Getting to know you :)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Karritada, Mar 1, 2009.

  1. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    80 days today - tho must say with all these programes being cancelled
    im pretty nervous about it :(

    If you could work anywere in the world (not disney) where would it be?
  2. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    I wouldn't mind having that "best job in the world" that's being advertised for Australia!

    Get paid to hang out on a beach all day, find fun things for tourists to do, and write a blog? Sign me up!! Plus you'd be amongst the Great Barrier Reef, I can only imagine what amazing things you'd see while scuba diving (which I so want to learn to do!) or snorkeling! I'd get a zip line installed, sleep in a hammock, and I'd definitely make friends with a dolphin and call him Flipper! Or Bob. Or maybe I'd call him Dog, just to be confusing ::) But yeah, I'm such a beach girl, I'd love that kind of job.

    What's one place in the world you'd love to travel to and really explore? (not including Disney hehe)
  3. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    There's a guy from Guelph going for that job!!! He made like a musical downtown Guelph and apparently he's got an insane number of votes!!! That would be one of the best jobs in the world!!
  4. forloveofmusic

    forloveofmusic New Member

    Sooooo manyyy.

    The first one that came to mind was Costa Rica. With the volcanoes, rainforests, wildlife that can only be found in that part of the world... it's like a paradise. Except I've heard so many horror stories about locals mugging and even torturing tourists, so take them away first lol.

    Also: EGYPTTTTTT, Scandinavia in its entirety (been to one country there so far...) and Japan. Oh and Kenya!

    Same question, it's a good one. EXCEPT add something from that country you'd definitely want to see/experience. For example, fjords of Norway, Niagara Falls in Canada, pyramids in Egypt/Mexico, safari in Kenya... God this world is awesome (Except for the war bits) *cue the Discovery Channel song* (or... hehe... )
  5. Cicada

    Cicada New Member

    I think one of the places I would really like to explore is Italy. Mainly Pisa and Venice. I'd also like to do a zip line through the rain forest (if they do that) and most definetly explore NYC off the beaten track.

    I just voted for him earlier today. His video was really good, It kept my attention and got his point across. Some of the others are really boring. Currently he is 2nd and some girl from Tiwan is WAY ahead of him.

    I will pass on the same question again
  6. hen87hels

    hen87hels New Member

    I wouldn't worry Michelle, cos the whole point of that part of Epcot is they have people from the countries representing their culture. They need foreign people for that bit, and they also need non-perm as perms would cost more (cos they'd have pay rises etc. after time and I guess their visa process is a lot more work if they were perm) So there's not really gonna be a time when they don't need people for the CRP unless they get rid of the World Showcase!!
  7. ginabella

    ginabella New Member

    NYC. i want to live there too.

    okay lets have a new question....

    if you could be the lead in any film (already made) what would it be and why?!
  8. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    is it wrong to say high school musical? actually it is, because effers doesn't end up with the tis, sad times! maybe her film 'picture this' or any of those types. but i guess it'd also be cool to be in the more epic ones like shawshank.
    oooooh or harry potter!!!!!

    really good question, so i'll pass it on :)
  9. ginabella

    ginabella New Member

    doesnt Zeik (spelling?!) end up with the tis in the first one?!

    ooo matt, did yu like her before or after the nose job?!
  10. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    i reckon she's pretty good either way, but there are major flaws with both looks, e.g.:
    - HSM1 - sometimes they didn't make her hair fit well her old nose
    - nowadays - she REALLY shouldn't pout

    not that i'm too fussy.
    but yes, she does like zeke, but possibly only for his cooking...she's just using him ;)
  11. ginabella

    ginabella New Member

    do you really mind though?!
  12. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Personally i dont mind, she is still gorgeous.

    Id want to be Legolas in Lord of the Rings, Link in Hairspray and Troy in HSM. hehe.

