Getting to know you :)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Karritada, Mar 1, 2009.

  1. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Celebrate you! OMG love that song and Go the Distance, thats my song!
    I dont wanna miss a thing by Aerosmith aswell.

    Oh kay, i think its time to change the question. If you could have any type of dog what would it be?
  2. Dan7

    Dan7 New Member

    Always said I wanted a Dalmation - how typical Disney lol. They're real playful, you hardly ever see them and people are always like ooooo a dalmatian!

    Same question :)
  3. sinthesparky

    sinthesparky Member

    I've already got the dog I want. A tiny Pomeranian. Casper:

    None of us will get out of it alive, so how would you want to leave this world? (It might've been asked before, in which case I'm sorry)
  4. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Your dog is lovely!

    I want to leave through the front door...haha...well to perfectly honest i would like to just sleep away.

    Ill pass it on.
  5. Cicada

    Cicada New Member

    I want to answer this! I want an Airedale ( if you don't know what they look like. I love their temperment and their looks. If I can't get one then I like any dog that looks like an old man :) (beard and all)

    I'd also like to die in my sleep, with no pain leading up to it.

    What is your ideal time to go to bed and wake up every day?
  6. kate003

    kate003 New Member

    my ideal times? probably bed around 1130 and wake up around 10 but don't get out of bed until 1030ish. i love the halfwake-ness in the morning when you don't have anything you have to do. My realistic times are a lot different. lol.

    Im going to pass this quesiton on:)
  7. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    haha my IDEAL time to go to bed and wake up tend to be a fair bit different from what actually happens! :D I actually prefer being an early riser to make the most of the day and what not, but sometimes I just can't get out of that school habit of staying awake until late... so my "early" wake up time seems to suffer by default! Usually I'm in bed around 1, and then I read for a bit... and up by 9 or 9:30 (on a good day lol). Tryin' to get better though!! If only I could train my hand to *not* turn the alarm clock off... ::)

    What smell do you love the most? I know, sounds random, but could be anything from freshly cut grass to brewing coffee... to you name it!
  8. forloveofmusic

    forloveofmusic New Member

    lol I wanna answer the time thing... for the last few months nearly every day I've gone to bed between 2 am and like 4 am, and gotten out of bed at the earliest 10, but more often around 11 - 1130. Ahh the wonderfulness of having no life at all lmao

    I'm pretty sure I answered the smell question a few posts ago, and I said the air in Florida. Coffee's a good one too. And Betsey Johnson perfume ;D

    Pass it on.
  9. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    i have this smell i refer to as 'the center parcs smell', as basically when you get up in that place in the morning the air is so fresh and it smells just lush! you can get it other places too early in the morning and that...

    ummm favourite new artist or album of 2009?
  10. hen87hels

    hen87hels New Member

    Haha center parcs smell I like it!

    Um my fave is probably Lady Gaga! But it is only March so another could come along! I do love Snow Patrol's new album, which I got this year, but it came out last year haha!

    And if Justin Timberlake gets his arse in gear and does a whole album of his own instead of guesting on other people's I think that will be my favourite of the year. His last album is probably my favourite album ever! I have listened to it so many times but me? Bored? Noooo! Its amazing!

    And I like the smell question so I'm gonna answer it... White musk, my mum's perfume (it changes, so whatever she's wearing), my perfume (Calvin Klein Euphoria... although I also have Vera Wang Princess but I've decided its a bit too sickly), marc jacobs daisy (which will hopefully be my perfume soon!), baking cakes/bread, roast dinner, fresh cut grass, summer (like the baked ground smell, the bbq's etc), the seaside, the wafts you get from chip shops, the smell of my house, fabric softener, the smell that comes out of air vents at laundrettes and looooooads more!

