out and drink for sure! But I def don't need it! I have wild and wacky times no alcohol required!

    Passing on the question... :)
  14. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    Let's just say that there have been times where friends have asked me if I've dipped into the alcohol, and the answer was a definite no! haha Even in photos I've shown to people (because I don't do "normal" pics - definitely aim for wacky!), they question my sobriety and I'm pretty sure don't believe me that the only liquid I had been drinking at the time was probably water! I do like drinkies cause they are yummy after all (mmm martinis!) but it's certainly not something I *need* to have a blast! I've probably got more blackmail evidence against me from when I've been stone cold sober :D :D Throw on some good tunes or let my imagination run free, and I'm golden!

    What song have you been listening to lately that most makes you want to get up out of your seat and boogie on down?
  15. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    'detroit' by a band called's not exactly traditional boogie-ing music, but it does make me wanna dance around the house to it :D

    i'm feeling unoriginal this morning, so i'll pass it on!
  16. *minnie**mouse*

    *minnie**mouse* New Member

    Lady GaGa, it's been playing non-stop on the radio and I've woken up to the radio playing it quite a few times. I also love the latest one from Kings of Leon but it's not really a dance type one.

    Can you speak any other languages?
  17. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    oooo Lady GaGa i'm loving her right now!! SO awesome!!!

    I dont speak any other languages really although I would like to. Hopefully when i'm done with school I will try learning, i'm thinking Spanish :)

    I'm passing it on :)
  18. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    I *used* to at least be able to carry a (very) basic conversation in French and Mandarin, but now all of that has more or less gone out the window without practice, especially on the Mandarin front! haha I can't even remember how to spell my own name in Mandarin characters, but I DO still know how to say "hi, how are you?" (Ni hao ma?!!) :D

    Would love to either try to pick up french again and/or learn some Spanish and Italian (especially since I've heard both of those are easier to pick up). I was able to go to Italy for the first time ever in September last year, and I was soooo into just trying to speak the language via my handy dandy english-italian phrase book hehe! ("Il canto por favor" = "the bill, please" :D ) I looked into maybe getting some software that helps teach it a couple months back (Rosetta Stone I think it was called) but think I actually need somebody to correct me when my pronunciation is off and all that - plus it's just more fun I think when you're working with actual people!

    What's the one thing you most look forward to summer for?
  19. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    chilling out with my home friends without have to think about doing uni work. it's weird, home friends are different to uni friends, because i spend a lot more daytimes with them, and we drink a LOT of tea. but THIS summer i'm also looking forward to my birthday, graduation and a little event happening on july 28th...

    again, sweet question so i'll pass it on!
  20. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    well, considering I skip out of uni a week early to go to a small place called Walt Disney World in Florida (it's quite famous. Maybe you've heard of it? :p), I would say I am most looking forward to going on all my favourite rides again, seeing some of my favourite places, and then at the end going on a lovely trip round Canada :)
    Oh, and making lots of friends, and meeting LOTS and LOTS of the people from here (CRPs beware...... ;))

    Hmm, good question.
    I think I might just..... PASS IT ON!!!

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