    Im assuming were waiting for matts reply for the last quesition so ill keep that up.
  13. Janey

    Janey New Member

    Ooh!! I'd love, love, love to be Scarlett O'Hara in Gone with the Wind or Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany's. <3

    And, like Leom, waiting Matt's answer. :D
  14. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    i don't think i have anything to answer
    i answered gina's question (effers) and then re-asked it...and no one's asked one since!

    oh or do you mean the do i really mind thing? haha, these questions have gone from complex to so simple i haven't noticed they're questions anymore! my answer is kinda. i don't like users. however, i DO like the tis.

    the oc or one tree hill?
  15. forloveofmusic

    forloveofmusic New Member

    I haven't watched any of those "high school" primetime soaps since the original 90210 with Brandon Walsh and the sexy sexy sexy Dylan McKay ;) Unless you count Friday Night Lights as one of those, but it's not really like those other ones....

    Heavy metal: awesome or just scary? (And if you like it or some of it then give an example of your faves)
    For the record I am a metalhead ;D Children of Bodom, In Flames, Bullet For My Valentine.........
  16. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    The OC Season 1 kicked everyone's ass... but One Tree Hill is so good too and it's still on and semi interesting... hard choice! I don't know...

    I'm not really a metal person... i'm sorry! I would have to go with scary if I had to choose. It's just not really my cup of tea!

    If you could pick one song to be the themesong for your life, what would it be and why??
  17. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    hmmm - that's a hard one shayna!!
    Probably Another Shipwreck by Status Quo (try and find it - I dare you!!)
    Just because whenever I've been down or needed a good song - it's always been there :)

    Although I tend to see my life as a small movie, and think about what songs I would put onto it..... ::)

    Same question cos I'm lazy! :p
  18. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    That is a good question Shay, though a bit of a tricky one for sure! I tend to listen to different songs for different moods, and even just a random phrase or word that may pop up in a conversation will trigger a song in my head! Besides, life is a little different every day, every hour, etc, etc, so like music - it's constantly changing and evolving! (deep, eh? lol) Ah if only life were a musical! It's really hard for me to pick a song though! I'm literally just scanning through my iTunes... within which I presently have 39.2 days worth of music... ::) I'm a little obsessed, what can I say? haha

    Gah this is tough, like floating around in my head right now are options from ABBA to Kate Voegele to Jimmy Buffett to... well, you name it! But I think knowing me I should prob stick to the Disney realm of things since I suspect that's something a lot of my friends and family would pick for me! So since I'm a wisher and a dreamer of epic proportions, could go with "When You Wish Upon a Star" or "A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes". OR could just stick with the music that gets me every time which is the music from Wishes! That kinda covers the whole realm of things from keeping that young-at-heart mentality to dreaming the impossible dream!

    Otherwise I could probably just make up a huuuuuuge track listing of the random songs I listen to all the time lol I need to get a new iPod, I so miss it!

    I'll throw this question on one more time since it's a really interesting one!
  19. hen87hels

    hen87hels New Member

    It's My Life by Bon Jovi! And not just because its literal haha! I think its a really good message, a really good way to live your life. Also Who Wants To Live Forever by Queen. And of course, Chico Time.

    Pass on!
  20. Dan7

    Dan7 New Member

    Just to answer the WDW date question, its a great one!

    I think Hollywood Studios would be perfect for a date!

    You could do some easy stuff first like the animation studios, motor show, so you get used to eachothers company with no awkward silences. Maybe grab a turkey leg for lunch (yeah they're a tad messy to eat but if a girl cared about something silly like that we wouldn't be on a date in the first place)

    Do some shows, Beauty and the Beast etc, to let the food settle. Then hit the rides! Also at one point gotta hit up Pizza Planet and play on the games. Go probably Brown Derby for dinner, then walk from the Studios over to Fantasia Golf, its pretty close. Then if it goes well, relax on the hammocks on the little beach outside the Boardwalk near the Swan/Dolphin. Nice :)

    Pass on current question I don't watch either, sorry

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