    Ummm your favourite beach related activity lol
  11. Karritada

    Karritada New Member

    either sunbathing or snorkling i love looking at the wee fishes. altho i really wanna try body boarding/surfing.

    which disney character do you think relate to most (and why)?
  12. kate003

    kate003 New Member

    at the beach: surfing! definately! and suntanning and boogyboarding.

    as for the character question: that's tough. i've never really had the issues the princesses have, i want to say goofy because i'm klutzy (and tallish!) but i'm not really as bad as he is with a lot of things haha. i don't drive with my feet or sleepwalk at the top of sky scrappers. when i took the test in the animation building at dca it said i was tinkerbell because i'm mischevious...

    this question could probably be a whole topic! everyone else answer it too:)
  13. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    i really can't think, there are WAY too many characters. however, simba's pretty awesome, with his youthful exuberance and immaturity (like me!) and then he grows up (boo!).

    next person can answer that if they wish, or if they're stumped, which is your favourite non-disney park in florida?

    p.s. kate! your countdown says ONE DAY!!! until you go! good luck!
  14. Karritada

    Karritada New Member

    im gonna answer this question and then pass it on again, i find it really tough to do (they asked this at the interview for the disney store)

    i went for belle, because she likes to read and tries to help folk all the time (even though it sometimes gets her into trouble)
  15. sarah_1254

    sarah_1254 New Member

    Dory as i'm always forgetting things (plus i love the ocean and everything in it and surely fish do too!)

    For MattSource5's question I would have to say SeaWorld (see above :))

    What's your fave disney memory and why??
  16. Dan7

    Dan7 New Member

    Just going through that WDW arch every time I arrive :) its like aah I'm home :)

    Ill pass that one on
  17. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    My favourite disney moment...
    Well.. i used to always always always love just getting on the car park monorail...

    but alas..
    would have to be the first time i rode tower of terror... i thought it was amazinggg!! and just wanted to go back on it!

    Also probably the first time i saw Wishes too! :)

    Im gonna pass this one on!
  18. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Probably going to Fantasmic for the first time and Beauty and the Beast show, i loved them both and miss them dearly.

    And the first time i saw Cinderellas castle from across the lake, that was one of the most amazing moments of my life, i will never forget it.

    Whats your favourite thing to do when you have nothing to do for the rest of the night?
  19. kate003

    kate003 New Member

    my favourite disney memory is probably when i was going back to Disneyland, sitting in the shuttle holding my mum's hand i started to tear up because i couldn't believe it was actaully real and i was actually going.
    Although getting my acceptance phone call is pretty high up there. I started crying then too..this post is making me look like a bawler. haha.

    My favourite thing to do when i have nothing to do for the rest of the night is put on comfy clothes and if i'm energetic dancing around to my ipod and if i'm sleepy just reading a book or watching a movie or talking to friends in bed:)

    How old were you the first time you visited Disneyworld?

    (Thanks Matt! I can't believe it!!! tomorrow:) )
  20. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    Aww I love Disney memories - each and every single one is precious! Especially the sight of that castle! *sigh* :)

    Whoops, Kate beat me to the punch on Leom's question... here's my answer anyways hehe

    As for Leom's question, I just love getting into some comfy pajamas, making some tea (or hot chocolate... with marshmallows!), and wrapping myself up in a fuzzy blanket and either read a good book, sketch a little, or watch a good movie. Just a nice way to end the day! Especially if it's during the winter (staying warm is key!). Or of course, have a little chat with some friends and/or get up to some randomness is always enjoyed! Depends on the mood I guess! If I'm mellow I'll read/sketch/watch a movie. If I need to burn some energy, then I'll look for some sort of random activity... like dancing like an utter fool to random music :D

    Now to the CURRENT question! hehe

    *Apparently* I was something like 6 months old when I first went to Disney World... clearly my memory of this is little to none :D But we've gone back pretty much every year ever since! My mum tells me that as soon as I turned 2, I really started to take everything in and would not stay in the stroller. I would literally run around the park until closing time, and then I'd completely pass out in my Dad's arms - and he'd have to carry me back allllll the way to our car in the parking lot :D Can't say my enthusiasm about the place has wavered at all since then (probably grown more!)... at least now I'm able to carry myself to bed on my own two feet haha

    What's your favourite experience that you've ever had with a character?

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